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Barry George


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When cops get lazy and/or are pressured to make arrests by the mass hysteria of the public/press it's always a miscarriage of justice in the making. There was no way this guy was ever guilty of anything more than being a lonely fantasist. He could barely hold a coherant conversation and dress himself never mind murder someone in broad daylight without leaving any traces behind. I remember following the trial at the time and it was unbelievable that they managed to get a conviction based on the flimsy and circumstantial evidence the police put forward. Good luck to ya Barry - hope you get some decent compensation for your troubles.

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They still found particles of gun discharge on his person which matched the gun used in the killing - the Times reported that today - however under new laws this was deemed inadmissable because it was only 1/2000th of an inch and was therefore too small to be regarded as conculsive.


The guy's still a fucking fruit loop. Lets see what willingness there is to re-open the investigation?




One of the crucial pieces of evidence heard in the first trial was disallowed for this seven-week retrial. A minute trace of gunshot residue apparently found in Mr George's pocket was not considered reliable enough to be presented to the jury.


The judge, Mr Justice Griffith Williams, was told that the speck, although of the same type as found on the victim, could have come from other sources.

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When cops get lazy and/or are pressured to make arrests by the mass hysteria of the public/press it's always a miscarriage of justice in the making. There was no way this guy was ever guilty of anything more than being a lonely fantasist. He could barely hold a coherant conversation and dress himself never mind murder someone in broad daylight without leaving any traces behind. I remember following the trial at the time and it was unbelievable that they managed to get a conviction based on the flimsy and circumstantial evidence the police put forward. Good luck to ya Barry - hope you get some decent compensation for your troubles.


and you make your judgement on the basis of impartial evidence? I know nothing about the case and if there has been a miscarriage of justice then it is truly unfortunate but I suspect that there is a lot of information/evidence that remains outside of the public realm.

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They still found particles of gun discharge on his person which matched the gun used in the killing - the Times reported that today - however under new laws this was deemed inadmissable because it was only 1/2000th of an inch and was therefore too small to be regarded as conculsive.

The reality of this though, is that it is the equivalent of someone breathing fag smoke on you, or farting in your general direction when they were busy committing the crime - and you got nabbed for it. Each of us have the residue of around 5,000 vehicles on our clothes, if we really want to look deep enough.

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They still found particles of gun discharge on his person which matched the gun used in the killing - the Times reported that today - however under new laws this was deemed inadmissable because it was only 1/2000th of an inch and was therefore too small to be regarded as conculsive.

The reality of this though, is that it is the equivalent of someone breathing fag smoke on you, or farting in your general direction when they were busy committing the crime - and you got nabbed for it. Each of us have the residue of around 5,000 vehicles on our clothes, if we really want to look deep enough.


The Times may have reported that and although they did find a single particle of gun discharge there was no way of matching it to the gun - mainly because a gun was never found. The fact that a single microscopic particle of residue was found in a coat pocket and nowhere else on the coat or on any of his other clothes, his hands or his hair doesn't really stand up. The chemical fingerprint of gunshot residue is almost impossible to match conclusively and it could not be matched 100% to any residue at the scene in any case. And yet this was the main body of evidence put forward by the police to convict him. While some might think he was an odd-ball and a fruit loop the fact of the matter is that he is a man of limited intelligence (IQ of 75) who suffers from mental illness and epilepsy.

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I have always thought he was innocent.And to take the piss a commander from the met reads a statement outside the court saying how disapointed he was with the juries verdict.I guess he has to say that but he should be more disapointed with the original task force involved in the investigation.No doubt there will be a flurry of senior officers now on sick leave and early retirement.

It shows if the police and media in england have you in their sights your lucky if you escape.

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He did seem like the perfect scape goat and although he seems nuttier than squirrel shit he is not the sharpest tool in the box. Someone who carried out this "hitman" style killing would have had to have been smart or at least well practiced in the art of evidence disposal, that just my view anyway.


If you fire a weapon then you are litterally covered in the flash powder and this can be traced in clothes for up to around 6 washes, it can survive through washing of the hands and trace elements would be under the fingernails for a while. There is loads of other stuff to think about but in my view this bloke was made to fit the profile.

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Sion Jenkins was on Newsnight talking about it tonight. Hopefully we'll get OJ Simpson's view tomorrow.


When my brother in law started his Law degree at Uni one of the first questions that one of his lecturers asked was


'Hands up who thinks OJ will be found guilty at his trial?'


A couple of people put their hands up, second question was


'Who thinks he is guilty?'


Everyone put their hands up.






As to this fruitloop? You don't just pick up gunpowder residue anywhere.

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No way at all the police would ever plant stuff so we can dissmis that theory.


I oft wondered with Mrs Fred West, guilty of murder?


No forensic

No witnesses

No confession

Guy who did confess stated she was not involved


Guilty by must have done it.

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The Daily Mail is a hoot today documenting his fantasy life




He even previously went by the name of Steve Majors (a mix of Lee Majors and Steve Austin: aka the six million dollar man) and jumped 4 double deckers on roller skates in the "Steve Majors stuntman" period of his life.


A complete fucking crackpot.

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