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Barry George


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How was Barry George 'fitted up' by the police? He was taken to court without much hard evidence - not with made up evidence.


The people who took him to court were / are convinced they got the right man (& they'll be privy to a lot that we don't know), knew they wouldn't get any more evidence, so took a chance and went to court anyway. Poor decision, but not a 'fit-up'.


Of course the jury are instructed to only look at the evidence, but they don't always, which is why he was found guilty.

Very nicely put.


Cops / CPS etc are human and as such are fallible and will get it wrong now and again. Bad luck on those caught up in bad decisions but that's Planet Earth for you.

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How was Barry George 'fitted up' by the police? He was taken to court without much hard evidence - not with made up evidence.


The people who took him to court were / are convinced they got the right man (& they'll be privy to a lot that we don't know), knew they wouldn't get any more evidence, so took a chance and went to court anyway. Poor decision, but not a 'fit-up'.


Of course the jury are instructed to only look at the evidence, but they don't always, which is why he was found guilty.

Very nicely put.


Cops / CPS etc are human and as such are fallible and will get it wrong now and again. Bad luck on those caught up in bad decisions but that's Planet Earth for you.

I'm sure the family of Jean Charles DeMenezes are heartened by that thought.

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Cops / CPS etc are human and as such are fallible and will get it wrong now and again. Bad luck on those caught up in bad decisions but that's Planet Earth for you.

I'm sure the family of Jean Charles DeMenezes are heartened by that thought.

Because of the truth in the statement the family of Jean Charles DeMenezes failed in their compo claim.


Still, if you don't like it you can always inhabit another planet, in fact, I'm quite sure that a lot who post on here already do....

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Be easier if the killers and jailers of innocents and their apologists moved to said planet, they could happily kill each other and no one would mind cool!


I might be more concerned if Barry George wasn't an effin' nutjob who should have been put away for everyone's protection years before. The words 'ticking' and 'timebomb' seem curiously apposite.

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It is hard to have sympathy with such a nonce i agree but hey, look at the guy running formula 1---nowt as queer as folk and if we banged up all the odd tw@s "just in case" we would hardly be the types that could export humane and democratic values around the world :rolleyes:

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It is hard to have sympathy with such a nonce i agree but hey, look at the guy running formula 1---nowt as queer as folk and if we banged up all the odd tw@s "just in case" we would hardly be the types that could export humane and democratic values around the world :rolleyes:


Yes but the only law the formula 1 boss broke was the law of good taste. Barry George should have been put away long before Jill Dando was murdered for sexual assault and intimidation. And, despite the paucity of evidence, it still wouldn't surprise me if he was responsible for her death.


He shouldn't get a fucking penny in compensation either.

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