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H & S V Seagulls


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Jesus, you people need to get a life. Is this all you have to talk about?

This has been happening for decades - it's the people that have become soft and not the gulls becoming more aggressive.

You're like spoiled children.


The gulls have wised up, they know it is easier to nick from those of us on the sea fronts than try to beat the gypys to the tips.

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A couple of Corncrakes went for my ankles the other day as I went for my daily constitutional. Perhaps there is something to all these bird attacks - there again I did notice I had eggy shoes when I got back home.


A poor effort Albert, surely you can come up with a better wind-up than that? Corncrakes don't breed on the Isle of Man.

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That seaside cafe opposite Peel Sailing Club now serves up food in styrofoam cartons because of the seagulls nicking food. At Port Erin, the Nook Cafe warn they will not be held responsible for food stolen by seagulls.


The authorities in Douglas dealt with the seagull problem by digging up tons of seaweed and sand and dumping it a little way offshore so that the annoying gulls can congregate on them. Not a good solution. When I was staying in Douglas the winged buggers would start squawking at 3am in the morning. I'd support a Manx gull cull.

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If we go to the cliffs and invade the gulls teritory they are entitled to object.


When they invade our teritory and attack us then we are entitled to object.


I'm sorry but that's just silly. It's not 'our territory' and at any rate, animals don't make distinctions between our stamping ground and theirs.

I do not believe for one second that people are being 'attacked' by gulls; the birds are simply trying to get at the food people are either carrying or eating. This is what they do. They have evolved to survive.


Nor do I think they are getting more 'aggressive.' This, again, is people projecting human behaviour onto animals. Gulls are scavengers and with more people eating more crap and chucking more crap away, they're going to do more scavenging. As with so many of these so-called menaces, it's people who are at the heart of the matter.


I've lived by the sea on the IOM my entire life and not once been attacked/molested/roughed up/mutilated by a herring gull.


Personally, I find people who park on double yellows in Peel just so they can sit cocooned in their cars on their fat arses eating their ice cream much more of a hazard and a nuisance.

Nope you are dead wrong, its not about food its about nests, they nest on rooftops [ 40 plus in our general area] around us and we have them at us as we go for our cars. Because you have not experienced it dont mean it doesnt happen, i will happily introduce you to people who have been attacked, myself included. This is Somerset Road/York road im on about--nowhere near the sea. We have been trying to resolve this problem for 4 years now and no legal means is open to us, Govt wont act, Douglas Corp wont act---up till now anyway.

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We cannot wait until someone has their eye taken out.'


I can't wait for that to happen either. It'll be ace.


Too true. Maybe next year instead of the Peel Bay fesitival they could sell tickets to Seagull Gladiators and we could watch all that eye pecking and arm breaking. Ace indeed.

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The humble gull is a velly glaceful member of the Laridae family




to learn the rays of the gull go down to Douglas Beach and stand on wron of the posts of the gloynes with wron leg only and with arms out like the seagull.


Then tomollow you will be wriser



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Laser pointers are getting more powerful & cheaper all the time now.


Hopefully in a year or two you'll be able to get one that can perform the trick of making a seagull go 'woof' from 20-30 yards away....

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Laser pointers are getting more powerful & cheaper all the time now.


Hopefully in a year or two you'll be able to get one that can perform the trick of making a seagull go 'woof' from 20-30 yards away....


Make it do an impression of a dog? :huh:

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Laser pointers are getting more powerful & cheaper all the time now.


Hopefully in a year or two you'll be able to get one that can perform the trick of making a seagull go 'woof' from 20-30 yards away....


Make it do an impression of a dog? :huh:

I once had a dog you could make into an metal worker, kick it in the balls and it made a bolt for the door.

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Laser pointers are getting more powerful & cheaper all the time now.


Hopefully in a year or two you'll be able to get one that can perform the trick of making a seagull go 'woof' from 20-30 yards away....

Do you have von in de 40watt range [name dat film]

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