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Kerb Kickers Curbed On North Quay

Stu Peters

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Nine months after being delivered to the site (hardly 'just in time' supply then), someone realises that a vital piece of the jigsaw is missing:




Sounds like site security isn't what it once was.


Anyway, what were YOU doing between November and July? Did you see anyone acting suspiciously in the environs of the quayside? Have any of your neighbours got a new unexplained granite feature? Who ordered material 9 months before it was needed? Who is responsible for ensuring that publicly owned granite doesn't suffer 'evaporation'? How much will this further delay this interminable project?


We deserve to know.




Pictured: Granite kerbstone, possibly similar to that 'gone missing'.

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Sounds like yet another excuse for why the work on North Quay has been going on for years and years, and still can't be finished.


How long does it take to put down a few stones?


Why did it have to be granite? Isn't that rather expensive? Is it locally sourced? If not, why not? Couldn't concrete do?, or fancy slabs made up of recycled glass?


If they weren't going to use the slabs for months and months, why were they abandoned in a public area?


As with everything that involves roadworks on this Island, there are more questions than answers.

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Was the DoT doing the work itself or was it sub-contracted?


The kerbs nicked don't seem to be the same as pictured as the missing ones measured 6 inches by 2 and, I would have thought, would make a much nicer edging for someone's patio, drive or flower bed. I doubt that a whole pallet would have been taken in one hit, possibly removed bit by bit?

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I'd be interested to know the cost of a pallet of natural granite kerbing. Ignoring the cost you'd have thought it would have taken less than 9 months to notice that they'd been nicked - particularly as you'd likely need a hiab and a decent sized flat bed to lift it and make off with the stuff.


Its a government contract though .. so who cares lets just order some more at whatever the cost is and hold the job up for another few months. Its only tourist season so who cares if the quay still looks a mess.

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The site is hardly secure - where they are working now (bus station end) here is a padlocked gate at the entrance at the round about, which is connected to some fencing, which then changes to 1.4m barriers, which is then open at the other end...


And it's the DOT themselves that are doing the work, hence the 10am start, 12-2 lunch and 3.30 finish...


The whole scheme has been badly planned - they didn't have the balls to make the whole of the quay pedestrianised so it's all on the same level. Cars now park on the pavement but because it isn't raised you can't say that it's a pavement and there are no signs or barriers to indicate that it is. So, if you park in the 'parking' areas which are signed for loading only, you can get a ticket from the DOT traffic wardens. If you park on the other side, they can't do anything (yet). Our office has complained nearly every day about people parking on the pavements right outside our offices and that was what we've been told.


The also don't want to install posts along the pavement side as it 'would ruin the aesthetics of the scheme'... but apparently cars parked on the pavement doesn't.....


go figure.....

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They would look lovely surrounding a Victorian lighting column, like those from the Queens Pier that are currently being 'stored' in various locations around the island.



There are loads of bits of the Queens pier being "stored" in the old quarry at the end of Port Erin prom as it's obviously the closest convenient place!

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