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Nu-rave, Breakz, Dnb, Old Skool, Garage............


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I don't mean to sound negative but trying to educate manx people in any way shape or form on the music scene is pretty much pointless. You might as well flog a dead horse. And whats the point in that?




I've known people on this scene for yrs, been part of it in stints myself. I've probably not tried hard enough to push my own sound (techno/tech house/minimal/house/experimental) but whats the point when a handful of friends turn up to events and thats it?


God I'm negative aren't I. Its hard to be positive when these things are almost impossible to achieve.


The Life nights at the Villa Marina a few yrs back we're probably the most entertaining nights that have been held on the island. Big name Dj's, quality audio/visuals/themes and decent music.


Nothing to my knowledge has ever eclipsed any of these events.


But then, these events ended up going down the pan. There has never been a level of consistency on the Island when it comes to dance music because people here don't understand it.


With the big phase of bands and the rise again of the guitar, people are giving up on the scene and with the mentality of people here anyway, its harder than ever to get anything going of any substance or quality that people can enjoy and relate to.


People try their best. Not to name names, but people do try and its starts off well. Then gradually it all breaks down and everyone forgets again.


You see the same faces at these events that you've seen over the years. There is no new blood. No new faces. Just people you remember getting hammered with years ago. Good times, but we need NEW good times! New memories.


How do we achieve this people? Just how do we revive the scene? Is it possible?


If I played my style of music in paramount, I'd clear the dancefloor.


If I played it in the main room of Fabric in London, I'd have the place rocking!


What does that say about the scene in the Isle of Man then?


Its a well known fact that the Island has always struggled in the promotion of its underground scene with the exception of the early 90' n 00's n we all know why that was don't we ravers!!! ;)




Bang on there, couldn't agree more with everything you've said, i myself have been flogging the dead horse for a while now, there are about 50/100 people that like it and come weekly, but the Villa's, 1000+, amazing nights, and yes, we travelled in the same battered circles, best days ever them mate.

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Oo, I seem to have gatecrashed a meeting of DJs Anonymous. (funny really, if there's one thing a mastermix monkey fears it's anonymity, lol,lol...... ; )). Can't you do this in VIPs?? ; ))


Due to dark forces conspiring against me (or just never being offered) I am not invited/forbidden from the VIP DJ area Keyboarder, but im not into hush hush stuff, probably comparing penis sizes etc lol.

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Due to dark forces conspiring against me (or just never being offered) I am not invited/forbidden from the VIP DJ area Keyboarder, but im not into hush hush stuff, probably comparing penis sizes etc lol.


Oh well never mind. VIP areas are invariably full of people who aren't actually important at all in my experience. But seeing as you agree with all of FattyWho?'s self pitying claptrap might I just suggest that the true artist cares little for popularity. I can't really see what you're moaning about. And do stop harping on about the Villa, you're seriously damaging your cred, lol,lol........... ; ))

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Fatty lovely, thats so a stupid thing to say, how can you judge ALL the Manx people on the few you know? That is also a bit rich seeing as half the people you knock about with are either Scottish, Irish or English. I would love to support dance nights but although it was great going raving when I was 20 odd, I feel a little out of place now at rave nights, the whole idea of it sends me funny. Its somewhat accepted for us elders to dance at festivals and gigs but clubs are for the kids (too right they should be too). Perhaps it is the DJs who are flogging the dead horse trying to have nights like we did in 1990, it isnt ever going to happen. Some DJs dont even care about the sound quality they produce, how is that for fucked up ego?

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I Think you are being negative, im just back from Willstock and we managed to get a gazebo together and a sound system and played from 9pm - 8am on Sunday morning....a success, considering we had force 7 gails and thunderous rain.


There was a mxture of people who all appreciated what was being played, from Hip Hop to Funk to D&b, and with a selecetion of the Islands Dj's on hand to help things along.


Without vision, without risks, without puttin your neck on the line, this Island would be a quiet place, Well done to Ramsey for keeping at the scene and changing with the scene, so while Douglas takes a small dip in the underground music community, do you think im gonna just sit on my ass?


So when someone new comes along and wants to put nights on, dont fill them with tales of woe of how island life is, give them encouragement.


Then see what happens.....

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I Think you are being negative, im just back from Willstock and we managed to get a gazebo together and a sound system and played from 9pm - 8am on Sunday morning....a success, considering we had force 7 gails and thunderous rain.


There was a mxture of people who all appreciated what was being played, from Hip Hop to Funk to D&b, and with a selecetion of the Islands Dj's on hand to help things along.


Without vision, without risks, without puttin your neck on the line, this Island would be a quiet place, Well done to Ramsey for keeping at the scene and changing with the scene, so while Douglas takes a small dip in the underground music community, do you think im gonna just sit on my ass?


So when someone new comes along and wants to put nights on, dont fill them with tales of woe of how island life is, give them encouragement.


Then see what happens.....


was a great nite, a bit on the muddy side but the tent was rockin'! Big props to all involved :D

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Oh and Mo, You have sent your Dj Mix to 'Fabric'......haven't you?


But Mo isn't moaning. FattyWho is. And Fabric is full of tourists who know little of where the proper nights are........... ; ))

FattyWho is Mo. but not mo beats.

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Yeah yeah yeah.


I went to Fabric because I wanted to watch the best Dj's in the world. I've only been twice but they were memorable moments. Dave Clarke 1st time round and Richie Hawtin 2nd. 2 of the heavy hitters on the Dj scene.


I'm not going to get in a slaggin match btw John Longstaff, jus my account of the way I see things. And from where I'm sat, Douglas has had more than a DIP!


Where are the Fresh nights? Where are the HFL's? You recently had a night, (Social Security) that was weekly if my memory serves me correctly?


and I qoute...


"After looking at our weekly events @ Amber, we feel its time to knock it on the head, because its hard to keep a weekly event over here going (without it becoming stale) The chesterhouse (Amber) is also cutting back on its opening times, which doesn't really help either!


We WILL however be back soon, very soon in fact (details to come), We would like to thank all the people who have supported us over the last YEAR (a long time in the manx clubbing scene) and especially would like to thank all the DJ's who have brought their own sound, be that Techno or House to Drum & Bass to the floor for you to hear." Dr Fish 23 june 2008


Say what? I rest my case. If I ever had one? Did I?


I only apologise that I didn't make it down to these events btw. Shame on me for not supporting. I was doing my radio shows at this time so trying to create my own little empire which funnily enough, has also taken a plunge!


New sounds? New talent? Its few and far between when you think about it. Whats in the charts? All these bands with their bloody guitars! Look at the kids on the streets. The lads look like right idiots with their dyed pink hair and spary on jeans.


This phase of youth culture does not include Dance/Electronic music so much in my opinion. Its gonna be a long wait till our style prevails once more.


Clubs are shutting down all over the UK. Turnmill in london closed down only recently. Maybe its the smoking ban? I don't know?


I'm never gonna give up the ghost! But it is hard to be positive in these times of fanny boys and their guitars!


Whoever wants to put a night on do it. Look to the forums for promotion and support.


You WILL get it...


Off some of us! ;)

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Im proud to of been involved in some of the nights over here be that The Academy to the Social security nights. It's been 16 years since i started and i have no intention on giving up, just because we dont have a 500+ crowd.


We asked you to come and play at Amber at one of our Social Security nights last year., to which you did and we were very greatful, until you started slagging the venue off, which to me was an insult as we were trying to build something up over the last year.


Looking back now at your comment, i can see this as a frustration you must of had, but this is a frustration we all have on this Island, but we just get on with it.


As Last Saturdays shindig finally stopped, the generator is now in motion to get ready for the next one.


Im not here for a slanging match, im here to try and enjoy what IS left of this scene, as the music changes, so do we.

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I don't really know what the problem is tbh. I've heard a few stories concerning the north of the island (which I'm not prepared to discuss on here) but clearly something is wrong. You can't even blame it on the Playstation generation as there is a local net radio prescence so even if people can't be arsed going out, they've got a choice of music available to them online, pretty much 24/7.


The one thing I did note from first hand experience was a night at Nightlife back in March. It was a Friday night, the weekend the smoking ban was due to come in (a night you would expect to be rammed in all honesty). Degsy was in attendance as per usual, as was Paul Hughes and Ray Marshall (who was over for the MF bash at Amber the following night). The place was utterly dead! Now beforehand, we'd been to several pubs in Ramsey and it was equally dead. Things may have improved pubwise later on (we did get into Nightlife when it opened (purely for Ray to get familiar with the setup there).


Anyway, one of the people that was in that night was a young man that once worked for me on Saturdays a few years ago. We often talked about music and I told him about the tunes and the times I had when I was his age (his current age). Due to the nature of the night, Ray was somewhat restricted on what he could play and house was pretty much what he put out, most of the tunes were the same floor fillers I enjoyed as a young man and it was great to see the lad that once worked for me (and his mates) really getting into the music. Despite the place being empty, this group of 5 or 6 guys danced their socks off and made the effort to thank Ray for the tunes at the end of the night.


The question is, where was everyone else? At that age, you really couldn't keep me in, I was out pretty much every night and it was a great decade of my life.


I don't have either the stamina or the money to 'club it' like that these days and I really do feel for those that are at the age where they could be doing it but I worry more that it's not a case of nowhere to go but seemingly a lack of will to go in the first place.


The nights that get put on these days do suffer numberswise, it seems to take a 'name' to get people out (imported DJ, not the locals) but in my experience, the names aren't all that much cop tbh.


Sadly, the younger generation probably won't even see this message as although they do embrace the internet, they don't come here in large enough numbers to make any difference.


I don't know what the answer is, I just hope for the sake of those that put the nights on that the up and coming crowd will give these things a go and make them a success - in this world of instant communication, it really should be a doddle to get the word out.

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