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Nu-rave, Breakz, Dnb, Old Skool, Garage............


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Guys, few words form me. First-Apologize for my English cuz thats my third language and iam still learning.

Iam very happy thats so many people looked on my Topic (opposite feeling about number of mails:)


The reason why I done this was simple. To take all people who passionate about this sort of music together and make a descent scene. No offense to anybody - I am quiet respect everyone who trying to do music anywhere. From my experience (of Mcing, Djing in Germany, UK, Poland, Czech and few more) and knowledge about IOM there is still some people who want to do it and whats the most important want to come for this events.


Another thing. There is no important what sort of number people come for event. I was Djing & Mcing for 50 people, 100 and tell you guys - few of them always gonna stay in my mind - forever. Obviously there is no such of thing like to be on the front of 1000 crowd but for this character of music (not House iam Afraid) in my opinion everything losing a beat of atmosphere.


Descent events. Good place, Perfect lights, Smoke, and Sound System + people with passion can give this Island a beat of contrast for Britney Spears Generation. And give me (not only - I hope) a feeling from one of my favor old skool tune ever : "Music so Wonderful"







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Well Wooker, i am happy to throw my hat into the ring for ya.


I'm sure if the lot of us put our minds, ability and equipment together we could come up with something special, but egos and genre hating would have to be left at the door, i still get the dickheads having a dig cos i play trance, so what, i hate x y & z, however, if someone is playing it, i am respectable to keep quiet and even dance if they guy can mix and is into what he does, i always believe it doesn't matter what you play, if you are as passionate about your music as i am then i have massive respect.


I myself would love to do a charity night for the Manx MS Society, my mum is a sufferer and it would be good to do something on a medium scale to raise funds, in fact, as we all have charitys close to our hearts, do different nights different venues.


Only throwing ideas about, any more (awaits Keyboarder's "witty" reply) :P

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This thread is reminding me of the time when Dave Lee Travis, Simon Bates et al all got the heave-ho from Radio 1 as a result of the Yoof realising they were well past their sell by date. Unless you need some minor celeb type prattling on about nothing in particular then DJs are superfluous to one's enjoyment. The masses are starting to realise this hence the poor turnouts. As self proclaimed VIPs, the jocks never will.

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I certainly don't claim to be VIP, not even in that forum, I think what saves me from oblivion is the willingness to now and again play a track which isn't to my taste but is to the crowd, being elitist just means you have no followers.


if you wanna play, as a dj, what YOU want, then very few people want to hear it over here, i pinch myself that there are actually people that want to hear what i do, despite being labelled a "corporate sellout", fuck it, beats playing to myself in my bedroom, instead its a club full of people, i know which i prefer.

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Just thought I would throw my 50p's worth in...


Genre-wise it's nice to see DJ's who aren't stuck to just one or two, I think these days the more the better, you can't please everyone all the time but it's good to at least cover as much as you can. In the last year I've gone from playing seperate sets of Hard House/Trance/House sets to playing a mixture of these and more in the same set.

I love the "what the fuck" factor in my sets as it makes them more memorable, dropping some Bowie/Queen/Kraftwek, famous movie scenes or even the Thomas the tank engine theme... it keeps me busy on the pc when i'm not playing.


With regards to education, I don't know what influences the upcoming clubbers these days.... seems to be TV as all the kids seem to be into the "clubland" sounds which are hardly played on any radio station, but all over the music channels on satelite tv.


I think overall people just get older have more financial commitment so only go out on pay weekends or special events, less money floating around overall and more big events to save for like Glastonbury/V/Creamfields amongst others!

Music is more accesible these days so your not going to the clubs to hear the big releases.. the list goes on.

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i'd happily throw my hat into the ring too if only for the opportunity to play out on a more regular basis.


Havin read through the thread, i can understand people's frustrations but at the end of the day we DJ cause we enjoy the music we play, i like a variety of genres and have a bad habit (accordin to me mate) of skippin across em but i don't care cause it's me own way i guess.


I enjoy doin me radio shows (although haven't broadcasted for a while) and while it was frustratin some nights when just one person would be tuned in i kept playin cause simply enjoyed playin even if it was to only one person they were good nights for experimentation.


In the last year or so I haven't been able to support some of the local nights as much as i'd have liked but thats parenthood for you and a night out takes a bit of plannin these days

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With regards to education, I don't know what influences the upcoming clubbers these days.... seems to be TV as all the kids seem to be into the "clubland" sounds which are hardly played on any radio station, but all over the music channels on satelite tv.


Music is more accesible these days so your not going to the clubs to hear the big releases.. the list goes on.


I think these points you made Denzel are exactly the problem, we have the "clubland" generation that love cheesy scouse house and tacky hardcore, yet berate me for not playing it, maybe i am getting too old but i thought on the whole this was 12 year old girl music, like a gateway into the scene, like before it trance and hardhouse (which im still into ?! :lol: ) before taste sometimes developes to wherever.


My saving grace, and possibly why i am lucky enough to have a group into what i do in Ramsey, is your second point, they can't get what i play them for a good few months, which is partly why they go, to hear bang up to date stuff, not whats thrashed out on the latest Ministry cd comp, which people like you and me Denzel have had for good while before we get sick to death of hearing it on tv etc, again not trying to be elitist, just keeping moving forward, god forbid all we can ever play is classics, they are good now and again, but my theory is if we don't play new stuff what will be the future classics?

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i can understand people's frustrations but at the end of the day we DJ cause we enjoy the music we play


Again, a fantastic quote their monkey magic, after nearly nine years doing clubs, i still pinch myself that i get paid, and currently get by off solely as income, for doing something that i love and would do for free.


Now if only they paid me for wanking !

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I currently have Friday nights free every week, anyone doing anything interesting i could come and support, or could we organise something?


I don't have a soundsystem, but a decent laser, 2 cdj 1000 mk3's, djm 800 and an old set of technics, a decent set of booth monitors, plus a cracking stand for the lot, but unless memory serves me wrong the issue is a venue, as mentioned before a series of charity gigs might be a good way forward, no-one gets paid (obviously) and a small entry fee (donation) would be benefitial both ways, plus hopefully pulling people away from their sofa's, plus the djs get to play and money is raised for good causes.


Anyone? or is that it, we all give up complaining there is nothing without taking action, Wooker, what are your plans?


Maybe i am not wanted or required, but i do have drive and ambition, something required if things are to improve.


Anyone know when bushys basement re-opens after the refurb, i have been told i can have that monthly/bi-monthly, that is an intimate but ideal venue for what the aims are here.


Ps i don't just play trance, i have a fair amount of minimal, tech, electro, fidget/wonky, progressive.

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I currently have Friday nights free every week, anyone doing anything interesting i could come and support, or could we organise something?


I don't have a soundsystem, but a decent laser, 2 cdj 1000 mk3's, djm 800 and an old set of technics, a decent set of booth monitors, plus a cracking stand for the lot, but unless memory serves me wrong the issue is a venue, as mentioned before a series of charity gigs might be a good way forward, no-one gets paid (obviously) and a small entry fee (donation) would be benefitial both ways, plus hopefully pulling people away from their sofa's, plus the djs get to play and money is raised for good causes.


Anyone? or is that it, we all give up complaining there is nothing without taking action, Wooker, what are your plans?


Maybe i am not wanted or required, but i do have drive and ambition, something required if things are to improve.


Anyone know when bushys basement re-opens after the refurb, i have been told i can have that monthly/bi-monthly, that is an intimate but ideal venue for what the aims are here.


Ps i don't just play trance, i have a fair amount of minimal, tech, electro, fidget/wonky, progressive.


My plan for nearly future is couple of events in Europe:) BUT ------ thats is a first proper IDEA on this Topic, thats why Iam saying 100 times YES:) and I am happy to join any chance for good music in IOM.


Possibly I can get some nice sound system. At least enough for a beat of fun.


From me lots of NuRave and Breakz :cool:


If there is any place that we can do it. Lets dont wait:)

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I currently have Friday nights free every week, anyone doing anything interesting i could come and support, or could we organise something?


I don't have a soundsystem, but a decent laser, 2 cdj 1000 mk3's, djm 800 and an old set of technics, a decent set of booth monitors, plus a cracking stand for the lot, but unless memory serves me wrong the issue is a venue, as mentioned before a series of charity gigs might be a good way forward, no-one gets paid (obviously) and a small entry fee (donation) would be benefitial both ways, plus hopefully pulling people away from their sofa's, plus the djs get to play and money is raised for good causes.


Anyone? or is that it, we all give up complaining there is nothing without taking action, Wooker, what are your plans?


Maybe i am not wanted or required, but i do have drive and ambition, something required if things are to improve.


Anyone know when bushys basement re-opens after the refurb, i have been told i can have that monthly/bi-monthly, that is an intimate but ideal venue for what the aims are here.


Ps i don't just play trance, i have a fair amount of minimal, tech, electro, fidget/wonky, progressive.


I'm up for that, have 2 cdj 1000 mk2's, 2 technics, djm600, although i'm mainly using ableton now and my efx 1000. I play a range from breaks, house (electro, progressive, tech, funky), some hip hop & indie even a bit of trance (mainly older stuff with the trance)


I'm all for takin a bit of action as a collective as it does make things a bit easier for me as my time is limited on trying to sort all this kinda stuff on me own due to my son.


No idea about the Bushy's bar re-opening but it is a good little place to get things started.

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I slagged the venue off for the simple reason that as a result of their policies (that were lyed about too) I had the worst New Years eve of my life. Well, an a few other reasons which will follow.


You said that your friend Miss Whitehead was playing which was fair enough. She had prime slot, got a little extra time than was agreed and she brought us up to and a little past 12. Then Ronan jumped on for a bit. Fair enough. I was going to get the final slot around 1:15 to finish the night off till 2. Then Degsy Senior turns up sticking his 20p's worth n gets on somehow because I'm feeling generous, its NYE after all.




He starts playing banging & uplifting trance after I specifically told him no hard stuff. It was the 'chill out' room and what a chill out room it was. It was so chilled a snowman could have been built and left there to stand the whole night! It wouldn't have melted and nobody probably would have known he was there?


As you can tell, I'm totally overjoyed at having to recall this night of pain and regret.


Our room (which was totally unpopular in comparison all night) closed at 1:20am. Not as agreed between yourself and management and between yourself and I. I played to 5 people all night. I got the graveyard shift at the spectacular time of 8:00pm. Of course, when everyone is there and the place is absolutely rocking!


Rocking my ass!!!


So, I do have an issue and if you're insulted by that, its your problem mate. The venue and management fucked us about and in my eyes, thats out of order. That is my main issue. Degsy Snr and me not having the chance to play to more than 5 people, well, that jus really pissed me off. It was without doubt the worst NYE I've had to date.


Thanks for the opportunity. Its appreciated for what it was worth which was absolutely sod all! Nobody commented on anything about the back room from what I gather? Hearing nothing about it means it was a failure and probably a waste of time doing. No, in fact, it was a complete waste of time. The front room had the action and I got suckered into doing something that I doubted in the first place. Esp when you asked me to play some downtempo stuff. Cool I thought. Gets me outa the house to spin instead of my beloved bedroom. Mug.


If any of you out there would like some advice, keep it to one room. That is unless you have a guaranteed number of guests coming. Say if you had 100+ then I would suggest a back room, otherwise, any less than that, and the poor boys in the back room will look at you desperately as you enter the room and you notice that you're the only one in it! (I'm not bitter honest and this is almost a true reflection of the night for me personally. There were some girls sat down on some couches when I was playing. It was the best crowd I ever had. Honest. So responsive and attentive to my every move. I was flattered when they walked out. Must have been far too good to hang about for. I was spoiling them. I understand girls. You are forgiven.)


So all in all, a pile of wank for me Dr Fish.


Oh and for the record, how many times have I asked YOU to support ME on my show? I had Stacey, Conesplitter (Steve), Slim, Stevie Butt, Adam Cain, Mo Beats and my misses. You always had an excuse so thanks for supporting ME. I found your constant declining an insult.


This is starting to get bitter...


You started it!

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