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Bin Laden's Driver - Sentenced To 5 Months


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Guantanemo gets ever more surreal - Salim Hamdan was acquitted of conspiracy to murder, but convicted of supporting terrorism. And he has been sentenced to 66 months - he's already been in Guantanemo for over five years - so he's eligable for release after serving 100% of his sentence in 5 months time.


What does the pentagon do - announce that they'll then declare him an enemy combatant and hence continue to hold him indefinitely.


I really want to see George Bush explain how this is justice.


BBC link


New York Times Link

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On the other hand you have to consider if he was his driver then it seems as usual the bush reich has done it's usual of fabricating charges saying a driver is an evil terrorist (Let's not mention the USA funding terrorism for years then get bitten by the dog they fed), after holding the man in what can only be described as a concentration camp for years.

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What does the pentagon do - announce that they'll then declare him an enemy combatant and hence continue to hold him indefinitely.


I can't see where that appears in either of the stories. They seem to suggest that his status remains that of an enemy combatant, and his release will depend upon a review. It's still awful, but it seems more a case that the verdicts handed out by the military trials are subordinate to the Pentagon's own reviews than a case of the Pentagon throwing its toys out of the pram and redefining his status on a whim. I imagine that the Pentagon's primary concern is with intelligence and denying the enemy access to valuable members - they may, for instance, let Hamdan go free after his sentence, whilst insisting someone they deem a potential risk remain at Guantanemo. Not that I support this scheme, but there is a certain logic to it.

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Enough of the evil Americans. Let's all celebrate the Olympic games being held in that bastion of free speech and democracy aka China.

After all the Chinese really respect human rights don't they?

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Enough of the evil Americans. Let's all celebrate the Olympic games being held in that bastion of free speech and democracy aka China.

After all the Chinese really respect human rights don't they?


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Enough of the evil Americans. Let's all celebrate the Olympic games being held in that bastion of free speech and democracy aka China.

After all the Chinese really respect human rights don't they?


There's room for improvement, according to George Bush.


Those recent comments were especially galling - GW should get his own house in order before preaching about the (admittedly questionable) human rights records of other nations. If he had any class he would also have avoided adding to the politicization of the Olympic Games.


I really don't understand why world leaders are invited to the Olympics anyway. They should keep their grubby noses out of it.

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