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[BBC News] Victim attacked in street by gang


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explaining how you had someone in a headlock while you were hitting another person while kneeling on another person felt a bit weird and i was thinking i should hold back a little incase i get done for it but Moyles was great and commended me for fighting back.


Jeez you people are so thick.

The above quote suggests to me that immort... had military hand to hand combat training so should have been able to assess the situation and deal with it accordingly.


I have had military and martial arts club training. If I had been in the same situation, the first or second one in would have been very aware that he'd fucked up a bit. And his mates would have taken that in also. When a group attacks you it usually occurs because they are half pissed, and these types are usually the cowardly type anyway. It's about self defence in a civilian or normal situation, following up and punishing is a different scenario all together.


So imagine the scene:

You've nonchalantly disabled someone with a deft headlock.

His mate jumps in so you pin him down with your knee just to keep the prick quiet

Then another gobshite joins in so, fuck this noise, I'll just give him a friggin smack while I'm here.


If that was the scene, as described by immort ..., the battle was well won very early.

A disciplined martial artist calls it a day at that point knowing that carrying on, even if most people think that they would rip a piece off just to pay the attacker back, is unnecessary.

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explaining how you had someone in a headlock while you were hitting another person while kneeling on another person felt a bit weird and i was thinking i should hold back a little incase i get done for it but Moyles was great and commended me for fighting back.


Jeez you people are so thick.

The above quote suggests to me that immort... had military hand to hand combat training so should have been able to assess the situation and deal with it accordingly.


I have had military and martial arts club training. If I had been in the same situation, the first or second one in would have been very aware that he'd fucked up a bit. And his mates would have taken that in also. When a group attacks you it usually occurs because they are half pissed, and these types are usually the cowardly type anyway. It's about self defence in a civilian or normal situation, following up and punishing is a different scenario all together.


So imagine the scene:

You've nonchalantly disabled someone with a deft headlock.

His mate jumps in so you pin him down with your knee just to keep the prick quiet

Then another gobshite joins in so, fuck this noise, I'll just give him a friggin smack while I'm here.


If that was the scene, as described by immort ..., the battle was well won very early.

A disciplined martial artist calls it a day at that point knowing that carrying on, even if most people think that they would rip a piece off just to pay the attacker back, is unnecessary.





Yes Grasshopper

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I've had a few years of martial arts training too, but in the heat of the moment when you've got several people trying to make your head a different shape you don't always have time to assess these things quite so perfectly as you might like to think.


There might be the odd textbook case where you are able to, but I very much suspect that in real life most scenarios don't pan out quite like that. If you've had the sort of training you mention I'd have thought you'd be more familiar with the gritty reality of messy assaults & brawls rather than the hollywood style image you seem to think should always happen where assailants run home shouting 'mummy'.


And quite how you ascertain that IP had military training merely because he had someone in a headlock and a knee on someone else is beyond me! That just means either A) he's quite handy, or B ) they're inept (or both).

Even primary school kids get their mates in headlocks. Maybe your training extends to using the force to 'sense' such things.


Basically you're being pretty negative though about someone who deserves a few free pints for not only protecting himself from a group of violent wankers, but also for hopefully making them think a bit too about whether or not it's a sensible thing to do.


Sorry for being so thick though. :rolleyes:

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I am tempted to leave this thread alone because people are reading far too much into it, i am not a ninja nor did i have extensive martial arts training. I was a very well trained soldier and i have been in the shit a few times doing various things and i have been taught a little but what it all boiled down too is not flapping under pressure and keeping calm. Easy to say when you write about it but its another matter when faced with a hairy situation and you have to think fast without letting the adrenaline take over.


The basics of it are i did what anyone could have done but i have been unlucky enough to know what to expect in these situations so i did what came naturally and fought my way out. Nothing special if you have ever been on the piss in scunthorpe on pay weekend or been involved in a riot.


Would i have came off the same if faced with another group again? time will tell i suppose, i didnt change my habbits of getting drunk and walking home because of a few scrotes who think they are big men by ganging up on a single person and i only hope if it did happen again i would try and see the issue before it happened and give it a wide birth.

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