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Wii Or Ps3?


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You could start a convo with him like "what is it about all this hype over the PS3, and Wii etc I just dont get it........." and hopefully he will impart his knowledge and at same time tell you what he would prefer.....hopefully!



VERY CLEVER INDEED! i think ill take that route.... :D thanks guys (and girls!) xxx

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Also the fact that the PS3 plays the new Hi-Def BluRay discs (and the wii doesn't even play DVDs) might be a consideration.

Jimcalagon is dead right. Lots of films now on Blu ray and if you have got HD tv, WOW. As has been said though, PS3 always seems to require an update of some kind taking ages to complete. I love the PS3 , however we also have Wii and this is by far the best all family option. Your choice, but which ever you choose, PS3, XBox or Wii, guaranteed he'll love it.

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Is he planning on having it connected to the internet? Xbox live has the better online experience but that's expected since you pay for it.


Xbox live is cheap enough in my opinion though Casino.

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Get him both. And a threesome with you and your best looking girlfriend. That way when it's time for bed you will be able to pry him away from the console ;)

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