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Drug Dealers Warned -


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Good on the local constabulary for this one. Filthy drug dealing scum preying on the weak and vulnerable of society and turning them all into junkies. Although they are quite handy if you're after a bag of weed or a bit of charlie.

Shut up Keyboarder I hate having to agree with you

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Would be drug dealers from the Merseyside area will incur wrath from the Manx Police?

That hollow threat is meant for a laugh isn’t it, cos that’s all it will get from the drug dealing scousers who hear it.


Importation is rife via the Steam Packet, the Airport and - what do you think finances some of the fancy boats in and out of our pleasant new welcoming marinas?

We are an Island and if the Police and Customs wanted to they could scale importation down drastically, and realistically, without idle threats such as this.


20 years ago here they knew who, how, and when stuff was coming in, and acted accordingly and the degree of action was often with a ‘bigger plan’ in mind.

But now; how often have you had your car searched, or your bag rummaged at on or off Island airports? Or your boat visited before embarking or when arriving here?


Considering the latter; small boat arrivals – it is only since the landing pontoon for cruise ship visitors was commissioned in Doolish, that any Customs craft have been berthed outside the tidal marina.

Imagine a hot tip from the Coast Guard:

‘A suspected drugs carrying boat is approaching Manx waters’


‘Thanks for that fellah, we’ll be out as soon as we can get a bridge lift’


Horsepoo. Any Island is easier to defend against criminality. If the drive is there.

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Catch some real criminals eh? Leave consenting adults to choose their own lifestyles.


The Island needs to catch up with what the real world has been saying for years:



Of course consenting adults should be left to do as they please so long as it does not effect others. So as long as they don't steal, mug anyone, fund their habit from benifits, sell drugs to others, get kids on drugs or wander round the streets out of their heads, then fine, if not then nick the shits

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Importation is rife via the Steam Packet, the Airport


Is that something you know as fact? If it is then should you not be a Model citizen and report these facts to the police, with names?


Or are you talking the normal pub shoite ?


It's not the Police who make the Law, they just have to try and enforce it.


It's up to Rightous Moyle and the Cronies to sentence. Still i think the intake of smackheads will get bigger now we have more room.


Is it correct that the new prison has scunk weedy bins so the prisoners feel more at home?


Not sure as Woodbine is not fully trained yet.

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I've made this point before, but, hey ho, lots of points are repeated on here.


We could, probably, catch more illegal items being brought into the island if we had more Customs checks at the port and airport.


I have lived on the island for 11 years (I'm a stopover now, you're not getting rid of me :P:D:lol: ) and I have seen the Customs sniffer dog at the airport once (last month when I came back from Birmingham).


When I worked in Jersey EVERY plane was checked. The luggage was placed on the floor of the arrivals hall and you were not allowed to collect it until the sniffer dog had been over it. This served as a visual deterrent as well as the dog finding the illegal substances.


This could easily be done at Ronaldsway.


I don't know whether hold luggage is checked at the Sea Terminal or not as I rarely use the Racket but I would imagine not. It should be checked before being placed on the conveyor and if anything is found the bag could be taken out and the "owner" picked up when they come to collect the bag. If the "owner" doesn't claim the bag then the authorities would have lost the chance to pick them up but at least the illegal substances would have been taken out of circulation.


Doesn't sound too difficult to me but then again I am not in law enforcement or a politician. :P:rolleyes:

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Catch some real criminals eh? Leave consenting adults to choose their own lifestyles.


The Island needs to catch up with what the real world has been saying for years:



Of course consenting adults should be left to do as they please so long as it does not effect others. So as long as they don't steal, mug anyone, fund their habit from benifits, sell drugs to others, get kids on drugs or wander round the streets out of their heads, then fine, if not then nick the shits



Nice link Alex sadly no one listens. Yawn. I will say this again, not all drug takers are thieves, muggers and nor do they get kids on to drugs and not all muggers, thieves and dealers are on drugs either. The ones you read about in the papers tend to be sensationalised media Murdoch campaigns. I think perhaps you will find Keyboarders post was not all you read it to be Jim, try again, you might not be so quick to agree...unless you are after a quick bag of crack, or weed :P


Did you hear the one about the Tetra pak heir? only went to renew his passport with a pocket full of contraband, bit of crack, smack and something else too, then they searched his house and found £3ks worth of gear...get this right, only goes and gets some divvie random drug testing and let off - hows about that for money can buy you out of trouble?

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Nice link Alex sadly no one listens. Yawn. I will say this again, not all drug takers are thieves, muggers and nor do they get kids on to drugs and not all muggers, thieves and dealers are on drugs either. The ones you read about in the papers tend to be sensationalised media Murdoch campaigns. I think perhaps you will find Keyboarders post was not all you read it to be Jim, try again, you might not be so quick to agree...unless you are after a quick bag of crack, or weed :P


I don't buy that at all I'm afraid. Culturally drugs have changed the way of life on the Island quite a bit in the last 10 years, you might not see it but plenty of other people do.


We all read the papers and witness the regular seedy culling of smack heads in some dingy basement somewhere, we're up to an average of at least two of those a year based on the last couple of years. Then lets not forget that a good chunk of the recent stabbings / murders where you can't deny drugs are probably pretty much the root cause. You could almost tell from reading the papers when the smack users turned to crack as a particular tier of society here seemed to lose the fucking plot in a flurry of violent assaults.


You then move up to just the irritation factor of the white collar coke head assholes you have to deal with in business when you'd rather not be arsed pandering to their egos.


Not every drug user is just calmly sitting back smoking the odd spliff with their mates.

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I know quite a lot of heroin users and cocaine users and I have to say, they do not bother me at all - it is their life & their choice. Coke heads (I will agree) can be a pain in the arse "BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH ME ME ME ME ME" - oh how interesting in the pub, but, again, not all cocaine users are dicks who go out and talk shit in the pub all night. You cannot label drug users as a defined sub section of society - they are not.


Right, "We read the papers and witness the regular seedy culling" - do you work for the Daily Mail? or just take too much notice of what it says. You live in cloud cuckoo land, next thing you'll be telling me Osama Bin Laden is really controlling terrorists all over the world and that tobacco is legal because its safe. Wise up kid.

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Right, "We read the papers and witness the regular seedy culling" - do you work for the Daily Mail? or just take too much notice of what it says. You live in cloud cuckoo land, next thing you'll be telling me Osama Bin Laden is really controlling terrorists all over the world and that tobacco is legal because its safe. Wise up kid.


You don't have to read the Daily Mail, read the Examiner as there has to have been at least 3 drug related deaths over the last 5 months. I don't care. As far as I'm concerned the more smack heads who off themselves in their grotty flats the better because they are contributing absolutely bugger all to this Island or its future. But its not really that good for our society is it? Or for the police, the ambulance service, or the doctors and nurses dealing with the tail end of problem.


Neither are junkies good for society's general health and well being either as new HIV infections in the UK and Europe greatly stem from intravenous drug users and their partners. Sorry darling you knew I was a harmless smackhead when we met .. luckily I failed to kill myself but unfortunately your now really really screwed.


I don't think these observations are living in la la land. The deaths are not sensationalised by the press either - dying in a pool of your own bodily fluids is not really that glamouous even if its reported in the Mail. I doubt even Jimi Hendrix thought that was cool on reflection.

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