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Too Human Demo

K.os Theory

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just wondering if anyone here has downloaded the demo of Too Human, the game's been in development for years ( originally planned for the PS2 I believe ).


The demo is on xbox live. I downloaded it last nite but was wondering if anyone here had played it and what their thoughts were.


Cheers ;)

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played through the demo on one of the classes last nite, seems like good fun, the combat takes a while to get used to but I think i'll be picking it up ( I like my dungeon crawling... )


ignore that, played through again last nite, died a few times and got treated to a 30second unskippable cutscene each time...think i'll wait for Diablo 3 or pick up Baldurs gate again for some proper dungeoneering!

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Yep, it should be called 'Poo Human'.


Next RPG goodness on the 360 is the new Squeenix due soon, and fallout 3, hubba hubba!


haha was checking out the reviews last nite, not too good for a game that's been indevelopment for something like 9years...


funny thing is that microsoft have come out and said they're gonna stand by silicone knights, and have likened the too human series to lord of the rings and star wars!?!? :o



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