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[BBC News] Manx Telecom staff back walkout


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There are 315 staff at MT 200 off them are striking and members of the CWU. Guess who the other 115 are, yep Managers and Temps.


no. there are lots of non management and non temp employees who are not members of the union.


Let me tell you again, there are 200 employees in Manx Telecom, who are CWU members. Yes there are members who are not registered with the CWU, but only a handfull. These people are non union represented grades, i.e personal contracts or Tempry Staff.

Hope this clears it up.


fine but thats not what you said in the first place. you clearly said that there was 115 managers and temps which is complete nonsense. unions membership is completely optional for any grade and union members and non union members of that same grade are treated identically. i really dont know where your info comes from but its wrong im afraid. hope this clears things up for you.

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There are 315 staff at MT 200 off them are striking and members of the CWU. Guess who the other 115 are, yep Managers and Temps. Who have had there inflation pay rise 5 months ago, and the temps by their companies.

Nice try, but inflation wasn't 6.4% 5 months ago.

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Yes that is correct there are 115 non CWU employees at MT, these people are Mangers -Who are not supported by the CWU, and Temps who are not supported by the CWU, and a very few handfull of workers who dont want to be apart of the CWU. How do I know this? I am one of the 200 who were at the pay meetings. -I work for the place, and have the facts!


good. then im sure youre aware that 30% of your union couldnt be bothered to vote and of the remaining 134 people, only 80% voted for a strike. meaning the grand total of 108 out of 194 people voted for it. its not a very few handful of people who are eligible to be in that union and choose not to be. its over 60. im told this number is increasing as members have quit since this course of action was decided. 30% of the TOTAL workforce supports this strike. these are the facts.

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Yes that is correct there are 115 non CWU employees at MT, these people are Mangers -Who are not supported by the CWU, and Temps who are not supported by the CWU, and a very few handfull of workers who dont want to be apart of the CWU. How do I know this? I am one of the 200 who were at the pay meetings. -I work for the place, and have the facts!


Mmm when you say you were one of the 200 who were at the meeting you give the impression that all the members were there. There were in fact only 50. It would seem to me that not all members want to be bothered & half a dozen have already voiced their opinion by cancelling their membership. Oh & none of them are temporary or management.


I do hope that come Friday you're sitting outside with your banners in the pissing down rain looking like complete twats :lol:

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The non union employees are always so grateful to receive any pay increase and benefits gained by unions.

I'd like to see that change.


Usually bad employer/managers means a strong union. I don't know why people on here knock them so much. A lot of us would be much poorer without organised labour.

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A lot of us would be much poorer without organised labour.


A lot of us would still have jobs without organised labour. Red Robbo destroyed the British car industry, Scargill destroyed the mining industry. Need I go on?


By the use of blackmail, organised labour arranges for a short time that people get paid more than they are worth. This distortion of the labour market leads to the organisations they work for becoming uncompetitive, and eventually they go to the wall.


So much for organised labour.

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There are 315 staff at MT 200 off them are striking and members of the CWU. Guess who the other 115 are, yep Managers and Temps. Who have had there inflation pay rise 5 months ago, and the temps by their companies.

Nice try, but inflation wasn't 6.4% 5 months ago.

They recived the inflation rate at the time, thats all that we want. None of this 6.4% current inflation rates! We want the same as the managers! 4.3%.



And we want telecommunications at a reasonable rate, guess we are all shit out of luck. I guess MT bigwigs will back down and pay you out of the mountain of money they fleeced off us over the years, they will just hike up the prices to pay for it without anyone realising it.

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And we want telecommunications at a reasonable rate, guess we are all shit out of luck. I guess MT bigwigs will back down and pay you out of the mountain of money they fleeced off us over the years, they will just hike up the prices to pay for it without anyone realising it.


I don't think they will back down. These blackmailers are probably going to shoot themselves in the foot. I would be very surprised if all the CWU members are standing outside on Friday (they can't afford to lose a days' pay :D ). In the unlikely event that they do, the money will be fleeced back from the staff by cutting any bonuses. As someone quite rightly pointed out a few days ago, non union members are already quids in by not paying the CWU £140 a year & whatever is negotiated, they get anyway :)

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By the use of blackmail, organised labour arranges for a short time that people get paid more than they are worth. This distortion of the labour market leads to the organisations they work for becoming uncompetitive, and eventually they go to the wall.


So much for organised labour.


That 1926 general strike which saw Welsh miners starving to death obviously passed you by. Or you feel they were earning more than they deserved. And Thatcher, not Scargill, closed the pits.


Nobody's saying the militant unions from the late 70s are something to yearn for. But people should earn a fair wage for what they do. I find most employers are reluctant to pay people at the bottom of an organisation a fair wage whilst the money washes around the upper tiers.


And as for blackmail - "If we pay you more, you and all your friends will be out of work" is pretty good.

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Well seeing as most people have had to make do with a lot less than 4.1%, 0% in my case, I can only guess where this will go bearing in mind there is a global recession looming. What odds on there being job cuts at MT within the next 12 months and if there are, I won't give a toss!

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You don't give a toss about anyone except yourself


I give a toss about people who don't scream and shout and throw their toys out of the pram when they don't get what they want. 4.1% in a recession is a damn good pay rise. You tell me anyone else who has received anywhere near what they are demanding over the last few months!

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4.1% in a recession is a damn good pay rise

It is indeed, but we're not in a recession just yet.


[Pedantic mode]


For the record, recession is an explicitly defined economic term. It means two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth. At the moment we're still experiencing positive economic growth - albeit at the slowest rate for some years.


[/Pedantic mode]

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4.1% in a recession is a damn good pay rise


It is indeed, but we're not in a recession just yet.


Well I think some people are going to look like a bunch of twats on this one. In this climate 4.1% is damn good - I'm sure some smug people will think they're really getting somewhere if they force it to get 6.5% this year and a big fat redundancy letter next year.


I'm glad I've got Skype out so they can all go and shag themselves.

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