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British Behaviour Abroad Annual Report


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British behaviour abroad annual report


We are appealing to British holidaymakers not to cut corners on travel insurance as our third annual British Behaviour Abroad report reveals that Brits are continuing to get into trouble overseas.


The report, based on incident figures from our records, reveals that 8,304 Britons needed assistance in the US, 6,710 passports were lost in Spain, 602 Brits were hospitalised in Greece and 1,591 died in Spain over the period April 06–March 07.


Some interesting figures in there - drug arrests for 0.01g in the UAE? Wups...

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'Brits on tour' have got progressively worse since the 1980s. It doesn't help when these idiots are glorified on various TV programmes.


These people are just pond life - little intelligence, no respect, and 'arf can't even talk proper'. Scum of the earth.


They need culling.

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'Brits on tour' have got progressively worse since the 1980s.


These people are just pond life - little intelligence, no respect, and 'arf can't even talk proper'. Scum of the earth.


They need culling.


Don't start digging those mass graves just yet. According to the figures, out of roughly 56 million visits to those 15 countries there were just under 5 thousand arrests (about 0.01% of the number of total visits) - doesn't really seem to justify the calls of "scum".

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I suspect that the majority of those who died in Spain were residents.


As the "holiday" habits of young brits abroad hasn't changed that much it may be that the local paramilitaries are being less tolerant. If it was my town they were bleeding and puking all over I would certainly want something down about it.

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According to the figures, out of roughly 56 million visits to those 15 countries there were just under 5 thousand arrests (about 0.01% of the number of total visits) - doesn't really seem to justify the calls of "scum".

If 5,000 get arrested, how many dozens of thousands get away with it? Agree this is a minority to some extent, but it is a growing minority, but always that noisy minority that stands out and spoils things for all the other Brits out there. I find it embarassing when I am on holiday, and whether you like it or not it affects the relationships we have with foreigners, and how they perceive all of us.


Anyhoo, of course it justifies the word 'scum', if only about 0.01% of people are serial killers they are still scum - there is no fixed qualifying percentage involved.

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Anyhoo, of course it justifies the word 'scum', if only about 0.01% of people are serial killers they are still scum - there is no fixed qualifying percentage involved.

Yeh but the other 99.99% aren't (which was implied by your original generalisation)...

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Anyhoo, of course it justifies the word 'scum', if only about 0.01% of people are serial killers they are still scum - there is no fixed qualifying percentage involved.

Yeh but the other 99.99% aren't (which was implied by your original generalisation)...

No it wasn't. The 'brits on tour' are the rowdy arse element - I wasn't referring to everyone that travels. I've heard the phrase used by many a drunken yob abroad since the eighties.

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'Brits on tour' have got progressively worse since the 1980s. It doesn't help when these idiots are glorified on various TV programmes.

Neither does it help that many foreign destinations have recognised the vast money making potential of the drunken oaf market and actively target it.


They may hate us Brits for exporting binge drinking culture, but if they can make a few euro out of it they're more than happy to pump cheap vodka into them.

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What a contrast to Douglas where every weekend evening, whole families parade along the promenade in their finest.

Gentlemen doffing their hats to every lady they pass.

Well dressed women with parasols chatting gaily.

Maids carefully pushing their young charges in elegant perambulators.

Cheerful local tradesmen peddling their wares.

Bearded fishermen purveying the finest, freshly caught herrings.


Why there are even young fellows on bicycles cheerfully ringing thier bells in polite warning as excited children run happily amongst the throng.


A picture of civilised refinement.


That's how to behave properly.

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