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Poor Farmers


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The majority of farmers work in very tough conditions to keep yo€u in the things you take for granted and i think that comin gon here mouthing off about things you obviously don't not nothing about makes my blood boil


Why don't they just, like, not then, instead? And get a job in an office where they can make a living without all this terrible suffering? It seems odd that I should have to contribute my taxes to prolong their anguish...



ok then brains, who's going to put the milk on your cornflakes or your cup of tea?


the world will be pretty dull food-wise if all the farmers went into the offices.


you really are living up to your username

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However, my dad is a farmer. He works a million times harder, for 365 (yes thats every day) for at least 12 hours a day for far less money than I'll earn.

post-2251-1218666089_thumb.jpg"The things you do for love...."post-2251-1218666089_thumb.jpg post-2251-1218665985_thumb.jpg



no, he's manx not welsh


see. i can do sweeping generalisations too.


it's not very funny

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Manx farmers are struggling to make ends meet as they face spiralling costs.


Funny how there's always money for a nice big shiny pick-up and a new 4x4. Oh, and instead of repairing that tractor we'll just buy a new one.


Guess that poverty means different things to different people.



I think we are talking about two different types of farmer here


The ones with the shiny 4x4 and new tractors are often people who have made a shedload of money in some other business and have now bought a lump of land, built a whopping great house on it and used the fields as somewhere to let the wife & daughters ride their horses.


If the farm makes money as well then thats just a bonus


The farmers who make their sole living off the land are the ones driving round in catastrophic Land Rovers and have their Newsons boiler suits held together with baler twine


We should salute them for not selling out to DD

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Family used to have a fairly large farm. Sold the dairy herd at a good time. Sold the quota at an even better time. Re-invested it all back into the farm and changed it into a free range egg farm. RSPCA monitored FF accredited. Having to buy in the chickens and the food at retail prices whilst selling wholesale prices, vet bills, fox attrition (bring back hunting in England please!) it goes on.



Then being told the prices we can sell our eggs at!



Farmers get shafted left, right and centre mate. Our farm well and truly sold and got shot of - Sadly.



:Edit to add: Family still plead abject poverty even after selling grade II listed property and outbuildings, fantastic agricultural land, ongoing business concerns, all the agriculural machinery, etc, etc..


'spose it's in the blood :rolleyes:

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The majority of farmers work in very tough conditions to keep yo€u in the things you take for granted and i think that comin gon here mouthing off about things you obviously don't not nothing about makes my blood boil


Why don't they just, like, not then, instead? And get a job in an office where they can make a living without all this terrible suffering? It seems odd that I should have to contribute my taxes to prolong their anguish...



ok then brains, who's going to put the milk on your cornflakes or your cup of tea?


the world will be pretty dull food-wise if all the farmers went into the offices.


you really are living up to your username


How about the ones who can do it and make a living out of it without taxpayer assistance? That would be nice.

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That would be noone at the moment - competing with subsidised products (from everywhere, including EU\UK export market). Or Brazillian beef which fails EU welfare standards (it was in a report a few months ago, and that was their 'showcase' farms).


New equipment will generally be bought on finance, banks etc. keen on loaning farmer's money with the explosion in land prices.

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The kiwis manage it. And it seems a little ridiculous that our taxpayers subsidise farmers just because farmers in the EU are subsidised. Why don't we just buy the cheap subsidised EU produce, and not spend taxpayers' money on farmers in the Isle of Man? That way, it's win-win for the consumer-taxpayer

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People should show some respect for the farmers. As someone mentioned earlier it is a 365 day a year job and these guys work extremely hard for what money they do have!

Oh you mean like this...


There are a couple of major things the government could do here to cut inflation IMO. The first is to ensure 25% (the gov and all the civil servants) of the working population have wage increases below inflation, which does send a clear message to other employers and encourage them to try to do the same. The second would be to reduce the impact of some of the major inflation drivers as much as they could e.g. build a major windfarm so we import less energy, a major item in our inflation figures, and subsidise our farmers to gear up to produce as much food as is possible locally at cheap rates (not at the rates they charge locally now). Another thing they could consider is paying temporarily (one or two years) the fuel surcharges being added by the SP and airlines - for business freight and business travel only - instead of dumping the costs on business who will then dump it in turn on customers and further fuel inflation - this would also help IMO, and should at least be looked at.

I dunno, some people can't take a joke can they? - it must be so much fun at the Young Farmers Annual Ball :(

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