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Political Correctness

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I think that PC is going too far. Banning religious items from schools becasue they might offend other cultures/religions. These people come to our country and should be expected to live with our choice of religion. Instead we bend over backwards to appease them.


Also this thing about Christmas being banned or at least not fully happening is slightly ******* me off. My brother is convinced now that Christmas is now not being allowed.



What does anyone else think?

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Political Correctness went too far a long time ago sadly.


Gone are the glory days when Action man's job was to kill baddies, now it's aromatherapy action man, or exquisite bouquet action man etc.


I'm amazed they're still allowed to make action MAN at all & not action (or Passive) person.

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Don't know anything about the stars.


I didn't know action man had a dog?


I do remember being able to sit on the tank and riding down the hill on it.


Sadly one action man was killed in action after a good scuba diving session on Ramsey beach. All the elastic bands broke and the inner metal bits rusted away!


I guess they weren't really supposed to go scuba diving or parachuting from the Queens Pier or roof tops!


Getting back on thread, they did used to do a black action man didn't they?



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Lol. " Political correctness gone mad " is always one of those lazy fall back positions which reporters use when they can't be bothered to try harder.


It's a formular - guaranteed to annoy and therefore stimulate a grumpy readership by tickling their prejudices. It's more or less interchangeable with " Brussels / bureaucracy gone made " and anything to do with prison sentences being too short.


9 times out of 10 it will turn out that these stories have completely mis represented the true reality. This is true of all news stories which seem to annoy. They invariably depend upon some prejudice and formular.

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People can be offended by being too PC, almost like Politically incorrect correctness. It all originates from the fact, that people are people and you cant please everyone. f00k it I say, let people be offended, boo hoo.


I've never understood most of it, its nuts. Next they'll get rid of gender labels because people are offended. We'll all be "people" with no identity.

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Lol Simon, I'm not a reporter and I haven't actually read the story, just wanted to get the thread back on track.


But I would say it's bureaucracy gone made (sic) in my 7 year old brother's school where the kids aren't allowed to run in the playground.

That was something I never really believed until I bought him some marbles for his birthday and asked if he plays them at school like I used to; "They're banned" he said, "they've banned everything."


As the thread starter said something about his brother's school I assumed he was talking from personal experience rather than something he read in the Sun. Could be wrong though.

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But I would say it's bureaucracy gone made (sic) in my 7 year old brother's school where the kids aren't allowed to run in the playground.

That was something I never really believed until I bought him some marbles for his birthday and asked if he plays them at school like I used to; "They're banned" he said, "they've banned everything."

It would be worth finding out why these things are banned in the school.


I would very much doubt that it has anything to do with bureaucracy or PCness. Far more likely it will be a safety / insurance issue.


Schools, Education Authorities and individual teachers are in a very difficult position. On one hand they are held responsible when a child is injured or exposed to any risk. Likewise they are blamed when children are not exposed to any risk.


Personally - I would raise children on raw meat, un pasturised milk, beer and bare knuckle fighting.

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