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Hmm...wow so some people agree with me?


My brother was told that because there are some people from foreign cultures in his school, Santa cannot appear so they don't get offened. Needless to say he now wont attend that paticular school.

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My brother was told that because there are some people from foreign cultures in his school, Santa cannot appear so they don't get offened. Needless to say he now wont attend that paticular school.


Since when did Santa start visitings schools anyway? Surely school age children would already have grown out of believing in Santa.


Who told your brother this? And since when was Santa a religious figure?


And are you seriously suggesting that your parents withdrew the child from the school because Santa wasn't allowed to visit?


It all sounds rather unlikely.

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Well......that last bit was a lie. I wanted to dramatise it a bit (my dramatic side obviously) no its just that when i was little a santa came into my primary school every christmas and now they stopped it cos a few foreign people might be offended.

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I notice in schools and educational establishments these days, whenever there is talk of banning this and disbanding that and double-supervising the other, you often hear the justification "If it will have saved just one child from (whatever nasty thing it is) it would have been worth it".


When in actual fact from what I've heard, the safety measure concerned usually cripples the activity to a ridiculous extent and ultimately spoils it for everyone. I recently heard for instance a case in teaching kids karate, a contact sport, but the teachers are not allowed to touch the children in any way. Not to correct their stance or posture or anything. On top of this, we still don't really know for definite if anyone would be saved from "unspeakable harm", or the more likely situation that it would just happen where such measures aren't in place.

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Since when did Santa start visitings schools anyway? Surely school age children would already have grown out of believing in Santa.

Slightly off thread.......We always had a visit from "Santa" when I was at primary school and at my little boys school Christmas party the other day "Santa" brought them all a gift. And if the second part of your sentence was correct then all children would've grown out of believing in Santa by the time they were 4/5.

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Crikey. I'm surprised that the ones who know haven't told the ones who don't.


Or maybe they're all just pretending to believe - else the presents might stop arriving!Crafty.

In my experience as a parent children don't start to question Santa being real until they reach about 10, around the same age as I was. Let's hope you don't spoil the fun for your kids!

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I remember that I knew before I let on that I knew.

Concur with that.


They know a lot earlier than they let on. My young fella has openly questioned it since last year when he was nine. But I think they tend to find out from school friends about 7 ish but they are too frightened in case they admit it and don't get any presents next year......

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Ages ago in London, Chris Evans used to be a deejay on the old GLR. Hard to believe now, but in those days he used to be very sharp and original.


I remember listening to him doing a 'phone - in one Christmas when he told a small child, on air, that Santa didn't exist. Sounds awful - but it was very very funny radio. As I remember it, the child more or less told him that he was quite wrong.

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Let's get this straight - especially for the little kids.


Santa Claus does not exist.


He is an American invention which we should shun, as with all things American.


Father Christmas - Pere Noel, and other European names for him - he exists.


It's his birthday we celebrate next week, not 'Santa'


Unfortunately, these names seem to have become transferable. I am sure very few youngsters will see a difference.


In my opinion 'Santa Claus' is basically an American Coke commercial, (that's where the red and white clothing comes from)




Father Christmas is an amalgamation of a number of different facts, myths and legends and traditions from the larger European area. Plus, of course, he's real (for the benefit of the script kiddies who have joined us recently)

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