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Political Correctness

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As for 'Political Correctness'





(I'm sorry that I am not aware of the non-gender specific equivalent of that term )



You could try........ "Genitalia!"..... maybe?


... or something similar sounding but asexual in essence like... "Bottox!"


(That could work me thinks)

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If children from other cultures would prefer not to participate in school traditions that are culture/religion based, then they should be allowed to sit out.


There are obviously going to be a lot of disappointed kids at that school, if they were expecting to be paid a visit by Santa. Why deny them that fun and excitement?

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I think local traditions should be maintained - when in Rome etc etc etc. I would not force participation but equally neither would I do away with those traditions to cater for a minority. I would not expect to live in, say, a muslim country, and for them to do away with respecting the tradition of Ramadan in muslim schools. Okay, that's an extreme example, as we all know there is no way any muslim country would cater for Christian/other lifestyles - but I guess that's another apsect to my point of view.


I am all for, and have the greatest respect for, other religions/ways of life/beliefs and I think it is all part of life's rich tapestry to have those differences and to co-exist with them. But what would we be left with if everyone removed aspects of their society that are unique to their culture? Some bland kind of same the world over soup of nothingness?


There is a lot to be said for that "When in Rome" saying.

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Political correctness! Bah, I spit on it!


Carol service yesterday in church, priest tells congregation their kids can only have traditional Christingles (oranges with candles on top representing Christ, light of the world) if they are carefully supervised and take full responsibility for burns etc - Health and Safety issue now, you see! Banned by next year, I expect.


No more videoing of school nativity plays - in case Bad Men look at these videos in private and slaver over five year olds wearing tea-towels on their heads, presumably.


Recent news in the Times Ed. Supplement - no tinsel allowed in some schools! NO TINSEL! And why? Because there's a possible risk of strangulation.


Plus, story about local school here in UK - they had so many arson attempts and break-ins and theft of computers etc, the school erected a vast fence with sharp wire on the top. Kids trying to climb in at night hurt their poor little hands. Their parents are now attempting to SUE THE SCHOOL!!!!


What is going on? I mean, so much craziness. Everywhere. Makes me despair.





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When I was in school people that were of a different religion just didn't participate in any 'Christian' activities. How is that so hard to do now? Another problem is that it works from both sides, in trying to get kids to realise the beliefs of others they are at the same time not letting kids of other religions witness events of the Christian religion. So everyone loses out.


Also PC-ness is mostly a load of crap, I can see where it might be benificial, but mostly it's people sitting round a table coming up with ideas to 'prevent' bad things while at the same time not really considering the concequences, besides the apparent good ones.


And to be fair I don't care who does or doesn't exist as long as I get my home brew kit on Sat (actually, if that is the case then I must be FC since I ordered the blood thing! Or would he be the delivery man...?).

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Political correctness! Bah, I spit on it!


Carol service yesterday in church, priest tells congregation their kids can only have traditional Christingles (oranges with candles on top representing Christ, light of the world) if they are carefully supervised and take full responsibility for burns etc - Health and Safety issue now, you see! Banned by next year, I expect.







20 odd years ago when my brother and I went to the Christingle services, he would often try to set my hair on fire.


I'm glad the Church has caught up!

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I would not expect to live in, say, a muslim country, and for them to do away with respecting the tradition of Ramadan in muslim schools. Okay, that's an extreme example, as we all know there is no way any muslim country would cater for Christian/other lifestyles - but I guess that's another apsect to my point of view.


I did go to school in a muslim country and during Ramadan we had to respect their culture so no eating or drinking in public, but were allowed to have our lunch etc, we were just segregated for that time.


At that age, 10-15, we understood each others culture, but didn't let it effect us and just carried on being kids. I would imagine its the adults of the world who are worrying so much about offending every man and his dog.


I must say though that the UK is terrible for walking around on eggshells. See the latest news with the play that was banned in Birmingham because it upset some Sikhs. But then the other night I'm watching some old 'Carry On' film on the BBC from the seventies and it's got some dude 'blacked up' to look like an african and allsorts of tounge in cheek racist slurs were made.


Its a cocked up world thats for sure!

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  • 1 year later...

Rather than start a new topic, I dug this one out to add this story from today's Times:




Traditional nursery rhymes are being rewritten at nursery schools to avoid causing offence to children.

Instead of singing “Baa baa, black sheep” as generations of children have learnt to do, toddlers in Oxfordshire are being taught to sing “Baa baa, rainbow sheep”.

The move, which critics will seize on as an example of political correctness, was made after the nurseries decided to re-evaluate their approach to equal opportunities.

Stuart Chamberlain, manager of the Family Centre in Abingdon and the Sure Start centre in Sutton Courtenay, Oxfordshire, told the local Courier Journal newspaper: “We have taken the equal opportunities approach to everything we do.

“This is fairly standard across nurseries. We are following stringent equal opportunities rules. No one should feel pointed out because of their race, gender or anything else.”

In keeping with the new approach, teachers at the nurseries have reportedly also changed the ending of Humpty Dumpty so as not to upset the children and dropped the seven dwarfs from the title of Snow White.


Does anyone else think the world's gone mad? Has anyone seen a rainbow sheep?

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