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Political Correctness

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Isn't it about slavery though? Puts a whole new slant on it I reckon.


From the article:


This is not the first time, however, that the nursery rhyme — written in 1744 satirising the taxes imposed on wool exports — has fallen foul of political correctness.

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Traditional nursery rhymes are being rewritten at nursery schools to avoid causing offence to children.

Instead of singing “Baa baa, black sheep” as generations of children have learnt to do, toddlers in Oxfordshire are being taught to sing “Baa baa, rainbow sheep”.




Does anyone else think the world's gone mad? Has anyone seen a rainbow sheep?

The Baa Baa Black Sheep story reared it's politically incorrect head years ago. I found one reference to it on the BBC website dated 12th Jan 2000, Black Sheep Ban Repealed


Here's another reason for discouraging the singing of the song, a reason far more sinister than PC.

Baa baa black sheep prophesised the coming of the Aeon of Horus!!!!!!


"Baa baa black sheep, have you any wool,

Yes sir yes sir three bags full.

One for the master and one for the dame,

And one for the little boy who lives down the lane."


The black sheep is the rebel, the one who refused to conform to societies slavish moral standards, and is also a beast, and thus we can conclude that the black sheep in question is none other than the Beast 666 and Prophet of the Aeon of Horus himself, Aleister Crowley. Baa, transliterated Beth Aleph Aleph, enumerates to four, and said twice in this way, it is saying 44, which is a number sacred to Horus.


If you use the letter aleph to transliterate the rather vague "woo" sound that commences the word "wool", this gives us the word AL, Hebrew for God. Thus we have a request of the Beast 666, asking about the gods, and his reply is clear: "yes sir, yes sir, three bags full". This is obviously a reference to three chapters of Liber Al vel Legis, with it's three gods; the master (Osiris) the dame (Isis) and the little boy (Horus). The fact that the little boy and not the master or the dame live down the lane is indicitive of the fact that the present Aeon is that of Horus.


Please note, if anyone else is interested in the hidden quaballistic meanings of other nursery rhymes, then have a look Crowley's Book Four, An Interlude (between chapters seven and eight)

From : Tellytubby Gematria and Silliness.

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No end of legislation be it formal or informal can take away the pure and simple fact that all races are NOT equal and that all societies are NOT equally good.


Political Correctness is a symptom of something and also a movement in its own right that is appallingly disgusting,


Based around the wish to offend no one (in order for political parties and politicians to avoid loosing any votes by being seen to favour something over something else irrespective if the favouring is justified) it has now gained a momentum all of its own.


In many workplaces the fear of being seen as a racist is now a greater fear than being identified as a sex offender (fact) and frequently deliberate seeking out of something to identify and then condemn as being racist is a good career insurance move even though whatever it was really had no actual racial connotations at all.


The ban on Baa Baa Black Sheep is probably such and is100% down to even the mention of the colour black and any reference to slavery is irrelevant though if there was such a reference understood – or suspected as in the recent case of an attempt to ban the phrase ‘Nitty Gritty – it’s just as certain that would be jumped on by those who drool at the prospect of finding some thing that is in any way potentially or even imaginably discriminatory.


I can recall being advised not to ask for a ‘black coffee’ on more than one occasion in both Raleigh NC as well as in Vancouver. On another occasion in Ottawa I was bawled out by a woman for holding the door open for her. I bawled back and when she realised that I was English she simply remarked that we had a lot to learn about the equality of women and would I hold a door for a man. I replied that I would, she sniffed, and went on her way.


But back to the inequality of races. That doesn’t mean that any race is BETTER than any other race in all things. It simply means that just as some breeds of dog are better at running and some better at slobbing out by the fire (our old dog springs to mind) so people of some races are better at some things than others and by definition worse at some things than others.


While the relative pro’s and con’s between races don’t amount to any master race, hence no race of ‘untermenshen’ the same is NOT the case with societies and I am absolutely adamant that some societies and so by definition nations, are simply better than others in absolute terms.


Society dictates morality and morality dictates society. It’s a vicious circle. Through religion into the pot and it’s a disaster. Because of that there are nations of the world that should be actually dismantled and the population brought into the present century, kicking and screaming if needs be, and not left in the 7th. century where they are stuck by their foul ideology, especially where that foul ideology imposes an absolute duty on them to drag us from our enlightened evolved – ad evolving – state of society down to their own archaic and primitive level.


I utterly detest Political Correctness in all its forms. It prevents truths from being recognised and problems confronted and put right rather than pretending the don’t exist.


We should be able to call a spade a spade without being afraid of being called racist as there should be no one stupid enough as to try to try to look for a problem where there is none and so create one in the process.

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And so it goes on ...


A shop owner has pledged to continue selling toy golliwogs after three of them were seized by police investigating a complaint, it emerged today.

The dolls were removed from a window display at A&E Pettifer's store in the market town of Bromyard, Herefordshire, after a passer-by said they were offensive.



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Strange it is, that men should admit the validity of the arguments for free discussion, but object to their being "pushed to an extreme;" not seeing that unless the reasons are good for an extreme case, they are not good for any case. Strange that they should imagine that they are not assuming infallibility, when they acknowledge that there should be free discussion on all subjects which can possibly be doubtful, but think that some particular principle or doctrine should be forbidden to be questioned because it is so certain, that is, because they are certain that it is certain. To call any proposition certain, while there is any one who would deny its certainty if permitted, but who is not permitted, is to assume that we ourselves, and those who agree with us, are the judges of certainty, and judges without hearing the other side.


On Liberty. John Stuart Mill. 1806–1873.

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And so it goes on ...


A shop owner has pledged to continue selling toy golliwogs after three of them were seized by police investigating a complaint, it emerged today.

The dolls were removed from a window display at A&E Pettifer's store in the market town of Bromyard, Herefordshire, after a passer-by said they were offensive.




It turns out that the complainant was white (local paper - I'll try to find the link again)



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from that article


"'There is no scientific data that supports the idea that the difference between blacks and whites is genetic.'"


ermmm, spot the deliberate mistake?



Oh come on quote the full paragraph to show your deliberate mistake is no such thing.


Psychologists have said that IQ has been discredited as a reliable measure of intelligence. Robert McHenry, chairman of the psychology consultancy OPP, said: 'It was developed by white researchers and tested on white populations, so is not suitable for measuring other cultures.' He said the Bell Curve theory was out of date and showed lower achievements among the black population because they were economically worse off.


'There is no scientific data that supports the idea that the difference [in intelligence] between blacks and whites is genetic.'


The issue is the genetics of intelligence, not the genetics of skin colour.


People living in sub-sarahan Africa perform worse on IQ scores than white American college students. That is a reasonably indisputable fact. Some people use this to say Africans are thick and its because they are genetically less able. That is a massively disputed conjecture and one that is regularly debunked. Unfortunately this doesn't stop it coming back into fashion again every few years.


Pick any economically badly off group ... Chinese peasants say ... and guess what ... thick the lot of them ... when compared to their better off and educated peers. Some people use this to say only the cream floats to the top ... but you take one of those peasants, give them a proper education etc and guess what, their IQ suddenly increases so that its not significantly different than any else with similar circumstances.


Controlling for all these issues makes a mockery of all these simplistic claims about race and intelligence. There is basically no identified genetic difference in brain structure or function between the races, but due to global poverty there are wide differences in IQ scores ... as far as I know the most successful "race" in terms of IQ scores are the Japanese, followed by the Hong Kong and Singaporean Chinese. This means very little and isn't particularly important; please not lets go on for hours about economic and genetic superiority ... we are genetically identical to the victorians who ruled the world and the edwardians who starved during the great depression in the 1930's.


Our material well being has almost nothing to do with our genetics and everything to do with how we deal with the opportunities available to us.

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And so it goes on ...


A shop owner has pledged to continue selling toy golliwogs after three of them were seized by police investigating a complaint, it emerged today.

The dolls were removed from a window display at A&E Pettifer's store in the market town of Bromyard, Herefordshire, after a passer-by said they were offensive.



Saw some in Blackpool (coincidence,not racist) when i took my daughter, was trying to win her one but failed miserably, been years since i've seen any anywhere!


I pretty much agree with Rog on this, black is black and anyone trying to say otherwise is the troublemaker. Bloody rainbow sheep, wtf?

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This is stupid and shows how things have gone to far, are they now going to ban chess boards with black and white, because its black pieces against white pieces!

I'm not racist and believe that everyone should be treated equally but trying to change and complain about britians culture and heritage is beyond a joke.

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