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[BBC News] Ideas sought for Summerland site


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I think they should build a big ugly concrete and plastic building, inside it should be like a maze so you can't find your way around, then they should have a massive empty space, with a stage at the front, then some random kids play thing in the corner.


Lower down they should have a dodgy bar, underneath some 5 a side pitches, maybe a bit of rollerskating could be done there too.


And then a weird "bladeesque" underground claustrophobic nightclub full of strange drunk "people"


OOh did I mention a swimming pool? Yes a swimming pool would be good too.


Can I have my consultancy fee now?

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Ideal site for first Manx nuclear reactor power plant, plenty of water across the road for cooling. - and dumping contamination.

Solves Manx power problem and gives kids something to do - rock pooling for luminescent crabs, talking fish etc.


Also has the side benefit of providing a potential terrorist target which will justify the paranoid security at Ronaldsway and give plod an excuse to swagger around armed to the teeth everyday.

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I think they should build a large good looking 3 story building with a basement, and plenty of sound insulation between floors, all centred around the idea of a Community Centre (open to anyone on the island).


The basement should be put back as 'The Cave' and rented out as a nightclub (open 8pm to 2pm).


The ground floor should be split into two parts, the Douglas Community centre, and a youth club, fully kitted out so as to be the basis of a meeting place in Douglas for events young and old, and aimed at keeping youngsters off the streets by providing decent facilities and equipment - and the yoof club designed and run (under supervision) by the yoofs themselves. A small cop-shop like they had in the villa arcade could also be included, to aid in community policing.


The first floor should be a modular floor that could fit in everything from a cinema to bowling alley, with very cheap rents to encourage such businesses to go for it.


The second floor should be family orientated with an additional eatery/pub and a play area including an outside area to view the bay - with part of it (sometims all) available to be be hired out to anyone for corporate do's, weddings, bands etc. in the evenings. If this floor didn't work after a few years (i.e. no demand), MNH could take it over and put e.g. a TT or combined museum in it.


Buses to it should be readily available, maybe even a new regular route that combines all of the major estates around Douglas, so wherever you come from on the island you can get to it relatively easily. Plus the horsetrams fares should be cut to encourage people to use them to get to it.

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A very sound proposal Mr. Tatlock. And the outdoor area that you mention for looking out of the bay, that would be a grand place to observe the sea, you would hardly ever have to worry about one of the Steam Racket's vessels spoiling the view.

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The ground floor should be split into two parts, the Douglas Community centre, and a youth club, fully kitted out so as to be the basis of a meeting place in Douglas for events young and old, and aimed at keeping youngsters off the streets by providing decent facilities and equipment - and the yoof club designed and run (under supervision) by the yoofs themselves. A small cop-shop like they had in the villa arcade could also be included, to aid in community policing.


That's exactly what Millarkey wants to do in Anagh Coar, but he is hoping to raise the cash via the community and lottery grants. Sounds like a good idea to me if he and the committee that will be formed have the energy.

I wonder how that idea would go down if the Summerland area MHK suggests it?

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How about a massive fetish club - with bars, dungeons and a dance floor?


Well - we will all want something else to do other than stop at home spending money heating and lighting the place in the winter!


I cannot believe no one has mentioned a mono rail terminal yet?

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