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Guitar Hero/rock Band Advice


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finally have the money to get one of these bad ones, but theres so many either out or coming out



was going to get the aerosmtih bundle at 65 but then would it just be better to get rockband full set for 130?



or wait till GH4 and RB2 come out



basically is it worth getting rockband over guitar hero for the extra money?




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finally have the money to get one of these bad ones, but theres so many either out or coming out

was going to get the aerosmtih bundle at 65 but then would it just be better to get rockband full set for 130?

or wait till GH4 and RB2 come out

basically is it worth getting rockband over guitar hero for the extra money?



Depends how badly you want the drums. I think GH is an overall better game, but no drums.

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Ive got gh1 , gh2 (twice), gh3 and rockband (twice)


I can easily say spend the extra and get rockband. It is absolutely amazing, with mates round it just takes it to a different level.

But even playing on the drums on your own is much more enjoyable and rewarding than guitar on any gh (or rockband guitar section)


The only things to think about are gh4 (with drums) and rb2 will be out by the end of the year. The drums on gh4 are looking very impressive indeed.


If you cant wait. Get rockband.

I still play rockband several times a week and Ive had it since november!! I havent touched any of my guitar hero games for at least a year.


But if you dont care about the drums and have no mates to play with and your absolutely amazing at the guitar section then gh is better than rockband as the gh games are alot harder than the guitar in rockband.

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I got the GH3 bundle when it came out, then when RB and GH Aerosmith were released I bought the GH Aerosmith bundle to give me a second guitar and the RB drums and game seperate.

The thing is GH guitars work fine with RB but not vice versa, there was talk of a patch to allow RB axes to play nice with GH but it never came to light.

So if you want to keep your options open go for a GH bundle and buy a solo copy of RB then you can add drums at a later date, but until then you have two games to get stuck into.

Failing that wait a couple of months for GH4 and RB2.

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I think rockband is an overall better game (especially after they sold off the GH concept). It's more fun to play with friends and leaves you more options when it's just you as well. Though it might be worth waiting for rockband 2 to come out, the kit looks pretty spiffy.


GH Aerosmith is an alright game but most of the aerosmith songs aren't the well known ones and it's pretty easy to complete (My friend completed it on expert in a day) :P


(Edit for crap typing)

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i have GH2 and 3 and cant wait for the 4th and i also want rock band too! I dunno if you can download other songs for rock band like u can for guitar hero. I just love them all anyways! :D

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Yeah Rockband downloads absolutely wee all over GH downloads. For a start you can buy one song your not forced into getting a pack of 3 and secondly rockband have at least 3 songs released a week!! GH3 has hit a total of about 6 packs in a year.


My plan for the next gen of games is to get the GH4 drums+game and rockband 2 solus since as someone said a bit earlier, all the peripherals are going to be cross compatible! and the gh4 drums are looking alot better than rb2s drums.

I also read somewhere (not sure if its true or not) the you can connect a proper Edrum kit thu the gh4 kit as it has a midi pass thru port!

If thats the case i am going to be in complete gaming heaven :)

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  • 5 weeks later...

I've just started playing Guitar Hero 3 this weekend, sorry I started. Dudes it's like really addictive and there isn't enough time in the day for it.

Work really gets in the way of gaming.

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