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[BBC News] Prisoners transferred to new jail


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He's said however, that he's volunteered for the smooth running of the move and felt obliged to assist and that he did not do it for the money




So if he didn't do it for the money, will he donate his overtime pay to a local charity etc? No, of course not!


We're not all as dumb as the morons he is employed to look after!

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He's said however, that he's volunteered for the smooth running of the move and felt obliged to assist and that he did not do it for the money


What an appalling comment to make. Those public-spirited, fair-minded Prison Officers could never be accused of always being on the lookout to screw ever more dosh from the public purse and I'm sure they all have an obligation put the Prison Service first. Which means, of course, that this is also complete bollocks:


New prison to lie empty as staff dispute continues


The move to Jurby is in part contingent on the on-going dispute over travel allowances for prison staff being settled.


Prison officers are demanding more money because of increased travel distances to work following the move from Douglas to Jurby.


Martyn Quayle insisted the costs of having the new prison lie empty were 'not significant' and included utility costs and the cost of keeping the building staffed by a number of prison officers to ensure its security and integrity.

Guarding a prison with zero prisoners in it whilst waiting for more dosh - nice work if you can get it!

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Well if its such good work why not apply ?


I reckon its the sort of job you can either do it or not.


I personally think they do need a pat on the back dealing with the trash daily must be a pain in the @rse

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I've had a phone call today to say that the place is great and its much better than the other one and says it's a bit like a bachelor pad with your own toilet, kettle, TV and wash basin. I've also phoned a friend and mentioned your comments and he's a little pissed off with your views and cannot reply, as he's covered by Government claptrap (my words)

So much for the PO's quarters. What is the prisoner accommodation like?


You are sleeping with a prison officer....and I claim my £5.

:P No further reply

You don't know a bloke called Kershaw do you?

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I see that its ok to do the move now that they have bought off the workers




The newspapers quote that the Prospect spokesperson said:


It is based around a one-off lump sum for disturbances, including compensation for the extra time taken travelling to and from work, and a pence per mile figure for every additional mile travelled over and above their usual journey for a period of three years.


But she refused to disclose what figures had been agreed until payments were being made.


I bet she refused. It will be interesting to see how much everyone bent over and just paid them out what they wanted because its only taxpayers money after all.

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I remember spending some time talking to prison officers some time back, transpires most of them had failed to get into the police/fire service/ambulance service/forces. I can't see the connection.


Think I'll apply for the prison service if my application to join the police gets knocked back

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I remember spending some time talking to prison officers some time back, transpires most of them had failed to get into the police/fire service/ambulance service/forces. I can't see the connection.


Think I'll apply for the prison service if my application to join the police gets knocked back


Why not try for the prison service first they gey paid more than the police

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I see that its ok to do the move now that they have bought off the workers



A very costly and silly precedent to set on an island this size, given the number of 'civil servants'.

I think the recent poll is quite enterprising from the Government

Do you think prison officers should have been given an extra mileage allowance - as yet undisclosed - because the prison has moved to Jurby?

Look out other Isle of Man Government employees, you're moving North! :huh:

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