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Queen To Reform


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Why would that be funny?


I saw their performance at the UK Hall Of Fame crap thing that was on (happened to have the TV on in the background) and I actually thought they didn't sit well together.

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Better than George Michael though!


I think he would have carried it off a lot better. Don't get me wrong, PR is a fine vocalist and the stuff he did with Free is legendary, I just don't think he fits with the Queen music.


I'd still probably go see them tour. After Dimebag's death last week, I'm making a New Year resolution to get away and see as many bands as I can that I've never seen live as you just never know when they're going to be taken away from you.

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I think that's the good thing about it - Rodgers has a competely different style than Freddie so there will be less comparison being made.


Suppose the proof is in the pudding though, I'll reserve judgement til I actually hear them. As one of my big regrets is not seeing Queen live I'll definitely be doing my best to go along too.


George Michael has nowhere near the power needed to front them IMO. Look at the crap he's churning out these days, it's dire turge. Not only that, he's gay! :o

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I think theyve left it to long now, and have shot themselves in the front by pre-announcing it.


With the last few records Queen put out being so personal I think they've already cast themselves as finshed, in a quite unique way, and although Ive never liked queen myself, I always had respect for them.


Restarting now seems to be a bit of a u-turn, and a bit pointless.

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Paul Rogers is one of the great old school blues influenced rock singers, (check out Free's Heartbreaker album for details) so it is hard to begrudge him his pension, pity he had to getit this way though.


At least Queen fans will get to hear and see a great front man for a change.

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xxxxxx shocker.

Queen ceased to exist the day Freddie died.

May and the rest of the 'loyal' band have done nothing but take the xxxx.


FFS its like the Stones without Jagger, Smiths without Morrissey,The Who without Daltry, The Doors without Morrison..i could go on for ever.


Ex-Queen boys form your own xxxxxxx band, and leave a dead guy out of it.


Youv'e got your money, 5 minutes of fame...retire gracefully at least you have the choice.


Bunch of xxxxxxx tossers.


The swear filter is there for a reason

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I can be a bit stand-offish on this one Marcus, since I despised everything about Queen.


I always find views like you've expressed a little dodgy. The way I look at it the bands you named were more than just backing musicians. Morrissey's singing hasn't declined since The Smiths split his lyrics are still quite good (although at Reading this year he seemed rather a bitter man) but his solo stuff isn't as good. So you could argue (and it was do so successfully in court) that Marr, Joyce, and Rourke contributed a great deal to the Smiths. Now if the break up had been down to Mozzer (actually it was down to Marr but indulge me here) the others would have been perfectly entitled to say we'll carry on together and let the fans make the decision about whether we cut the mustard.


Strange that you use the Morrison / Doors comparisson because they carried on without him for two albums and for me at least the Ray Thingy's keyboard sound was more characteristic of the Doors than Big Jim's 6th form peotry and average vocals. And who can blame them it wasn't there fault the sainted Morrison was a dead junkie they probably felt the remaining members had some music left to make and didn't see why they shouldn't just because Jim had messed up. They also reformed recently with Whathisname from the Cult as lead singer and got rave reveiws.


Also from personal experience I recently saw the MC5 play with Mark Arm of Mudhoney taking over lead vocals. It was a great night. Sure it wasn't the same as seeing them in 1968 with the original line up but it was still a worthwhile experience.


Simillarly I've seen the Pogues twice - once with Shane and once with Joe Strummer on lead vocals. Shane was pissed! And on this occasion too pissed. When Joe played it was better, I saw one of the great post 1977 bands with one of the great frontmen. I knew Shane wasn't gonna sing, just as it is unlikely to have escaped the attention of Queen fans that Freddie may be indisposed.


Basically, people make a choice, in the knowledge that it is gonna be different to the old-style Queen shows, and they can turn up or not.

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