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Port St.mary Butchered


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Don't get me wrong, I'm no raving veggie but I have always believed that ground meat is usually made from tougher meat and leftover meat created when the sides of beef are carved into steaks and roasts etc. Whether that includes the parts of the beast mentioned above maybe best left to the imagination.


No part of a cow is wasted, it all gets used in one way or another.

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Totally agree about Radcliffe's of Castletown, their meat is great. Best burgers - make them yourself. Buy steak, get the butcher to mince it for you there and then. Then add oregano, tomatoe puree, chopped red onion and garlic and make into burgers, put in the fridge for a bit. Heat your griddle or frying pan to very hot with no oil, brush the burgers with a bit of rapeseed oil and fry as with steak. Put in baps from Muffins of Peel........wonderful. Chips made from spuds from Kennaughs farm! Almost as good as spuds and herrin!


This has turned into a cookery thread. Back on subject.......terrible shame for Mr Corrin, we've known the family for years, Joe Corrin (his Dad) use to deliver our turkey every Christmas. Had meat from Mr Corrin for a while but then moved to Radcliffes. Don't go to Tesco, even if the quality of their meat is on a par with independent butchers, we'll end up with corporate everything.


Was just looking at the "Terrace" in Douglas, you can't buy bread there now unless you go to the Co-op for that rubbish Ramsey Bakery stuff. There use to be two bakers (Quirks and Elders), a wet fish shop (Devereau), butchers (Harrison and Garret - they're still there but for how long), 2 green grocers and it was a lively shopping area, now it looks tatty and sad, with takeaways and charity shops, which is a real shame. :(

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I was in PSM yesterday, and there are a few empty retail units in the town, infact its almost becoming a ghost town of sorts for shops.


Its a crying shame that the landlord feels the need to hike the lease price for what is surely a risky leasing venture


Just how long does anyone think a surf shop will last there, after all its not as if there is a major amount of players in that game on the island, yes a few on and off but nothing serious.


Id imagine less than a year, anyone think to disagree ?


In general though just take a look at every town now and its declining number of shops , even Douglas is now starting to become like other seaside towns with empty shops all over the place, even The chemist moving from its large shop to a small shows the down turn in consumer requirements. (or the increased use of the Internet )


Another true butcher closing, those of us that choose to get the better product and varied range such as the Sausgages and Burgers and flavoured meats all from the owners own recipes that are never able to be reproduced by a supermarket , or indeed from another independant butcher, have now lost another element in good tasty food .


Well the choices are getting less and less as time goes on, but I wish them well in what ever they all do for the future and thank them for a great service over the years.



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Far be it for me to point a professional cook in the right direction but:


Rub the steak with cracked pepper & Maldon sea salt, heat the pan to smoking and seal the meat on both sides


I would never salt a good quality steak before cooking - this will only promote dryness. (Pepper's ok though.....; )) Much better to cook it to the desired level and then leave it on a warmed plate to relax. The salt should be added as soon as it is transferred to the plate. Then as the meat relaxes it will draw the salt into itself resulting in a superior flavour. I suppose busy kitchens are under pressure to cut corners though, lol,lol...... ; )) This is what I do and my steaks are legendary!

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I was in PSM yesterday, and there are a few empty retail units in the town, infact its almost becoming a ghost town of sorts for shops.

I grew up in Port St Mary and there used to be load of great little shops. Down by the harbour there was the bakery, and Archer's the grocers - further up there was Patchwork that sold all sorts of 'stuff' and there was the green grocers which later became a health food shop.


I think the problem is that Port St Mary isn't on the way to anywhere so they don't get much passing trade so to speak. The beach used to be lovely but since the breakwater changed a lot of the sand from the beach has washed away, so even the beach doesn't attract people much either.

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I was in PSM yesterday, and there are a few empty retail units in the town, infact its almost becoming a ghost town of sorts for shops.


Its a crying shame that the landlord feels the need to hike the lease price for what is surely a risky leasing venture


Just how long does anyone think a surf shop will last there, after all its not as if there is a major amount of players in that game on the island, yes a few on and off but nothing serious.


Id imagine less than a year, anyone think to disagree ?


In general though just take a look at every town now and its declining number of shops , even Douglas is now starting to become like other seaside towns with empty shops all over the place, even The chemist moving from its large shop to a small shows the down turn in consumer requirements. (or the increased use of the Internet )


Another true butcher closing, those of us that choose to get the better product and varied range such as the Sausgages and Burgers and flavoured meats all from the owners own recipes that are never able to be reproduced by a supermarket , or indeed from another independant butcher, have now lost another element in good tasty food .


Well the choices are getting less and less as time goes on, but I wish them well in what ever they all do for the future and thank them for a great service over the years.




Agreed it is a shame. However you say there are other retail units available, maybe they could obtain a better lease and move within PSM? It's a bigger picture though isn't it. If they can't afford the lease then they arn't making the money to cover their costs and this comes down to the support of the local people.


I use butchers in Douglas, as I live in Douglas. Port St Mary must have a small catchment area, and maybe some people choose to shop local - but obviously not enough to sustain this business.


You can blame Tescos, the surf shop (really a diving shop/centre that has a few surfboards), the landlord, - but ultimatley it comes down to the people and their choice. Unfortunatley they've made their choice and we've lost a good butchers. You'll just have to find and support another good butchers on the Island.

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Thanks for the tip though, but I take it as just another retort to show your prowess at yet another diverse area of life.

Not sure what to make of this ambiguous statement but you can take it as you like - I couldn't care less.


But aren't all burgers so? (ie shite) Made up from dubious body parts of the animal such as sphincter, lip and earlobe. Ground up with bits of mess found on the slaughter house floor and mixed with disguising spices and stuff that make us all go "mmmhhh, lovely!!!!"


Don't get me wrong, I'm no raving veggie but I have always believed that ground meat is usually made from tougher meat and leftover meat created when the sides of beef are carved into steaks and roasts etc. Whether that includes the parts of the beast mentioned above maybe best left to the imagination.

I can actually HEAR your butcher rubbing his hands together as you waltz through the door. (And do cows even have earlobes?)


No part of a cow is wasted, it all gets used in one way or another.
I think you're confusing cows with pigs.
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I love the way that some of the muppets on here are imagining that the villainous Surf Shop owner is forcibly turning out the friendly local butcher into the street in Dickensian fashion, complete with his gang of cackling toughs and the local bobby standing by.


What a load of crap. If people really wanted a butcher in PSM, he'd have no difficulty making the rent because he'd be selling enough to make it.


I take it from the fact that nobody did support him when he was open, that people on here are just in love with the idea of having a quaint local butcher hand-chopping the beef whilst they all shop at Tesco's. Inflation happens everywhere, including on the rent of properties, and it's stupid to think that the owner would need to operate some sort of local charity for quaint local characters for the place to stay open.


Personally, if the butcher's can't make the numbers add up, I'd be happy to see a surf shop there rather than leaving it empty till the place is unusable. Typically in IOM fashion, a 5-minute drive into Castletown to get meat is regarded like a trip over the Andes. Is it the fact that it's a "yoof" thing that rankles with the stuffy old cardigans ?

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I love the way that some of the muppets on here are imagining that the villainous Surf Shop owner is forcibly turning out the friendly local butcher into the street in Dickensian fashion, complete with his gang of cackling toughs and the local bobby standing by.

Although the idea of "surf" on the IOM is laughable (a quick check of an atlas will reveal Ireland is in the way and btw I've seen bigger waves in the Med) I see no evidence of your post above. As you quite rightly say the bottom line is the bottom line. The lease is held in order to turn a profit. If there is more money in relieving naiive youngsters of their dosh for lumps of plastic and polystyrene than there is in selling meat to the locals then fair enough. The issue I have is not just that I think that the produce from a local store is superior which gives me a choice from the "packaged" supermarket fare but also that the local butcher/baker/candlestickmaker provides a service to the local community. In England lots of local Post Offices will be going because they don't turn a profit. This will mean a bus journey for lots of old folks. I would prefer to keep the PO's open than issue free bus passes and undoubtedly so do the pensioners involved. However this is seen by the great and good as "progress". I don't see it as that at all as there should be more to life than vulgar profit.


I once heard it described in a seminar as "The scum that Thatcher spawned". It would seem they are alive and well and living in all sorts of odd corners...

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I love the way that some of the muppets on here are imagining that the villainous Surf Shop owner is forcibly turning out the friendly local butcher into the street in Dickensian fashion, complete with his gang of cackling toughs and the local bobby standing by.


What a load of crap. If people really wanted a butcher in PSM, he'd have no difficulty making the rent because he'd be selling enough to make it.


I take it from the fact that nobody did support him when he was open, that people on here are just in love with the idea of having a quaint local butcher hand-chopping the beef whilst they all shop at Tesco's. Inflation happens everywhere, including on the rent of properties, and it's stupid to think that the owner would need to operate some sort of local charity for quaint local characters for the place to stay open.


Personally, if the butcher's can't make the numbers add up, I'd be happy to see a surf shop there rather than leaving it empty till the place is unusable. Typically in IOM fashion, a 5-minute drive into Castletown to get meat is regarded like a trip over the Andes. Is it the fact that it's a "yoof" thing that rankles with the stuffy old cardigans ?


Anyone that writes under a pseudonym such as The Bastard obviously has an extremely low opinion of themselves. John Corrin's butcher's has been in Port St. Mary for at least 14 years and I’m willing to bet that the diving shop is well confined to the history books before 14 years. I would have thought that any businessman worth his salt would prefer 14 years of stability, than a so-called quick buck made from a trendy whim that will probably last a year or so. As for Castletown being 5 minutes away, well yes it is, if you have a car. The trouble is though, what next. Douglas is only 20 minutes away once the Castletown shop closes. As for the people of Port St. Mary not supporting the shop, of course they did. How do you imagine he lasted for 14 years without the support of the local community? I bet the local community doesn’t support a diving shop for 14 years. However, I am sure there is another agenda here! The diving shop will prove to be no more than a stop gap, and only time will reveal what the real long term plan is.

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However, I am sure there is another agenda here! The diving shop will prove to be no more than a stop gap, and only time will reveal what the real long term plan is.

Maybe you'd like to share your suspicions?

The suspicious factor could begin with D, end with A and have AND in it somewhere

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Anyone that writes under a pseudonym such as The Bastard obviously has an extremely low opinion of themselves.


...not as low as the opinion I have of stuffy old farts who obviously don't use a business, but bleat like lambs on the way to the slaughterhouse when it goes under because they didn't use it.


It's a business, not a charity. If people actually used the butchers, it wouldn't go under. People don't, but then complain about the loss in the classic IOM "we fear change of any kind" mode.


If you've lost your butchers, the harsh reality is that it's your fault for not supporting it, not the fault of everyone else, Mrs. Thatcher, fiendish Surf Shop owners, machiavellian building firms etc. etc.

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Anyone that writes under a pseudonym such as The Bastard obviously has an extremely low opinion of themselves.


...not as low as the opinion I have of stuffy old farts who obviously don't use a business, but bleat like lambs on the way to the slaughterhouse when it goes under because they didn't use it.


If you've lost your butchers, the harsh reality is that it's your fault for not supporting it, not the fault of everyone else, Mrs. Thatcher, fiendish Surf Shop owners, machiavellian building firms etc. etc.



Actually I can speak for both myself and Tom Glassey and say that we have up until yesterday when it closed, supported John Corrin for the past 12 years since we 1st went to live in Port St.Mary. I also know that Bar George also supported him as did other retailers. We are bouyed by the fact that as a good butcher, he will be back on the scene again around October when he has had a holiday, as we know he has had several offers to consider since it became known he has had to close his business. The people of Port St.Mary have supported a butcher for over 100 years and so can hardly be accused of not supporting local retailers.

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