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Wanted Metal Detector


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  • 2 years later...



I saw your message re Metal Detector and wondered if you were successful? I know it was some time ago but I am looking for a detector myself and have no idea where to start. If you can give me any advice I'd really appreciate it.

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Has this come about after watching Captain Jack Sparrow with all his loot the other night? :P

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Most metal detector 'users'.....are vermin!


They just destroy any and all types of stratification, with out any clue what they are doing.


At least stick to beaches for the odd 10pence and where you cant permanently destroy much archaeology.

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Most metal detector 'users'.....are vermin!


They just destroy any and all types of stratification, with out any clue what they are doing.


At least stick to beaches for the odd 10pence and where you cant permanently destroy much archaeology.


Quite a sweeping statement considering you obviousy don't know any of the detectorists on the Island.


A lot of viking history has been found by the local 'users' and they have done everything they can to make sure it is put on public display for generations to come.


Most of us work very closely with the MNH to ensure where we go, what we do and how we deal with finds are all in the best interests of the Isle of Man.


Suggest to re-calibrate your opinions or at least keep them to yourself.

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'night hawkers' are not metal detectorists, they ARE vermin who operate to make money, fortunately on a small Island people like this don't frequent the place. It is a big issue in the UK though.

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Quite a sweeping statement considering you obviousy don't know any of the detectorists on the Island.


I would argue it is NOT a sweeping statement, hence the first word being in Italics!


A lot of viking history has been found by the local 'users' and they have done everything they can to make sure it is put on public display for generations to come.


yep thousands of pieces of rubbish, diplomatically stored in the bowels of the museum


Most of us work very closely with the MNH to ensure where we go, what we do and how we deal with finds are all in the best interests of the Isle of Man.


well done to those who know what they are doing and dont destroy everything


MNH are not going to say 'stop finding things and giving us you're tat!'


Suggest to re-calibrate your opinions or at least keep them to yourself.


Keep my opinions to myself, sorry are you the freedom of speech police, also as an archaeologist, i think i might be qualified enough to comment.

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None of the detectorists I know are in it for the money, all have written permission frm the land owners, and all of them confer with the MNH over finds in accordance with the treasure laws.


Someone who thinks because they 'wasted' several years of their life in clown college qualifies them to dump on the people who brought the museum the likes of the viking axes and the glen faba hoard amongst others which are on public display.


Unless of ourse you consider hundreds of pieces of silver 'rubbish'.


What have you found of note? anything on display from your trowel digging and paintbrush sifting?? That was solely instigated by you and not just jumped onto an already documented site where you 'professionally' stumbled upon a find?


Metal Detecting is a technology, and the final tool after many hours spent researching, listening to old fisherman's tales and miles to trudging about in usually tough terrain.


I sincerely hope you are not employed by the MNH as your attitude towards the metal detectorists over here sucks. I will of course be asking them.

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None of the detectorists I know are in it for the money, all have written permission from the land owners, and all of them confer with the MNH over finds in accordance with the treasure laws.


You sound like you are doing MNH a favour by confering with them over treasure trove, funny i though 99% of the time the law says you HAVE to.


Someone who thinks because they 'wasted' several years of their life in clown college qualifies them to dump on the people who brought the museum the likes of the viking axes and the glen faba hoard amongst others which are on public display.


I know, its awful these people wasting years at clown college, im so glad i went to the University of York.


Unless of ourse you consider hundreds of pieces of silver 'rubbish'.


Depends in what context they were found


What have you found of note? anything on display from your trowel digging and paintbrush sifting?? That was solely instigated by you and not just jumped onto an already documented site where you 'professionally' stumbled upon a find?


Star Carr, not the original dig of course, but the years of research, lectures, presentations, essays, dissertations, field work, oh and of course listening to old wives tales and the miles and miles of walking through the tough terrain. but of course i am dedicating my life to finding that original excavation, using MY SKILLS, not a machine.


Metal Detecting is a technology, and the final tool after many hours spent researching, listening to old fisherman's tales and miles to trudging about in usually tough terrain.


Technology Huh! wave a wand and hope for a beep!!!


I sincerely hope you are not employed by the MNH as your attitude towards the metal detectorists over here sucks. I will of course be asking them.


MNH are an incredible asset to the Island, unfortunately most metal detectors are not. Contrary to the username, nope im not on the Island.



Some metal detector users, are similar to security guards who failed the police application, couldnt be bothered to learn the craft properly.

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