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Wanted Metal Detector


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So you admit to being in the UK which is unfortunately infested with have a go heros who rip up the countryside and keep what they find, on top of the hundreds of night hawkers who quite literally rip the land apart including historic sites for a quick buck.


On the Island that really does not fly, as i said it is a small community and digging up the countryside for profit would not go un-noticed for very long at all.


A person with a wand that is not setup right will find nothing but scrap iron and coke cans all day long, find it very frustrating and give up.


As you admit, it is a craft and I have several finds ranging from a 990AD Saxony Denier, 12xx Edward I Penny, 13xx Edward III Half groat and a 12xx Edward Dublin Half Penny.


All silver, all reported, all found to be casual loss, and all GIVEN to the landowner with my thanks for letting me detect on his property. No 50/50 split, no selling them off, given away as a thanks for letting me carry out my 'hobby'.


I am not alone in this, many of the detectorists I know over here also hand over finds to landowners.


Please don't tar us with the same brush as the UK situation. The many you speak of can only be the very few over here.

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