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Obesity - The New Smoking?


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Well we've now got no smoking in pubs, perhaps it's about time to ban fatties from pubs.


They probably cost the NHS as much or more than smokers, and don't contribute to the treasury anywhere near as much as smokers.


Maybe we should add a £5 tax on chocolate, chips & crisps ;)

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Rod Liddle today

We have grown too fat to die. According to undertakers, the regular size of coffin is no good for your average British corpse, so they’ve been forced to build new supersize hi-fat extra fries caskets in which to shovel our bulging cadavers once we have wheezed our last. And then, presumably, dig graves the size of septic tanks. We have changed greatly as a nation but, paradoxically, our demands on the environment remain the same.


England’s original broadleaf forest was destroyed to build ships for our Royal Navy so that we might conquer two-thirds of the world. Our new priority is sitting on the couch watching The Jeremy Kyle Show while cramming a KFC party bucket down our throats. What remains of our forests, then, will be chopped down to accommodate our blubbery mortal remains.

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Fat children ‘should be taken from parents’


This should be interesting, even from just a few angles.


So which areas are regarded as fat? The whole body mass, big tum, big bum, big boobs (behave keyboarder)

What age is the word children? If I was fat (don't even go there keyboarder), would I be taken from my parents, or even my parents taken away from their parents?

Psychologically, how does this affect everyone involved?

What happens if the child commits suicide if taken from their parents?

What if its genetics?


Ok Keyboarder, do your stuff lol

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Fat children ‘should be taken from parents’


This should be interesting, even from just a few angles.


So which areas are regarded as fat? The whole body mass, big tum, big bum, big boobs (behave keyboarder)

What age is the word children? If I was fat (don't even go there keyboarder), would I be taken from my parents, or even my parents taken away from their parents?

Psychologically, how does this affect everyone involved?

What happens if the child commits suicide if taken from their parents?

What if its genetics?


Fat = BMI, which can be flawed for extremely muscular people but generally it's a good guide. It's not about measurements.


Genetics? No, you can't get fat from eating genes, it's definately food.

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Rod Liddle today
We have grown too fat to die. According to undertakers, the regular size of coffin is no good for your average British corpse,


What if people get too big to go in the incinerator? Where then? :o



They leave you in the woods for a week or two. You'll fit in fine after that!

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