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Warp Drive Theoretically Possible, Say Scientists

Bombay Bad Boy

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Cool, the next test is trans-warp technology.


That's assuming they don't get into the whole Warpspeed, FTL, hyperspace argument of course.


Nerd 1 - I think we should call it warp speed


Nerd 2 - no frakking way dude, it's definitely faster than light drive technology dude


Nerd 3 - Listen, we wouldn't be here without the Vorlons, it's got to be hyperspace or else I'm calling the planet killers in, okay?

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All this extraordinary feat requires, says the new study, is for scientists to harness a mysterious and poorly understood cosmic antigravity force, called dark energy.


Damn why didn't I think of that. It's always the simple and easy to implement ideas that are the best...

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All this extraordinary feat requires, says the new study, is for scientists to harness a mysterious and poorly understood cosmic antigravity force, called dark energy.


Damn why didn't I think of that. It's always the simple and easy to implement ideas that are the best...


All this extraordinary feat requires is the foundation of a whole new branch of physics based on a back of fag packet calculation some bloke did in his lunch hour.


This might be a better bet for not only faster than light travel (via a type of hyperspace, no less) but a reactionless sub-light space drive - Burkhard Heim's "Space Drive" - New Scientist

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