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Amazon N Tesco Go For Jersey


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I've noticed that both amazon.co.uk and tesco.com have now started taking orders for certain items from Jersey.


The deal is that jersey is apparently vat free, and the uk excepts vat payments for mail order goods below 18 quid, making it perfect for dvd's and cd's.


This has been goign on for years, with mail order companies like play.com, but now it seems amazon and tesco have decided to 'not beat em, join em'. This is a big coup for Jersey presumably, not only will it be a good source of income by attracting these very large employers, but will also raise their profile. Amazon and tesco.com are two of the busiests sites in the uk.


Makes you think like we're missing out a bit.

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I read that story on This Is Jersey .com and thought "Nice move there fellas".


As an base of e'Commerce Excellence*, reputable names like those are the ones that the DTI should be chasing to come here. I know we have a Reciprocal Agreement with the UK Treasury (which I assume Jersey dont??) but IOM Government must have some control over VAT rates for items sold here... don't they??





According to another article on the same Jersey website (now archived and lost), new daily sailings to Cherbourg start in the new year that will "revolutionise" the way they shop etc. I wondered if the two events were in some way losely connected.

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How so?


I'm not sure what their coverage of the UK is but I would guess that the majority of people that use tesco.com would be those that live in or around cities / large towns (where the majority of the population would live anyway).

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But then I'm sure Tesco's would have competition in all major cities from other supermarkets that deliver (Sainsbury's, Safeways, Asda, Iceland and I'm sure others) and therefore wouldn't be as busy as ours would be here per head count. I'm sure Tesco's isn't the cheapest, perhaps it' the best?

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Thier goal was always to be number one (which they did achieve, not sure if they still are though). They also wanted to offer a better quality own branded product for their ready meals and they launched their 'Tesco Best' range to take on M&S (who were always the benchmark for ready meals) again, they did achieve this goal but I'm not sure if they are still the market leader.


Last time I was across, I went to a Texco Extra on a regular basis (was staying in self catering accomodation). To my mind, you'd have to go a long way to beat that.

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Tesco remain top dogs for sure, always been a big fan, when married and using serious petrol, used to get £30-40 per quarter on the points card in vouchers, which = £3-4,000 per quarter spent, so used to spend serious money.


Recently though i have found thier prices creeping up, poor deals on DVD's etc.

Asda, Morrissons can do a currant DVD for about £9.97, most though retail at £4.99.CD's £9.97.Tesco prices fluctuate, occassionaly knock the vat off, but in general DVD/Videos are around £14.99.


I think they remain leaders due to 24hour stores/petrol and the Express shops.


I hope you guys over there are getting some of the Morrison bargains, now they have bought Safeway.


I get my Printer cartridges from Morrissons..Colour £2.99, Black £2.99.


Good value i'd say.

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Yeah, all my relatives were saying that Tesco were the cheapest for petrol in the area (Kent) and they all filled up there. The 24 hour store thing is bloody handy too, and they're busy too.


/off topic: What printer have you got Marcus?

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Yeah, all my relatives were saying that Tesco were the cheapest for petrol in the area (Kent) and they all filled up there. The 24 hour store thing is bloody handy too, and they're busy too.


/off topic: What printer have you got Marcus?


If you're a Kentish boy, you'll love our Southerner!




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Nope, I'm not from Kent, neither are my relatives (they just happen to live there now). Born and raised in Surrey am I.


I must admit though, Kent is a great county and I'd seriously consider moving there at some point in the future.

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