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Scottish Seagull Cull Planned


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Absolute f ing panseys.

If they are such a bunch of fannies they just need to put down those little spikes on their roofs which stops Herring Gulls (not f ing seagulls, scottish morons) nesting.

No murdering of defenseless animals is necessary, just an application of common sense.


p.s sh1tehawk what exactly is your display pic? Or do you not know?

Perhaps you could pass your wise words to the Dept of Education, their 3 schools in the Somerset Road area [st Mary's included] are inindated with nests, flat roofs you see. They may well need a few spikes considering the area to be covered , i counted over 20 nests on one roof alone.

Plus you should remember that part of the problem is that they roost away from the nest on any horizontal surface that suits---helluva area to spike up.

For this thread i will call them all seagulls to wind up the anal types, most sensible peeps will know of what i mean.

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About time some one declared war on the filthy shitehawks


I would like to think that this is the thin end of the wedge and that soon culls of chavs, scoungers & scumbags will follow


Feel free to add to my wish-list


Lycra wearing cyclists over the age of 40 :D

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Plus you should remember that part of the problem is that they roost away from the nest on any horizontal surface that suits---helluva area to spike up.

For this thread i will call them all seagulls to wind up the anal types, most sensible peeps will know of what i mean.

They are protecting nests not roosts... ffs.

But back to my point. The birds divebomb, not actually connect. If your scared of that you better wrap yourself up in bubble wrap and lock yourself in the house.

Bunch of panseys!

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Who's more filthy, humans or seagulls?


Seagulls. (Yes Spanna we all know they're technically Herring Gulls but commonly referred to as seagulls. Get over it!).


Besides, when did you ever see one catch a herring?! Never. Shitehawk or indeed Seagull is a more accurate name really.


I've never eaten chunder up off the street, or bits of dump from a sewage outlet, or ripped open binbags to find things to eat, and yes even I shower every day too so definitely seagulls are more filthy.

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But back to my point. The birds divebomb, not actually connect.


Usually they don't connect. Sometimes they do.


Aside from that there's the fact that they've grown so prolific that they're at the point where you really have to guard any food you carry on the prom or they'll have it, you get shat on, and they howl all through the night if they nest near you. If you had to put up with this I can almost promise you wouldn't be so keen on them.


I've nothing against them in their natural habitat - ie cliffs, not in the middle of towns.

Yes people are stupid leaving rubbish out for them, and don't get me started on the utter mongs that actually feed them but regardless, they are a problem due to their numbers.

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Plus you should remember that part of the problem is that they roost away from the nest on any horizontal surface that suits---helluva area to spike up.

For this thread i will call them all seagulls to wind up the anal types, most sensible peeps will know of what i mean.

They are protecting nests not roosts... ffs.

But back to my point. The birds divebomb, not actually connect. If your scared of that you better wrap yourself up in bubble wrap and lock yourself in the house.

Bunch of panseys!

But where they roost they call, constantly, young SEAGULLS creening for food all the daytime---noise pollution ffs[is this correct use] the diving disturbs me, children and older folks. Im not scared, im annoyed

SEAGULLS are a nuciance to me and mine, what they are to you is your affair, [pansys normally has no e]

Any chance of a point of view without calling people names?

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[quote name='Cret' date='Aug 23 2008, 07:25 PM' post='349924.[/quot


I've nothing against them in their natural habitat - ie cliffs, not in the middle of towns.



Easy solution then ? all we need to do is set up machine gun nests around all the cliffs on the Island and any gulls that stray more than 100yds

from the cliff face are automatically sentenced to death !

Oh hang on though !

What do we do about the rabbit problem?

,after all those little buggers murder thousands of defenceless carrots every year

Or the cats ! those bastards shit all over my garden and kill any bird or mouse that they can get thier murderous paws on !


Or the dogs, barking at all hours, wagging their tails and shitting everywhere , little cunts !


Oh! and not forgeting the horses pulling the trams holding up the traffic and shitting on the prom , selfish fuckers


And what about all those coffin dodgers that seem to drive at 25mph max and hug the centre line so there is no way past every sunday, lets cull them as well , wrinkly old gits !



You have no idea how petty and ridiculous some of you are making yourselves look , live and let live for f**ks sake


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You have no idea how petty and ridiculous some of you are making yourselves look , live and let live for f**ks sake



What, I sound petty & ridiculous because I'd like these creature to mainly just live in their natural habitat? Or is it because I'd like to be able to sleep at night without high pitched, high decibel screaming for hours on end?

Yes I'm sorry, you're quite right.


And you don't sound ridiculous at all. :rolleyes:


There's another thread on here about wasps. From your comments I'm assuming you'd also be quite content if you had a wasp's nest outside your back door?


Say yes and you're probably a liar, say no and you're a hypocrite.

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You have no idea how petty and ridiculous some of you are making yourselves look , live and let live for f**ks sake



What, I sound petty & ridiculous because I'd like these creature to mainly just live in their natural habitat? Or is it because I'd like to be able to sleep at night without high pitched, high decibel screaming for hours on end?


Ah yes , " Pissed up Teenagers " I'd almost forgotten about them !

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About time some one declared war on the filthy shitehawks


I'd like to point out that I shower once a day if I need it or not,


Mind you you'd think that a clued up eaterie owner could make a 'Killing' by selling roasted seagull baps from their Douglas based outlet maybe even seagull egg omlettes or seagull fried egg eggs with sea gull sausages in baps Mmmmmm :D


My mum makes a splendid gulls egg custard, in fact she appeared on BBC Northwest about 20 years ago cooking that dish


But as far as eating the filthy shitehawks themselves, you would have to be very hungry and possessed of a fine set of teeth


On a slightly different tack, Frank Magee once killed and cooked a goose in Ramsey harbour when his fishing boat took shelter there late on after all the chippys had shut


He said it was stringy as fuck and tasted of diesel

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No, but neither am I living with Herring Gulls in my bedroom!


With all those you mention, we extermiante the ones that are directly interfering with our day to day living, we don't cull them. Culling, IMO, is a waste of time as all it does is give the survivors more of the available resources and so a better chance of survival. Much better to treat the source and not the end result. Such as cut the sewage outfall (done), cut down on land fill ( just about done), make sure all bins are gull-proof (not sure about this one), make it an offence to feed, whether intentionally or inadvertantly, gulls and ENFORCE it.


The list could go on, but to control the population around our towns all you have to do is make them unattractive places for gulls.


As for the noise, hey, this is an island, people complaining about gull noise are like the London Yuppies of the 80's and 90's getting a second home in the countryside and then complaining about the noise of the cows!!! FFS!!

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As for the noise, hey, this is an island, people complaining about gull noise are like the London Yuppies of the 80's and 90's getting a second home in the countryside and then complaining about the noise of the cows!!! FFS!!


You're taking that out of context. I'm not complaining about gull noise. Gull noise is ok.

Several hours of non stop gull noise every night for months is not ok.

I've lived here all my life, and if you happen to have a bedroom that's directly beneath the roof of your house, with seagulls nesting on top or on the next house along it is far beyond a joke.


It's only certain circumstances where it's that bad - most people are tucked away on another floor, or without them nesting directly above their heads so they wonder what the fuss is about the occasional cutesy squawk.


I'll tell you that after a few months of only getting a couple of hours sleep each night because of the almost continual screaming from them, you would have a different outlook. I'd put money on most people who defend them not having had to endure this.


Was delightful to watch one also grab a young duckling a while ago, fly up 30 feet or so then drop it on the road & fly off.


Anyway - doesn't really matter I suppose. I'll be a mean & nasty bad man because I think there are too many of them, and I'll simply have to agree to disagree with the people who think they're fine in their current numbers. I don't like them, other people do.

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