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Scottish Seagull Cull Planned


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Snag is Glad the same applies to the big fella, the flea, the tick, the wasp and all gods creatures, all fine but will you live with em in your bedroom?


Hope you're not eating - your matress will be infested with bugs anyway, then there's you as well !

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Several hours of non stop gull noise every night for months is not ok.

. . . . .


I'll tell you that after a few months of only getting a couple of hours sleep each night because of the almost continual screaming from them, you would have a different outlook. I'd put money on most people who defend them not having had to endure this.


Sorry to go back to a previous theme, but this is not dissimilar to my own situation where throughout the early hours young drunks are continually getting out of taxis, slamming doors and shouting "SEEEE YAAA" to their mates.


Drunken trash coming up the road singing and talking loudly. Even the ones on their own make a racket as they manage to locate a similarly drunken friend on the mobile phone network and talk loud total utter rambling shite as they stagger up the road.


2 hours sleep mate. You're lucky.

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I sympathise.


Luckily, I don't atually suffer the seagull problem any more now that I live in Port Erin, but I've had several years of it while I did live in Douglas.


Yes they're about but no-where near as much as in Douglas, so the occasional squawk from them down here is just fine. Even when they tap dance on the roof I don't really mind because it's not all the time.


I'd still say there are far too many of them around Douglas though.

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so your whinging about their noise ? :lol:

I live right next to a road , time to cull cars then.. noisey buggers.


And your saying you object to ones living outside their natural habitat? So do you want all humans culled that dont live in caves?

Or do you only allow humans to adapt and take advantage of their surroundings? How dare other animals be successful.

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Cret has it in a nutshell, untill you experiance gull noise at its worst then you cannot imagine---its like from first light a car alarm going off outside yor bedroom, with only seconds of respite between calls. Catch up our kip in the daytime? no---the young are keening al day for food.

Try this Gladys, call to the top deck of Marksys car park, spend a bit of time and count on the surrounding rooftops the nests and young, they will be quite vocal now, now imagine that repeated on you doorstep from first light and you may see where we are coming from

Please, we are not monsters, i love a fluffy bird like anyone but it is a huge problem to many people. If it can be resolved without culling---fine but there must be a solution to the situation that is plaguing dozens of towns across the land.


Gull populations are falsly expanded, they grew to feed off our sewage and landfills, now they are gone the gulls move closer to the available food source, in our case the schoolkids and the loony lady down the lane who feeds them wholesale---.


A gull is in nature a cliff bird not a chimney in Somerset road bird.

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Cret has it in a nutshell, untill you experiance gull noise at its worst then you cannot imagine---its like from first light a car alarm going off outside yor bedroom, with only seconds of respite between calls. Catch up our kip in the daytime? no---the young are keening al day for food.

Try this Gladys, call to the top deck of Marksys car park, spend a bit of time and count on the surrounding rooftops the nests and young, they will be quite vocal now, now imagine that repeated on you doorstep from first light and you may see where we are coming from

Please, we are not monsters, i love a fluffy bird like anyone but it is a huge problem to many people. If it can be resolved without culling---fine but there must be a solution to the situation that is plaguing dozens of towns across the land.


Gull populations are falsly expanded, they grew to feed off our sewage and landfills, now they are gone the gulls move closer to the available food source, in our case the schoolkids and the loony lady down the lane who feeds them wholesale---.


A gull is in nature a cliff bird not a chimney in Somerset road bird.


Mollag and Cret, I am not accusing either of you of being monsters, I am sure I would want to take an air rifle to a gull that was disturbing my sleep too, but I suspect what is more likely is that I will become deaf to the gulls as I am not pre-disposed to disliking them (there are gulls nesting in a building adjacent to my office and they set up quite a racket, but I don't hear them as the day goes on). If you let your nerves be set ajangle by any particular thing, it will become almost impossible to ignore. Fog horn keepers became deaf to the sound of the fog horn they looked after, which was only possible, I guess, if they weren't wrankled by the noise.


On the other side of the coin, I hate with a passion the Carpenters and couldn't bear to have them as background music because it would never be background to me, seeing as they instill a curious violence in me.


My argument is that you have to accept that gulls are a part of life living as we do on a rock in the middle of the Irish Sea. Culling them will do nothing but temporarily improve the problem. Better to treat the cause by limiting the amount of edible waste available to them.

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so your whinging about their noise ? :lol:

I'm not whinging about anything. I'm simply stating how a severe and prolonged lack of sleep makes pretty much any human being resent the cause of the problem. Is that difficult to grasp?


I live right next to a road , time to cull cars then.. noisey buggers.

Big cheapies. Do the cars make piercing nerve grating noises that go on all through the night or do you just get the occasional one that rumbles past?

So do you want all humans culled that dont live in caves?


So a human's 'natural' habitat is a cave is it? Where did you learn that pearl of wisdom?

You're just arguing for the sake of it.


Gladys - thanks for taking the point we're making without being a pain in the ass like some other people. I fully accept seagulls, and where I live now they aren't an issue, it's just that given the increase in their numbers and under certain circumstances they can really make life a misery.


I don't need to repeat myself again in terms of sleep etc, because sensible people already understand this and others probably won't get it no matter how many times it's mentioned.

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Ive got gulls nesting on my roof and two of the houses surrounding me. Like Gladys says we live by the sea . The sound of gulls is the sound of that.

If you dont like to live by the sea, go live in the centre of birmingham.


If you cant sleep cus of noise heres a shocking idea.... ear plugs! ...

There are simple common sense answers to any of your "issues" with gulls.


At the end of the day there is zero need for a modern society to murder defenseless wild animals.

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How many times do I have to say that it's no longer an issue for me? And where did I say I don't like to live by the sea? I love it. Stop accusing me of saying this I have not said. It's ghay.


I can't sleep with earplugs (tried at the time - aside from anything else they stop your alarm clock waking you) and if it was now I couldn't have them as I need to be able to hear my daughter if she wakes up.


Anyway - I'm not arguing this any further - it's silly. You think they're fluffy, cute and nice. I think they're flying asbos, albeit tolerable in reasonable numbers. That's it really.


Although one last thing - I'm curious when you say there are simple answers to any of my 'issues' with gulls. How do you prevent yourself being shat on when you walk down Douglas prom? Or should we be delighted about that also because it's 'living by the sea'? :rolleyes:


And gulls are anything but defenseless, although admittedly not that shotgun proof.

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Ive got gulls nesting on my roof and two of the houses surrounding me. Like Gladys says we live by the sea . The sound of gulls is the sound of that.

If you dont like to live by the sea, go live in the centre of birmingham.


If you cant sleep cus of noise heres a shocking idea.... ear plugs! ...

There are simple common sense answers to any of your "issues" with gulls.


At the end of the day there is zero need for a modern society to murder defenseless wild animals.

The only people talking about murder-defenseless-wild animals is you, i have not suggested culling at all--


Try again to compose a constructive non beligerant ripost to the others argument, dont invent stuff, its the adult thing to do.

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The only people talking about murder-defenseless-wild animals is you, i have not suggested culling at all--


Try again to compose a constructive non beligerant ripost to the others argument, dont invent stuff, its the adult thing to do.

what exactly was the OPs post??!! :rolleyes: and post#2!

(note i never said you wanted a cull.. try and read my posts.)

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At the end of the day there is zero need for a modern society to murder defenseless wild animals


Was this not you then? Who then did you intend that wanted said "murders"

And i also understand your not mentioning your beligerance.

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Despite my loathing of chavs, they do seem to be making an effort to lure gulls out of the town and back to the countryside & cliffs where they belong


Why else would they drive especially to these beauty spots to abandon their half eaten Mc Ds ?

Sod me, i thought gulls would eat any old shite but Mc D's? god love em they must be desperate.

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