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Scottish Seagull Cull Planned


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Culling = killing off part of the population as a means of control.

Population control = control by restricting the number of births.


There is a difference.

Mmm... I can think of a way of controlling that Gladys




Sorted :o

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Saw a seagull nearly twat an MGP rider at 160mph this week. Both ducked in time...and all was well with the world again.

Reminds me Albert, why do certain sports involve birds?


Out for a duck (cricket)

Birdie (golf)

Albatross (golf again)

birds nest (fishing)


Add to list if you can :)

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Culling = killing off part of the population as a means of control.

Population control = control by restricting the number of births.


There is a difference.

So Gladys, re population control are you trying to be ironic or are you saying that you really should get out more?



We're all one big happy family again.

Proof: P.K. laughed :D

That'll do for me.

Dear me, anyone who was at the last Manxforums Bash knows what a merry fellow I am...

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Well, PK, kind of being involved in that sector, formerly, which actually had to consider population control as a real factor, I was not being ironic, just accurate. I can remember one circumstance which involved a certain approach to AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa that could have been interpreted as population control but again a saviour. Tricky, don't you think?

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I don't see it as tricky at all.


The Sub-Saharan African Church's stance on this is very simple. There is NO bonking outside of wedlock ergo there is no requirement for contraception. As this also means barrier contraception AIDs is roaring through their populations. Some of their God-Squad have a great deal to answer for.


But it's a long way from culling hen birds to control the seagull population. As none of the bastards seem to be dying of hunger anytime soon the food supply would appear to exceed the demand - so it looks like culling is the only option.

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