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Game Advice


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Well, i've recently bought an Xbox bundle, one of the games being medal of honour airbourne; this isn't really something i'm that intrested in, so i'm going to trade it in for another game. So.. any suggestions.


I was thinking perhap Overlord, but i'm open to anything really

Oh and:

Game has to be 50Hz compatible (due to my elderly, but trusty TV)

and value of £29.99 or less

(not that there's much of a criteria or anything :rolleyes: )


Thanks guys :lol:


Edit: I already have GTA4

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I already have GTA :) I agree completely, lobes it muchly.


I'm not that against FPS's, I just have an unfounded adversion to MOH and COD. So as long as it's something decent that's fine :)


I was considering the Orange Box as well.


I do enjoy burnout, but we have that on the family PS2, i'm trying to find something my younger brother won't be able to use as an excuse to comandeer my Xbox.


Sorry, not been very decisive here, thanks for trying guys :P

I'm pretty much open to anything

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Orange Box is a must...just for portal if nothing else ( still probably one of the most memorable experiences i've ever had within a videogame )

Battlefield Bad-Company is great fun - the destructable everything is fantastic

I'm currently playing through Timeshift which is more fun than it should be ( but then again anything that allows you to stop time, walk up to a shotgun wielding baddie, take and then empty said shotgun into him before starting time up never really gets old ).

Soul CaliberIV is a fantastic fighter ( although i don't think you'll pick it up for less than £29.99 )

i'm a big fan of PGR4 ( less simulation, more arcade )

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I do likes me my soul caliber. I was a bit put off by the cover though, i know that's fairly awful, but yoda doesn't really fit into the game well =\


I'll probably go with overlord or the orange box then :)

The £29.99 thing isn't too pressing, it's just what MOHAirbourne is worth, i can always tack a bit more on.


I'm leaning more towards overlord, i can steal the orange box from the wife :P


Thanks ^_^


Anything else you can think off shove it down, It'll come in handy for later purchases

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No idea about peon tv compatability, but 360 essentials are:



Call of Duty 4

Gears of War

Halo 3

Forza 2

Mass Effect (if you like that kind of thing)


Pretty much any of these will be at your price used in Game.

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Ok well not sure now which games to suggest as it think its all been covered really. Even tho the Lego star wars games were excellent fun!! And im not a star wars fan either lol!


Another suggestion is if you want good games cheap, go into game and look at the pre-owned ones. Can save ya a bit of money. I have saved quite a bit that way and never had any probs with any of the games!!! Either that or eBay lol!


P.S Bioshock is def a brilliant game!!!

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