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Tour Of Ireland


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Cavendish takes the first stage today. Pretty good result considering there were a couple of tough climbs involved.


Potential for another stage win tomorrow too.


He's still not happy about the Madison though...



EDIT: You can watch highlights every night on ITV4 at 7pm.

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Cavendish takes the first stage today. ...


He's still not happy about the Madison though...


That's an understatement... Still seems to be very bitter about it if you watch the interview on ITV4.


Yet he is now seen as THE big draw to attract people out to watch the Tour of Ireland - you just have to look at the photo on the front of the Tour of Ireland home page which was dominated by a photo of Cav even before the race started.


Team Columbia did a superb job and he didn't let them down. Just what he needed to recover from Beijing. He also handled the TV interview really well.


If he keeps this up, then perhaps the IOM Tourist Board should suggest a stage of a future Tour of Ireland be held on the Isle of Man... ? Or is there not enough local support for that....?


Allez Cav!

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So Cav's not now going to be racing in the Tour of Britain but will be in the Tour of Missouri instead.




Apparently Missouri is an important race for the team's sponsors. The price of being a professional I guess! In any case it sounds like the US race will suit Cav better. Still seems like it needs to be clarified whether that will be his final race of the year. I think he's had a great season on the roads and should take a break!

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I don't believe it - Cavendish has done it again - 3 stages out of 3. That's amazing.


He sounded tired on ITV4 last night (wasn't one of his better media performances) and I thought was going to hand over to his team mates for the rest of the tour.


But not Cav! His stature grows with every race. When the peloton splits in two its described as the group with Cavendish in and the 'other lot'!


Allez Cav!

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How can a cyclist from the Isle of Man not like hills?


The IOM really isn't that hilly, our climbs are quite short.


Another reason to suggest a future stage of the Tour of Ireland be held on the Isle of Man. If we choose a 'not too hilly' route then Cav might have a chance of winning it!!


Does anybody know what 'Category' climb the TT Course out of Ramsey to the Mountain Box would be?

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Another reason to suggest a future stage of the Tour of Ireland be held on the Isle of Man. If we choose a 'not too hilly' route then Cav might have a chance of winning it!!


Considering he's pretty well established as the best sprinter in the world at the moment, I'm sure he doesn't need our help. You're starting to sound a bit silly now with this obsession.


Does anybody know what 'Category' climb the TT Course out of Ramsey to the Mountain Box would be?


It's a 5.3 mile climb in total to the highest part, average gradient 6%. The steepest part is 10%.


Climbs in the Tour are classified in five somewhat arbitrary categories:


CAT. 4 Usually less than 3km in length, an easy pitch that amounts to no more than a sustained rise in the road

CAT. 3 Slightly harder, up to 5km in length

CAT. 2 Between 5km and 10km, and steeper than a 4-percent grade

CAT. 1 Long and steep. Between 10km and 20km, and steeper than a 5-percent grade.

HORS CATEGORIE (HC) or above category. The longest, steepest mountain climbs. Extremely difficult climbs, sometimes 15km to 20km, with grades exceeding 10 percent.

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Ponderer: Did you make this video?


Sadly not! Great film but a bit tacky in parts.


Its not really about whether Cav's 'hot' or needs our 'help'. Its about getting the Manx to acknowledge the excellence of some of our cyclists - currently led by Cav but including Bellis, Kennaugh, Christian and others - and actively build on that success. Too much cynicism, whingeing, 'Manx crab' behaviour and general negativity is frankly just boring!


Bellis is about to embark on his first road race as a CSC-Saxo Bank rider in the Tour of Britain.... while Cav is in Missouri next week.


It really is amazing if you look at the success. Yet you wouldn't believe it half the time listening to local people. I'm not sure anybody has fully worked out why it is happening and how it can be sustained or even improved further with the next generation of riders..

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One extra thought.


The way the thread on Cavendish being given the Freedom of Douglas has been taken over by a slightly obscure lengthy debate about the island's constitutional status is I think quite interesting.


The success of Manx cyclists over the past year or so - and hopefully ongoing success in the years to come - has the potential to influence future debates about and expressions of manxness /manx identity and the way the Isle of Man is perceived internationally.

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