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[BBC News] Warning to dog walkers over ban


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I'm fortunate enough to be able to walk hounds in fields owned by farmers & not have to worry about picking up after them, and being able to let them off their leads so they can have a proper run.


I feel sorry for the owners who don't have such liberties, and are left with their pooches on the lead on beaches or what few parks you are allowed to take them - your dog needs to be able to have a proper run off the lead for some decent exercise.


I've mentioned in other posts, perhaps we should have some parks where dogs are allowed, and areas where the anti-dog, anti-nature freaks can have their space to keep everyone happy, still unfortunately a few selfish dog owners seem to be spoiling it for everyone :( .

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No wonder kids are getting fat and lazy


... and no wonder why our beaches are covered in sh*t from filthy inconsiderate dog owners (I mean covered in dog sh*t not dog owner sh*t). On Laxey beach with my kids last week building a sandcastle was replaced with stumbling upon the right interlocking piles of sh*t to build something that to the untrained eye looked vaguely like a sandcastle.

What a total load of shit (scuse the pun). Even before the ban there was never anything like what you're insinuating. You don't work for Douglas Corpy by any chance do you?


As a dog owner who lives in Laxey and works in Douglas I walk my dog down both beaches almost every day. Have done for years. Winter, autumn, spring, summer, my dog still needs walking, and I still get out and walk with him. Along with many other dog owners! So one parent pops over to Laxey on a sunny summer's day and sees a dog turd - ban us all; great.


I'm considerate enough to not go letting my dog run about down Laxey beach when the tide is in and it's busy, but I'm afraid I really don't see why the occasional users should have rights over those of us who use the beaches every day all year long.

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It seems as though every back-alley is going to become known as Dog-Shit Alley. Had to come into work early today and passed by the alleyway across from the Manx Museum, it looked like an impromptu Crufts show with first prize going to which of the half dozen dogs could do the biggest poo. Didn't see any of the owners picking anything up mind. So figure in a few weeks the Refuse Technicians will get arsey and complain and then dogs will be banned there. I think all dog-owners should become excrement vigilantes when they see other owners leaving dog poo about and confront them, they are after all apart of your "club"

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I've mentioned in other posts, perhaps we should have some parks where dogs are allowed, and areas where the anti-dog, anti-nature freaks can have their space to keep everyone happy, still unfortunately a few selfish dog owners seem to be spoiling it for everyone :( .


The plantations are about it.

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How infuriating. So just because the corporation can't be arsed enforcing their previous, adequate, sensible rules, they now apply a blanket ban which means their employees no longer have to engage their brains- punishing law abiding dog owners in the process. Reactionary and pathetic and I am tempted to call it oppression! I have as much right to enjoy the green spaces with my dog as anyone else does- more in fact. How many kids actually use Noble's Park for anything other than lounging around in the skate park and the playground, drinking alcohol and leaving shards of glass behind them?? I was speaking to a chap who had spent thousands having his dog's tendons repaired after having been slashed by a shard of vodka bottle in noble's park- perhaps the corporation would like to compensate him? Or maybe the corporation cherishes hopes that by banning dogs from the green spaces it will encourage kids to put down their xbox controllers and big Macs and go and use the facilities? Of course they can't take the family dog with them to encourage them to exercise.........IDIOTS!!!

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Thought this was a good post on iomonline:


I live in Derby Square, unfortunately I do not have a dog but I have enjoyed many hours watching the antics of the dogs that used to be taken to the Square for their daily exercise. During my frequent walks in the Garden I very seldom saw any sign that dog owners had been negligent in clearing up after their pets. It is true that some dog owners are not responsible, like a young woman with a child in a pushchair who let her large, disobedient, wolf like dog the freedom to frighten people with its menacing behaviour. On the whole dogs were very well behaved and very friendly. I saw with regret and sadness that the dogs have been banned from Derby Square. Today an old couple who bring their Westie to the gardens each day, stopped their little car, let the little dog out and walked to the entrance. They read the notice and with sad faces walked back to their car, the little dog did not want to get in, it could not understand why its daily fun in the park was not happening, the owner picked it up and went away. I wonder if the self righteous who banned the dogs stopped to think about the old folk who walk their beloved pet to the park, if they have no car, Nobles is too far for some of them. Their little dog is probably all they have for companionship having lost their life time human companion. Surely it should have been possible to compromise and allow people to exercise their dogs there if they are on a lead? This present ban is unnecessary and cruel. Dogs on leads do not damage the gardens as some unsupervised children do by climbing trees, stamping on flower beds and breaking off branches for their games, if any damage has been done to the gardens it was not by dogs but by humans. I sincerely hope that the authorities will reconsider and allow dogs on leads in Derby Square.


Nobody wants dog shit lying around, I'm sure everyone would welcome enforcement of the existing and adequate rules that some people were ignoring. Banning everyone is silly.


Anyone know the score with douglas beach too? The signage doesn't seem to match the bylaw?

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The comforting thing about this is that our Lords and Masters are clearly focusing on the most important issues affecting the Island.

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Nobody wants dog shit lying around, I'm sure everyone would welcome enforcement of the existing and adequate rules that some people were ignoring. Banning everyone is silly.


Stick a bye-law enforcement officer in every park watching the passing of every dog and nobody would leave dog shit behind. Most of the offending dog owners will only be doing so if they see nobody is watching. Those few that don't would need enforcement officers there full time to prevent this happening - is that really going to happen in each location? As an alternative I can't see any dog owners actually going to the trouble of reporting other dog owners. Better to ban every dog than having to wait and see who shits without having it picked up. Classic case of the minority runining it for the majority.

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Agreed Magneto, I'm sick of hearing the silly little man.


I'm disgusted that this ban is happening, aren't the parks there because those who live in a town like Douglas don't have the same access to the countryside and/or their own gardens? A lot of them were given to the Manx public by wealthy land owners and have been used by everyone since then - how come this lot at Douglas Corpy can suddenly decide to exclude many of the main users??


So sick of bans and new bylaws.


Good on Wendy Hulme whose petition is gathering momentum - if it comes to a protest march I'll be there for sure. Her website can be found at www.iomdogs.info. If you don't agree with these bylaws - download the petition, write to Douglas Corporation, help cause an outcry!


Our hard won freedoms are slowly being eroded in all sorts of ways.....bring on the revolution!

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