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[BBC News] Warning to dog walkers over ban


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Nobody wants dog shit lying around, I'm sure everyone would welcome enforcement of the existing and adequate rules that some people were ignoring. Banning everyone is silly.


Stick a bye-law enforcement officer in every park watching the passing of every dog and nobody would leave dog shit behind. Most of the offending dog owners will only be doing so if they see nobody is watching. Those few that don't would need enforcement officers there full time to prevent this happening - is that really going to happen in each location? As an alternative I can't see any dog owners actually going to the trouble of reporting other dog owners. Better to ban every dog than having to wait and see who shits without having it picked up. Classic case of the minority runining it for the majority.


the snag with this idea is that all the wankers who don't pick up will know that those that do are being watched for nothing in the parks by the bye-law officers who can't therefore be watching the back lanes. it may have been a better idea to tell dog owners that unless the parks are spotless the dogs would be banned in 6 months time. then perhaps? the good owners would actually have bothered to grass up the wankers BEFORE there lack of action cost them the parks cos of the wankers.

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Thanks for posting that btw Slim - very good post from the lady, and spurred me to find the site it was from. I prefer this though:


"Well done Douglas Corporation and Councillors for an especially stupid, hurtful and small-mindedly spiteful piece of power abuse. I hope the misery you will cause is worth it."


This is also good:


"perhaps the reason people are becoming more cantankerous these days has something to do with Government, either from the interfering natures of "civil" servants and MHKs or from the noise of intolerant minorities, wanting to run more and more of our lives for us? We are so stupid we cannot be allowed to make our own decisions so they must be allowed to dictate to us. Not a problem unique to the Isle of Man, either. Unless we reverse direction it will only get worse.

CK, Ramsey"


Another good point was made about Summerhill Glen (which I used to walk my dog through a lot before dogs were banned (and tbh have many times since)) - that it used to be well used by dog owners & their families and was fairly busy, but is now so unused that it feels unsafe to walk through.


This too:

"I ask you - if the majority of people weren't cleaning up their dog waste in the parks - how come the dog bins are always well filled??" - I know they are always full, because I have a dog and use the bins - all the bins are veryI much used and they blooming stink when you gingerly open them!!


We're SO much better than we used to be - my extended family had dogs when I was a nipper and I don't ever remember cleaning up after them - though I used to walk them all the time. It just wasn't really thought of. Now it is, and there are relatively few dog poos around, and STILL people complain!


All in all though many of the comments on there (click here) make me feel sad to be part of the small minded race that we appear to be, can't we just realise that there will always be activities and happenings that we don't like or agree with but others enjoy - and live and let live?? Judging from that and the awful whines on here about the MGP - obviously not.

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It would be easier to take Hulme's petition seriously if her site wasn't seemingly designed by an over-sentimental illiterate - "no matter were you live".


Strikes me that it's altogether too easy for people to own a dog, even those who clearly have neither the space, nor the time to give a dog the life it deserves. Owning a dog should be a privilege, not a right, and cooping up (multiple) dogs in a small urban dwelling with nowhere to exercise other than the small public parks doesn't make sense to me. Surely a hamster would be better for these people.


I think they should make the dog license much more expensive, and require documentation on how the animal will be kept and exercised. Perhaps that would stop the ownership of dogs by idiots who neglect and abandon them, or let them leave worm-ridden shit everywhere, including where people would like to use the parks and beaches.


If dog owners are so keen and the Noble's Park facility is too far away, surely they'd get together and organise a "club" to buy some private land where their animals could run around in safety, and crap wherever they want.


Sadly it seems that a lot of owners are simply too lazy to even consider this, or even to use the public facility at Noble's, simply because it isn't on their doorstep and they can't be bothered spending more than a few minutes on their animal. It's no wonder that they can't be bothered to clear up the faeces either.

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If dog owners are so keen and the Noble's Park facility is too far away, surely they'd get together and organise a "club" to buy some private land where their animals could run around in safety, and crap wherever they want.

They did, they are called recreational parks, and the payments was made by rates.


The only rules were: that people picked up after themselves, their children and animals. Some didn't, so the usual stupid non-thinking political answer is to ban the lot.


I think one or two councillors are going to fall over this one at the next election. 100 strategically placed and organised votes is sufficient to get rid of several of them easily.

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"the snag with this idea is that all the wankers who don't pick up will know that those that do are being watched for nothing in the parks by the bye-law officers who can't therefore be watching the back lanes. it may have been a better idea to tell dog owners that unless the parks are spotless the dogs would be banned in 6 months time. then perhaps? the good owners would actually have bothered to grass up the wankers BEFORE there lack of action cost them the parks cos of the wankers."


Nah the snag with this idea is that most people can see it for what it really is... a bunch of odious cretins showboating a non-issue to justify their over-inflated ego's, salaries and need I say it status. Thank god I'm not a Douglas rate payer! I mean really what have they managed to achieve?? apart from alienate vast numbers of their electorate. Well from what I can see they've wasted countless millions on the concrete no-man's land that is the North Quay, Blown hundreds of thousands of rate payers pounds to maintain a medieval transport system and have maintained themselves in a state of opulence known only to Czars.


enough of these troughers! Dog owners should refuse to pay their rates!


Sorry I digress

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I somebody would ban David Christian.. now there's somebody who's made a career out of talking though his arse



his arse seems to have a multitude of uses?? 'sitting on' as an example, but there could be others?? ;)


Oh are you implying he is gay? Wow, that's hilarious.

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Another good point was made about Summerhill Glen (which I used to walk my dog through a lot before dogs were banned (and tbh have many times since)) - that it used to be well used by dog owners & their families and was fairly busy, but is now so unused that it feels unsafe to walk through.


The Bylaws seem to say that dogs aren't banned in Summer Hill Glen, but that they must only use the pathways. Surely only using the pathways is worse than using the bits people don't walk on?


The other bit of lunacy is that they've removed loads of dog waste bins. People who walked their dogs on the pavement around town knew where those bins where, so now they've made it even harder for people who obeyed the rules who now have to carry their dogs mess around till they get home.


I agree with Albert on this one, it's about time Dogshit Dave was removed, I'm tired of his wittering and petty bullcrap and he's fucked the Quay up beyond recognition. The Douglas voters need to make an effort next time.


Why don't companies who pay rates get a vote? That'd help oust these eejits.


We're SO much better than we used to be - my extended family had dogs when I was a nipper and I don't ever remember cleaning up after them - though I used to walk them all the time. It just wasn't really thought of. Now it is, and there are relatively few dog poos around, and STILL people complain!


Same, we never even heard of picking up dog mess with a bag, and we had three dogs who were walked in douglas twice a day. Now it's automatic, you even see kids with dogs carrying bags.

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I somebody would ban David Christian.. now there's somebody who's made a career out of talking though his arse



his arse seems to have a multitude of uses?? 'sitting on' as an example, but there could be others?? ;)


Oh are you implying he is gay? Wow, that's hilarious.


I dunno if he's gay and what's more I don't care if he is..... he just come's across as being a bit of a dick

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I somebody would ban David Christian.. now there's somebody who's made a career out of talking though his arse

his arse seems to have a multitude of uses?? 'sitting on' as an example, but there could be others?? ;)

Oh are you implying he is gay? Wow, that's hilarious.

No, they're implying that he's lazy, i.e. "sitting on his arse". You have a fabulously naïve understanding of homosexuality if you think it just entails two bottoms touching each other. Had WTF said "his arse seems to have a multitude of uses?? "sticking an erect penis up" as an example, but there could be others??" then your touchiness would seem a lot more justified.

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  • 2 weeks later...
DNA profiles on the dogs then it'd be easy to identify the culprits. :P




...apparently it's being done in an Israeli town to counter fouling. Maybe submitting a vet-administered DNA sample (at the first vaccination) should be a condition of having a dog license on the IOM, with the license fee & fines for fouling going up an appropriate amount to cover the costs of testing, which really isn't that expensive. Already there are a large number of businesses offering canine genetic testing & test kits for dog attacks, fouling and livestock attacks.


Hey presto, no fouling, less dogs bought on a whim, no doubts about pit-bull parentage, no anonymous dumped dogs, no dogs duct-taped at reservoirs. Even Clarkson's apocryphal sheep-worriers could be identified. Got to be a winner.

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Agreed Albert, now there is just so little dog shite that we do not know how to avoid it or how to deal with it if we do encounter it! A major life lesson has been lost.


Will yuo give me £1 for every doggie dos I show you in Douglas? It would soon pay the mortgage.


There is an analogy here with smoking in pubs. The ban is down to selfish inconsiderate morons who believe the world revolves around them.


Had they pub smokers carried out their habit in the smoking area/away from the bar/outdoors, there would be no draconian ban.


Similarly, the fuckwits who tend to sneak their dogs out under the cover of darkness to allow their dogs to shit everywhere without picking it up, are ultimately responsible for this ban.

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