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[BBC News] Warning to dog walkers over ban


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Sorry to bring this subject up again, but I just can't resist passing on something that I've seen mentioned elsewhere.


As part of a post about an entirely different matter was the following quote "on the way to our Greyhounds play group at the off-leash dog park". The writer lives somewhere in America.


Now there's something that could be copied - an off leash dog park. Looking a little further, I even found that America has guides on them!


Dog parks

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Another good point was made about Summerhill Glen (which I used to walk my dog through a lot before dogs were banned (and tbh have many times since)) - that it used to be well used by dog owners & their families and was fairly busy, but is now so unused that it feels unsafe to walk through.


The Bylaws seem to say that dogs aren't banned in Summer Hill Glen, but that they must only use the pathways. Surely only using the pathways is worse than using the bits people don't walk on?


The other bit of lunacy is that they've removed loads of dog waste bins. People who walked their dogs on the pavement around town knew where those bins where, so now they've made it even harder for people who obeyed the rules who now have to carry their dogs mess around till they get home.


I agree with Albert on this one, it's about time Dogshit Dave was removed, I'm tired of his wittering and petty bullcrap and he's fucked the Quay up beyond recognition. The Douglas voters need to make an effort next time.


Why don't companies who pay rates get a vote? That'd help oust these eejits.


We're SO much better than we used to be - my extended family had dogs when I was a nipper and I don't ever remember cleaning up after them - though I used to walk them all the time. It just wasn't really thought of. Now it is, and there are relatively few dog poos around, and STILL people complain!


Same, we never even heard of picking up dog mess with a bag, and we had three dogs who were walked in douglas twice a day. Now it's automatic, you even see kids with dogs carrying bags.


Dogs carrying bags? There's training for you.



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Someone has put a pretty cool little sign up on the fence at the top of Glen Falcon this morning. It's the third different one I've seen. It says...



Its just not fair Councellor Goebbels

don't want to go to internment camp Nobles"


Followed by a picture of a large prison guard dragging a small boy and his dog.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree with %age here, as always the minority is responsible for effecting the lives off us all.. as both a dog owner and some one sick and tired off walking in cr@p , i see both sides off the sorty.


I amgree Douglas Beach , especially below the high water line should be a ble to be used by all, and waht is the point of banning dogs from a park except by lead on footpath..ermmm ban them totally or not at all.


I think the only 100% reliable way is as stated earlier DNA all dogs at licence renewal and heavily fine the culprits.


I was also amazed last night to have seen the first dog in ages roaming the streets off douglas alone...wow



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I amgree Douglas Beach , especially below the high water line should be a ble to be used by all, and waht is the point of banning dogs from a park except by lead on footpath..ermmm ban them totally or not at all.


Douglas beach is ace at the moment, because the dog ban is seasonal, it's actually being used. Instead of a desolate waste, there's folks walking and enjoying it.

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R2D2 errr i mean Ai Droid, I wholly agree, during summer months, yerr lets try and have some control, but in our long and bleak Autumn ermm winter and springy Autumn/Winter, the dogs shuld be free to run along Dougy Beach, its convenient, its spacious and its healthy for bot Dog and walker.

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