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[BBC News] Shopper is indecently assaulted


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On www.Iomtoday.co.im they've got photos of the people they are seeking. Have a look and see what you think, I for one think Napoleon Dynamite has been up to no good. I hope when they catch up with him they don't believe his alibi that he was with his Uncle in Alaska hunting Wolverines.

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Poor woman - not what you expect during a shopping trip for your groceries (not that you would expect to be indecently assaulted at any other time either)


Just Tesco trying to drum up trade from bored housewives, I expect.



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Just Tesco trying to drum up trade from bored housewives, I expect.




Oh come on that's an appalling thing to say. You don't expect to get touched up on the weekly shop!

Sebrof, I would like to think that your just trying to make light of the situation, but this is serious.

The way I see it is this, there's a big difference from wanting attention to that of unwanted attention. Any sexual assault makes me very angry and I can't think what the woman is thinking, but I certainly know of what I'm thinking.

If it happened to me, I personally would be at every ferry point check in time, waiting, and it wouldn't be to say hello. :angry:

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Which aisle was it?


Without wanting to diminish the incident, was it really a sexual assault (i.e. putting someone in fear of their personal safety) or a bit of out of hand, tasteless horseplay (often to be successfully repulsed with a 'feck off, or your gonads are dead meat' kind of riposte) ? If it was the former then hunt the bastards down, if it was the latter, well, I leave it to others to decide. However, I can think of much better venues for a successful sexual assault than the baked bean aisle in Tescos.


/Runs for cover from everyone./

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Just Tesco trying to drum up trade from bored housewives, I expect.




Oh come on that's an appalling thing to say. You don't expect to get touched up on the weekly shop!

Sebrof, I would like to think that your just trying to make light of the situation, but this is serious.

The way I see it is this, there's a big difference from wanting attention to that of unwanted attention. Any sexual assault makes me very angry and I can't think what the woman is thinking, but I certainly know of what I'm thinking.

If it happened to me, I personally would be at every ferry point check in time, waiting, and it wouldn't be to say hello. :angry:


Manxy, as Gladys suggests, this is hardly likely to have been anything at all serious. There is a deeply unhealthy preoccupation with sex in the English-speaking world, and it gives rise to things that are very trivial being blown up out of all proportion. Nonsense such as Julia Somerville being arrested for taking a photograph of her child in the bath is an example.


If it WAS more serious than I think it was, then I will gladly apologise, but I suspect that it wasn't.


I am much more concerned about real violence, such as people being attacked by drunken yobs on the street.



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I think the very fact that this lady has gone to the police eliminates horseplay.


No person has the right to touch another person in such a way that it makes that person feel violated.


Would you all be so quick to crack a joke or talk down the incident if it had been a child involved?


It is clear that the police are treating it as a serious incident in so far that they have recovered the cctv tapes, reviewed them, captured the images and released them to the public.

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