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Yeah, but as I've clocked your IP addy and Home address, I think a few of us will be round later for a cuppa matey



Where exactly do you see a threat of violence ???


Inviting ones self around for a cuppa and a chat - hardly counts as a threat of Violence!


The reply I gave was a joke and wind up, and given in direct reply to the threat given to all those involved in the TT and MGP i.e. - "F**k Off back to the UK or wherever"


What about the home address bit? Tell us how you do it IT genius (you say - "Not as hard as you think in this day and age") I'm calling bullshit tough guy.


Of course your welcome to post my address up here if you like....

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Yeah, but as I've clocked your IP addy and Home address, I think a few of us will be round later for a cuppa matey



Where exactly do you see a threat of violence ???


Inviting ones self around for a cuppa and a chat - hardly counts as a threat of Violence!


The reply I gave was a joke and wind up, and given in direct reply to the threat given to all those involved in the TT and MGP i.e. - "F**k Off back to the UK or wherever"


What about the home address bit? Tell us how you do it IT genius (you say - "Not as hard as you think in this day and age") I'm calling bullshit tough guy.


Of course your welcome to post my address up here if you like....


The wind up reply - joke, is that I can't trace his IP address or home address. As I stated, it was a reactive post to his "F**k Off"


My linking this posting from iomtt.com was more to point out the resentment from some residents to the TT and MGP, nothing more and nothing less. And felt that it fell nicely within this thread and the feelings of some posters on here!


Whatever else you would like to add to this is at your discretion, but one thing to bear in mind, and that is I don't go around using this foul language, and certainly never threaten violence!



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Where exactly do you see a threat of violence ???


I'd like to be more specific but currently I'm too scared to respond.



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The wind up reply - joke, is that I can't trace his IP address or home address. As I stated, it was a reactive post to his "F**k Off"


No harm done I suppose, since the poster concerned was tech savvy enough to know that it wasn't possible. But what if he hadn't been, what if he had thought it was genuinely possible? The thought that you were going to turn up would have then been more of a threat than any generalised "fuck off".


My linking this posting from iomtt.com was more to point out the resentment from some residents to the TT and MGP, nothing more and nothing less. And felt that it fell nicely within this thread and the feelings of some posters on here!


But what has caused this resentment? I'd be very reluctant to see the end of the TT or the MGP because it used to be good fun, but it's been a few years since positives outnumbered the negatives and since the debacle of the Centenary TT there haven't been any positives.


The Isle of Man puts up with a lot, so these people can have their races. We pay for it in taxes and we reorganise our lives around it. I think in general we are prepared to do it. Yet any criticism of the TT or it's shambolic organisation is dismissed - "you don't like it leave". But it is the Island that is doing the bikers the favour here, not the other way round. So meet us half-way - we'll work round you, but pull strokes like the organisers did this week and re-act with the arrogance they've shown and I think people will say "sod it!"

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The wind up reply - joke, is that I can't trace his IP address or home address. As I stated, it was a reactive post to his "F**k Off"


No harm done I suppose, since the poster concerned was tech savvy enough to know that it wasn't possible. But what if he hadn't been, what if he had thought it was genuinely possible? The thought that you were going to turn up would have then been more of a threat than any generalised "fuck off".


My linking this posting from iomtt.com was more to point out the resentment from some residents to the TT and MGP, nothing more and nothing less. And felt that it fell nicely within this thread and the feelings of some posters on here!


But what has caused this resentment? I'd be very reluctant to see the end of the TT or the MGP because it used to be good fun, but it's been a few years since positives outnumbered the negatives and since the debacle of the Centenary TT there haven't been any positives.


The Isle of Man puts up with a lot, so these people can have their races. We pay for it in taxes and we reorganise our lives around it. I think in general we are prepared to do it. Yet any criticism of the TT or it's shambolic organisation is dismissed - "you don't like it leave". But it is the Island that is doing the bikers the favour here, not the other way round. So meet us half-way - we'll work round you, but pull strokes like the organisers did this week and re-act with the arrogance they've shown and I think people will say "sod it!"


Firstly, thank you for a reasonable reply to this matter.


With regard to my so called threat, then I would have thought that anyone reading this would have seen it in the light it was meant, and the fact that both sentences were followed by a smilie and a laugh! It wasn't a threat, but a reaction to his post and the manner in which he posted it?


As for what has caused this resentment to the TT/MGP, then obviously I can only see this through the said postings such as the one on iomtt.com, where we are told to "F**k Off” Surely this isn't the way to put across your feelings on a subject, and is by it's nature going to attract some form of resentment in itself.


I've said my bit, and will continue to support the TT and MGP from a distance - Here in Cumbria, and when I visit two or three times a year your beautiful island.



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I think the intial post on the TT forum of "F**k off back to the UK" wasn't very bright, and was put there to cause the argument that it succeeded in doing, rather than being for any constructive debate or discussion.


To put an aggressive comment like that on a forum designed for the fans of the bike races does nothing to enhance the islands image, or maybe attract extra visitors if the TT or MGP are to continue successfully for years to come.


As a resident he is fully entitled to say what he thinks about the racing. But telling bike fans rudely to go home is not the way to go about it. Why did he not direct his comments to the organisers of the event, rather than the people that have turned up to watch?


It's wrong that the residents don't get consulted by the organisers to iron out any problems that affect residents travel during race periods, or whether the racing events should continue at all. And I can fully see why they feel aggrieved. Telling folk to "F**k off back the to the UK" is not helpful to anyone.

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In my mind the main problem with the MGP is that there is no payback for the inconvienience. You put up with the TT because you get the events over here and there's a big buzz, the kids are off school and there's loads to do with the fairs and the events and even the finance companies put on their corporate events etc.


With the MGP there is sod all plus the agro of getting from A - B and for the few people who come over its not really worth putting up with the hassle.


We live inside the course and my kids have been demented this week as they have not even been able to get a bus into town to see their mates because the roads are closed, then not closed, and then closed again. Even when they can get in then the roads close unexpectedly and they can't get back out again until 7:00pm. I don't think its really fair at the end of the day as its ruined one of the last weeks of their holidays sitting in watching telly.


I think you may have hit the nail on the head with the whole thing there. The TT probably involves the local population, even if it is only popping down the pub during the TT, going to Busheys tent, or even watching the prom entertainment.


The MGP only caters for visitors, and maybe doesn't take into account the local residents as much as it should do.

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The Isle of Man puts up with a lot, so these people can have their races. We pay for it in taxes and we reorganise our lives around it. I think in general we are prepared to do it. Yet any criticism of the TT or it's shambolic organisation is dismissed - "you don't like it leave". But it is the Island that is doing the bikers the favour here, not the other way round. So meet us half-way - we'll work round you, but pull strokes like the organisers did this week and re-act with the arrogance they've shown and I think people will say "sod it!"


In my mind the main problem with the MGP is that there is no payback for the inconvienience. You put up with the TT because you get the events over here and there's a big buzz, the kids are off school and there's loads to do with the fairs and the events and even the finance companies put on their corporate events etc.


With the MGP there is sod all plus the agro of getting from A - B and for the few people who come over its not really worth putting up with the hassle.


We live inside the course and my kids have been demented this week as they have not even been able to get a bus into town to see their mates because the roads are closed, then not closed, and then closed again. Even when they can get in then the roads close unexpectedly and they can't get back out again until 7:00pm. I don't think its really fair at the end of the day as its ruined one of the last weeks of their holidays sitting in watching telly.



Two days out of 42 they have been inconvenienced. Treat it as a life lesson and move on.

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Jesus, that forum makes this one look classy. Is there a maximum IQ cap?


I love the accusation that the poster complaining isn't manx. It's as if poncing around in tight leathers and sitting for hours on hedges is something we should genetically all enjoy.


And the whole 'I know where you live' shit, why would you draw attention to a thread where you've made an utter dick of yourself?

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I love the accusation that the poster complaining isn't manx. It's as if poncing around in tight leathers and sitting for hours on hedges is something we should genetically all enjoy.


It's not as if we're German.

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I love the accusation that the poster complaining isn't manx. It's as if poncing around in tight leathers and sitting for hours on hedges is something we should genetically all enjoy.


It's not as if we're German.


No, you are Manx, or supposedly Manx, and that’s where this particular problem lies?


Isn't the TT and the MGP a Manx invention/institution, and isn't it the Manx who seem to do all the complaining about it!


And I'm not just going on about this years MGP problems with delays and traffic congestion, but the whole thing in general year in year out!


It's your Island, and it's your Government that hosts and backs these events, so why have a go at the visitors and competitors. If the event wasn't on, we wouldn't visit (For the TT/MGP anyway) but simply as tourists.


So, the choice is yours, but please don't have a go at the visitors who are in a way invited to your island by virtue of these events!



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No, you are Manx, or supposedly Manx, and that’s where this particular problem lies?

Isn't the TT and the MGP a Manx invention/institution, and isn't it the Manx who seem to do all the complaining about it!


So because we're manx, we have to agree with everything all manxmen invite visitors too? What kind of bullshit is that?



And I'm not just going on about this years MGP problems with delays and traffic congestion, but the whole thing in general year in year out!

It's your Island, and it's your Government that hosts and backs these events, so why have a go at the visitors and competitors. If the event wasn't on, we wouldn't visit (For the TT/MGP anyway) but simply as tourists.


I think most people here are questioning the point of the event, not the visitors. There's hardly any visitors to the mgp to complain about.

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