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From what I remember from my time spent in traffic management related jobs - you don't actually have 'right of way'.


What you do have is 'priority'.


Subtle difference - but an important one.



Ah that explains it! probably a lot of the accidents that have occured there over the years have been because people havn't really got right of way just 'priority' .

IMHO QB is actually two roundabouts and in the circumstances you described, the car from Ctown had priority, having got onto the roundabout first.

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My question is this ! Would it be a good idea to introduce compulsory road tests for people once they reach the age of sixty ? as obviously with age ,our reflexes and decision making are bound to deteriorate!


Isn't it strange how when you are in your teens people of 30 are ancient :cool:


then there are the 30's who seem to think their parents in their 50's aren't capable of running their own lives :whatever:


and when you are in your 60's you wonder why when you drive according to the road conditions and speed limits, have no particular need to rush about as if every second matters and don't want to fling the other occupants of the vehicle around whilst drifting around corners on the limit of adhesion, all the pesky kids on the road think they are Luis Hamilton and because you are in front of them that they have to find a reason to get rid of you and go on forums for a rant :ermm:


dream on kid :D

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In all honesty I've seen some terrible road decisions from older people and some terrible road decisions from younger people. I propose a re-test every 10 years...I bet at least 50% of drivers would fail.

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So which is worse?


Derby and Joan on their once a month outing to buy a potato at 5mph.


Mr Sqeak Pencil in his Porche warp rocket with 7 go faster stripes on his way to his dynamic financial company.


Lucinda Farquar Comeover taking the chosen one to school in her 4x4 Rhino crusher turbo delux arse crusher with anti elephant bars.


Kevin and every one of his mates he can cram into his second hand cruise missile with R plates.


All drive like twats.


Tougher traffic police, tougher penalties, medicals for fitness to drive over 50, retests at 60,


Or free donkeys for all.

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Compulsory retesting should be mandatory - after an 'at fault' accident, after a serious motoring conviction, every 5 years to 65, then annually from 70. It doesn't have to be as demanding as an initial licence issue, more a check of competence and an opportunity to give refresher training if needed.


I have to do it to keep my private flying licence (did part of it last Friday but aborted due to poor weather), and voluntarily did it in the car by joining the IAM and doing their test.


The OP had it right - I regularly see old people trundling along (usually in a Datsun Micra or equivalent) without a care (or thought for other traffic) in the world, and they are a complete hazard to themselves and everyone else. Some older drivers are superb, so it's not a blanket statement, but the only fair way to improve driving standards at ALL ages is to have regular testing.


It would also create lots of new jobs - I can't see a downside to the concept.

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From what I remember from my time spent in traffic management related jobs - you don't actually have 'right of way'.


What you do have is 'priority'.


Subtle difference - but an important one.



Ah that explains it! probably a lot of the accidents that have occured there over the years have been because people havn't really got right of way just 'priority' .

IMHO QB is actually two roundabouts and in the circumstances you described, the car from Ctown had priority, having got onto the roundabout first.


Sorry, let me explain slowly!

I was already on the roundabout when the old boy accessed from the C/town direction proceeding to cut straight through the little white thingy driving very slowly completly ignoring the concept of "Look right , look left,Look right again !

Maybe I'm being a bit harsh on him after all he may have been suffering from "whiplash " or some other ailment which prevented him from moving his neck from side to side? :D

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So which is worse?


Derby and Joan on their once a month outing to buy a potato at 5mph.


Mr Sqeak Pencil in his Porche warp rocket with 7 go faster stripes on his way to his dynamic financial company.


Lucinda Farquar Comeover taking the chosen one to school in her 4x4 Rhino crusher turbo delux arse crusher with anti elephant bars.


Kevin and every one of his mates he can cram into his second hand cruise missile with R plates.


All drive like twats.


Tougher traffic police, tougher penalties, medicals for fitness to drive over 50, retests at 60,


Or free donkeys for all.


I'm loving these names. I'm guessing Kevin's surname might be Strokey Ham Baps.

But I don't get Squeak Pencil, could you explain?

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But I don't get Squeak Pencil, could you explain?

Based on an accountant I know.

Very apt if you knew the person in question.

Which you wouldn't really like to.........


He really is a legend in his own mind.

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Mr Sqeak Pencil in his Porche warp rocket with 7 go faster stripes on his way to his dynamic financial company.

It's "Porsche", with particular emphasis on the "e" at the end. Failure to write or pronounce this correctly can result in Tiff Needell not under 20 episodes or 6 months Daewoo Matiz 900cc without the option of early release - and you really don't want that...

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It's "Porsche", with particular emphasis on the "e" at the end. Failure to write or pronounce this correctly can result in Tiff Needell not under 20 episodes or 6 months Daewoo Matiz 900cc without the option of early release - and you really don't want that...


It was early, I was tired and confused after working 900 hours without a break and have been taking prescribed medicine which I was unaware would react badly with cups of tea.

I only drank 2 cups of tea.

Perhaps one of them had been spiked.


I have just passed 24 A levels, all my relatives have died and I hope to be a brain surgeon working in a third world country.


A conviction for bad spelling will spoil my future career.

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It's "Porsche", with particular emphasis on the "e" at the end. Failure to write or pronounce this correctly can result in Tiff Needell not under 20 episodes or 6 months Daewoo Matiz 900cc without the option of early release - and you really don't want that...


It was early, I was tired and confused after working 900 hours without a break and have been taking prescribed medicine which I was unaware would react badly with cups of tea.

I only drank 2 cups of tea.

Perhaps one of them had been spiked.


I have just passed 24 A levels, all my relatives have died and I hope to be a brain surgeon working in a third world country.


A conviction for bad spelling will spoil my future career.



gutted ;)

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Stu is nearly correct. This from vast experence or representing drivers over the years


16 to 25 annual review tests

25 to 65 review test every ten years

65, 70 and 75 review test

annualyy thereafter


The review test shold be a group day with 3 hours theory, risk assessment and three hours driving in pairs with tester in car


If your driving is really bad you should be suspebnded until re taken full test


There should be a right to take a review test instead of penalty points once every three years if caught speeding or Due care


initial test and a test after any disqualification is on your own

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Not so much of a problem with car drivers being re-tested every few years. What really concerns me is the fact that lorry drivers don't need a medical or re-test at all. Across a medical is needed to even apply for a LGV provisional license, here you just use your car license as a provisional for a lorry and away you go. A 38 tonne articulated truck driven by someone who may have a history of mental illness or fits of some sort, unable to tie his shoes up without sitting down and incapable of holding a cup of tea without spilling it, it horrifies me when I think of the possibilities. So give car drivers a break, they'll only bend another car, not drive over/through it.

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Stu is nearly correct. This from vast experence or representing drivers over the years


16 to 25 annual review tests

25 to 65 review test every ten years

65, 70 and 75 review test

annualyy thereafter


The review test shold be a group day with 3 hours theory, risk assessment and three hours driving in pairs with tester in car


If your driving is really bad you should be suspebnded until re taken full test


There should be a right to take a review test instead of penalty points once every three years if caught speeding or Due care


initial test and a test after any disqualification is on your own


I'd go with that - the photo licence lasts 10 years, so some sort of review before getting your new one could work quite well. Driving school in lieu of penalty points isn't a bad idea either - I think they have this in the UK?

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