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10th September 2008

When Skies Are Grey

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My theory, is that soon as it is switched on, anyone in a 2Km radius is going to be sucked into the 8th dimension. Worse than that, other creatures from the 8th dimension will be sucked into our universe.


Anything is possible in the 8th dimension, so I plan on hiding behind the settee, at least for the afternoon, just in case.


What about the other 2 dimensions of space and one of time? Damn that Super String lecturer was good ;)

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Can you not ask them to put it off until at least Tuesday or maybe even Wednesday of the following week?


I'm getting a new proper posh fridge on the 12th and I'd like to have a little go with the slidey draws thing that looks very practical.





Oh and it (IMO for a fridge at least) cost a few bob too. If the world is going to pop into the 8th dimension and we're all borked I know far lesser and less worldly things I could have spent my cash on.




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Patrick Moore summed it up nicely for me. When asked if he thought it could create a black hole that would swallow everything up he replied:-


"It's about as likely as a spaceship coming down and landing on the back of the Loch Ness Monster, in the words of Corporal Jones... Don't Panic!"

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Patrick Moore summed it up nicely for me. When asked if he thought it could create a black hole that would swallow everything up he replied:-


"It's about as likely as a spaceship coming down and landing on the back of the Loch Ness Monster


So there's a chance then...

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bluemonday should recognise these:-


We believed that we were superior to the universe that gave us birth. We believed we could transcend this dimension... and in the end... we resolved to storm the gates of heaven itself.


We applied all of our wisdom, all of our knowledge, to opening a door to another dimension... a place we believed was the well of souls, the foundation for all life. We would touch the face of God and, in so doing, become gods ourselves.


We forgot that a door may swing in two directions. We were so concerned with getting out that we never stopped to consider what we might be letting in... until it was too late...


One mistake... one mistake... out of many... so many others
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The Large Hadron Collider is going to fire up on the 10th September...dark matter and black holes abound...tick tick Boom

There's so many computations involved I have no idea where this is going to end up.

If the pair of proton beams smash into one another and produce the Higgs Bosun or even negatively charged strangelets? Will they actually create mini black holes and if so, will their microscopic energy fizzle out to nothing? One hopes so as the laws of physics and even quantum physics are being alarmingly stretched to create something out of nothing and to what purpose?


I'll watch with fingers crossed on this one as this could go more than one way :sweat:

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There's so many computations involved I have no idea where this is going to end up.

If the pair of proton beams smash into one another and produce the Higgs Bosun or even negatively charged strangelets? Will they actually create mini black holes and if so, will their microscopic energy fizzle out to nothing? One hopes so as the laws of physics and even quantum physics are being alarmingly stretched to create something out of nothing and to what purpose?


I'll watch with fingers crossed on this one as this could go more than one way :sweat:


The Higgs Bosun? Is that something to do with a ship? If you mean a Higgs Boson then these things might already exist, it's just that they haven't been detected yet. If one is created then the only things that will be destroyed are the physical theories which say that Higgs Bosons don't exist. The laws of physics are not being 'alarmingly stretched' as this is impossible. They are what they are - as a great scientist once said 'you cannae change the laws of physics'.


It has been pointed out that the type of collisions created by the LHC are happening in the earth's upper atmosphere all the time, due to cosmic rays interacting with charged particles - the only difference with the LHC is that the results of the collisions can be observed. The last time I looked, the earth hadn't been destroyed by 'negative strangelets' so I shall defer to those with more knowledge of the subject who are sure that we will all live to see the 11th of September.


The only negative strangelets I've seen are the people posting in this thread.

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One hopes so as the laws of physics and even quantum physics are being alarmingly stretched


How are they being stretched? The LHC merely recreates on Earth processes that have taken place or are taking place elsewhere


to create something out of nothing and to what purpose?


That's not what's happening: something can't be created from nothing. What they're trying to do is convert energy and matter (which in relativistic terms are essentially the same thing) into a different kind of matter. The stated purpose being to help complete our picture of the Universe and test the standard model.


Having said that, it's an awful lot of money being spent for what is essentially a glorified prestige project.

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