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10th September 2008

When Skies Are Grey

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Just heard on the radio that there was a 'small flash' at CERN - is Swizerland still there??????

So far only the 't' has disappeared - the rest of wizland seems to still be there.

By my calculations, around Christmas this will mean no 'L' in Switzerland.

I'd be more worried about Peel.

A black hole could actualy improve Peel

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Just heard on the radio that there was a 'small flash' at CERN - is Swizerland still there??????

So far only the 't' has disappeared - the rest of wizland seems to still be there.

By my calculations, around Christmas this will mean no 'L' in Switzerland.

I'd be more worried about Peel.

A black hole could actualy improve Peel

I guess it would bring in visitors (and everything else around).

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But there'll still be a cunt in Scunthorpe

Don't count on it Cheeky Boy - there is something dark going on under Cleveland - and that ain't too far from S....horpe

Brits Do Proton Bashing On the Cheap

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Energy FM have just run a short piece on their news about this.


Apparently the next stage of the project is to smash Protons together at high speed.


We could do that for a couple of hundred quid up at Onchan Stadium.. :lol:


There's a shock, Spartacus talks about stock car racing....again. <_<


Sure wouldn't like to see their electricity bill for this collider thingy!


But this project reminds me of Marvin the Martian who used to say:


"Where's the kaboom? There was supposed to be an earth shattering kaboom"



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What has been thoroughly depressing and scary about the whole thing is the amount of dumbing down the media has done to try to explain it to the lowest common denominator. Also ironic how they have latched onto the phrases "god particle" and "god machine" to describe something that is the epitome of scientific endeavor and at polar opposites to any religious dogmata. The number of articles I've read relating to the Higgs Bosun (sic) defies belief. Surely the "Science Editor" should have read at least one physics book...


Ok I know it's the media. Like shooting dumb fish in a barrel.

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But if even the scientists can't agree?



A row between two of the world’s most famous scientists yesterday threatened to overshadow the celebrations as the world’s greatest scientific experiment got under way.

Professor Peter Higgs, the scientist who gave his name to the Higgs boson, the particle at the centre of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiment, launched a withering attack on Professor Stephen Hawking, saying his work was “not good enough”.

Professor Higgs dismissed the views on the £2.6 billion project of the man generally considered to be the greatest physicist of his time, and said that no other particle physicist would view his approach as “correct”.

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A row between two of the world’s most famous scientists yesterday threatened to overshadow the celebrations as the world’s greatest scientific experiment got under way. Professor Peter Higgs, the scientist who gave his name to the Higgs boson, the particle at the centre of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiment, launched a withering attack on Professor Stephen Hawking, saying his work was “not good enough”.

Perhaps Higgs is dyslexic and is going for the nobble prize.


Hawking is greatly over rated IMO - a product of the media. If scientists can't skate, play an unusual musical instrument, have a disability, or look like professor Bunsen Honeydew off the Muppet show, they don't seem to get on TV much these days.

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Hawking is greatly over rated IMO - a product of the media. If scientists can't skate, play an unusual musical instrument, have a disability, or look like professor Bunsen Honeydew off the Muppet show, they don't seem to get on TV much these days.

I think the "greatly" in that sentence is overdoing it. He is over-rated, and it is probably the wheel chair etc which has got him alot of the publicity in the press/on the Simpsons etc, but he's on a par with Roger Penrose who's also a known name for people who follow this sort of thing. Both Hawking and Penrose have fundamentally changed our understanding of singularities and virtual and absolute horizons.


TV appearances aren't really relevent, its how they've expanded knowledge and both can claim more than most. You can't read a book on relativity without a discussion of Hawking radiation.

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But if even the scientists can't agree?


Surely that's how great science works though. Different theories from brilliant minds argued and discussed and tested and examined and analysed until the facts can be extracted and conclusions made. I'd be more worried if they all did just fall into line behind Hawking. And I'm sure he would too.

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A row between two of the world’s most famous scientists yesterday threatened to overshadow the celebrations as the world’s greatest scientific experiment got under way.

Professor Peter Higgs


That's not a spat, that's just how physicists communicate with one another. If the article had them slagging each other off whilst rolling around and scrabbling for pennies in the mud, then you'd have a near complete characterization of physics types. Uncivilized beasts of burden, the lot of them.


Anyway, one day on and still no portal to Xen. Glad I kept the receipt for this crowbar.

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Anyway, one day on and still no portal to Xen. Glad I kept the receipt for this crowbar.


"I'm afraid we'll be deviating a bit from standard analysis procedures today, Gordon."


At least we know that if CERN does go tits up, at least Barney will make it out ok.

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