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Andy Kershaw Update


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All I can say is what a fucking cock - If he wasn't such a cock he wouldn't have been locked up - simple - he is a spasticated mentalist fucking ranting loon - must have run out of beer money and had to sell his cock and bull sob story so he could sup more ale





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Basically agree - he claims he was justified in behaving the way he did cos he couldn't get access to his kids.


I fully admit that must be a traumatic thing - but it happens every day to thousands and thousands of people. The majority of people don't behave the way Kershaw did.


Having some dignity, control over your drink consumption and aggression make things alot easier for kids involved in these sorts of things.


To hear Kershaw saying he did it for his kids is basically contemptable. He has made it hugely harder for his children - his inability to understand that is a large part of the problem - that and living in a tiny community where it is guaranteed you'll bump into each other. He should have moved to Ramsey!

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My heart pumps purple piss for him, rarely have I come across such a pitiful soul with such a weight on his shoulders, he is a needy and desperate person. Ok minor attempt at sympathy over, fuck him at least he is back across now and not our problem.

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Given the torment I have been through, I think I have behaved with enormous dignity and self-restraint.


Pretty much sums him up doesn't it?


Originally he had a lot of sympathy on the Island but there's only so much you can defend the man. That he thinks he's a victim of the manx crab syndrome is hilarious, by constantly harassing his ex-wife he is somehow climbing out of the bucket?

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Such a shame. He used to champion one of my all time favourite bands - HalfMan Half Biscuit.


Joy Division Oven Gloves - one of the finest tunes ever made, contaning one of the best lines ever written - "ooooh ooh, picallilli shinpads".



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Any sympathy I had for him has long gone.


And the "Manx Crabs" reference is nigh on hysterical...




The Manx Crabs were trying to throw him out of the basket ,but he just kept crawling back in! :D

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