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Stu Peters Takes Over Talking Heads


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They allow you to have your own CDs.


So I found out later.


You're a secret fan of MR and I claim my reward!


Keep the reward, send it to MR so they can put it towards a new record.

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Rumour going about in Onchan is that they have made a settlement with the builders on condition that no information or evidence is made public.

How very interesting. Of course, making a settlement should not be viewed as an admission of guilt, even if Julie Corkill is a convicted felon. But why does it have to be kept secret? All conjecture of course as you so rightly point out it's only rumour.


So if I want some hard info on this for the UK press where do I go?

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Rumour going about in Onchan is that they have made a settlement with the builders on condition that no information or evidence is made public.

How very interesting. Of course, making a settlement should not be viewed as an admission of guilt, even if Julie Corkill is a convicted felon. But why does it have to be kept secret? All conjecture of course as you so rightly point out it's only rumour.


So if I want some hard info on this for the UK press where do I go?




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.....even if Julie Corkill is a convicted felon....


Interesting use of words; is she a felon (by the by, in some countries, eg, USA, I think you are a felon if you are convicted of a very serious crime, it is the conviction that makes you a felon and so 'convicted felon' is possibly a tautology, but that is not my point) and what is the definition of same?


Have to say I popped in to their pharmacy today (in the driving rain it had the nearest hop from the car to the door), very obliging and, dare I say it, an example of dignified humility.


By no stretch do I excuse what was done, it was incredibly stupid, nay greedy, of people in such prominent positions to put themselves in such a precarious position, let alone to make a personal gain. But the criminal court hearing has passed sentence and the civil case has, obviously, been settled on terms which were acceptable to both sides, so let it be. If it was England they could both disappear in to relative obscurity, but they have decided to stick it out here, where just about everyone will recognise them, and make a go of it.


Leave them be now, there are plenty of 'unconvicted felons' that should be making the hackles rise at the moment.

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I had an MRI recently. Not a lot of room inside when you've been slid in.

Certainly not enough room to remove the headphones they provide.

After half an hour of shit from MR.


Being squeezed into a confined space and forced to listen to Brindleys Breakfast - that reminds me of the scene out of Clockwork Orange where Malcolm McDowell is wired to to the mains and forced to watch violent films. Quite what that sort of treatment could be used to cure you of is anyones guess though ;)

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But the criminal court hearing has passed sentence and the civil case has, obviously, been settled on terms which were acceptable to both sides, so let it be.

I believe it was put to a date in November this year.



If it was England they could both disappear in to relative obscurity,

Neil Hamilton and Christine (loved by the Isle of Man of course)?

Geoffrey Archer and his 'fragrant' wife Mary?

Peter Benjamin Mandelson?



Considering the type of people who are making the real big money on the Island these days: advocates, bankers, financiers etc I would have thought our former Chief and his wife could have made quite a killing in the after dinner speeches market.


Leave them be now, there are plenty of 'unconvicted felons' that should be making the hackles rise at the moment.

. . . . oh yes.

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If it was England they could both disappear in to relative obscurity,

Neil Hamilton and Christine (loved by the Isle of Man of course)?

Geoffrey Archer and his 'fragrant' wife Mary?

Peter Benjamin Mandelson?



Let's face, it Neil and Christine chose to court publicity and have made quite a living out of it.


Jeffrey Archer and his fragrant missus are, IMHO, quite deluded and are a prime example of the arrogant, self-belief that makes many politicos believe they need not be concerned by the rules which apply to the masses. For that matter, the same could be said about Mandelson. Again, these three live off publicity so you wouldn't expect them to fade away.

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Whilst many of these would make for lively programmes, one problem that people seem unaware of is that if a hack wants an answer to a tricky question (as per Lee's suggestion, for example) and those in control of the information don't want to share it, you're stymied.


Quite often with stories that every bloke down the pub knows the ins and outs of but ISN'T reported by the media, it's because a Government/Department/Company won't comment, the people involved don't want to prejudice proceedings or have been gagged (maybe as a condition of an 'agreement' being reached), and to debate rumour, innuendo or hearsay in public runs the significant risk of defamation and a field day for the lawyers. Ask the MF mods.


And to reiterate, in 5 years of becoming a jaded hack, I've never known the Government to interfere once with the freedom of the press/media. Stonewalled maybe, been a bit cross at times, been keen to correct factual errors - but this repeated assumption that the Government controls what the public broadcaster reports is simply not true.


But then if there is an issue that the Government chooses not to comment on or talk about to such a level that MR can't report it - then they ARE controlling what is being reported. For example, if Talking Heads submits a list of proposed interviews questions to a Government member who is due to speak on the programme - if he doesn't like the questions he then declines the interview. This sort of scenario renders the idea of "Talking Heads" as a bit pointless really -I mean it's hardly cutting edge journalism is it!

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Back on topic:


How about local politicians invited to discuss a news item chosen at random from the international news pages of the Times/Telegraph/ Independent/Gruniad etc..?


I realise this could be one of the shortest shows ever on MR, but great entertainment


The local politicians wouldn't know much about what's happening outside Douglas let alone off Island, and the MR journalists struggle sometimes - so yes, it would be one of the shortest shows ever on MR. Though Talking Heads with Stu is going to be one of the shorter shows, 2 hours instead of 3 - why is that then?


And if you're wondering what's happened to the extra hour - I think we end up with more Brindley and more Williams in the morning!!

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