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[BBC News] Banned pitbull seized on island


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Pitbulls and crosses have been responsible for 110 deaths and 636 maimings in Canada in 14 years.


That's way more than has ever been attributed to sharks, and you can't keep them as pets.


I think that says it all folks. :)

Try telling the owner that! Her dog is no longer a pit bull terrier, having metamorphosed into a pit bull poodle thanks to a bloke called Staffy in Ramsay. So why are you quoting misleading figures from Canada (not even the IOM) that don't apply to its latest transformed state? And anyway if 110 people have been killed and 636 maimed it was because they did not know how to love dogs...."it was not the dogs' faults" - remember the "behavioural profile" of people who want to own dangerous breeds does not fit with accepting responsibility unto themselves.


Summary - it's the laws fault and the vet's fault and the Post Offices (for accepting the licence payment) fault, not mine so why should I do anything to re home the dog and save its life?

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After reading all the posts and watching this topic , i find it strange that no-one has covered why these dog types are banned and not that there just banned and that's it.


It is down to the " Bite Pattern ". This means that when one of these dogs bite, the lower and upper teeth, interlock as such. Meaning that instead of leaving multiple puncture wounds like most dogs, these will take a chunk out off the flesh which is or has been, classed as similar to wounds only seen on a battleground. The main reason why is the dog is trained or it's breeding, not to let go.


Terriers as such, have this instinct to kill before letting go, even little yorkie. But as the Bite Pattern is so much different, the damage is less and you have to account for the size. Plus most Terriers were bred as a tool, not a weapon.


All dogs work on a " Pack " system and whilst you have the " Alpha " male and female, it's usually the Alpha Bitch who runs the pack. Notice how nomatter how much work you do with the dogs they still run to mummy as she walks through the door?


This can change if you only have 1 dog as he/her thinks you the you his bro or shag.


So we get back to Champ, his place, as any dogs place, needs to be instilled into him, day in, day out. However, he could see that any other member of the family is just another member of the pack and attack them to try and boost his rank in the pack.


As this could and most probably would be, a child, the result is not worth thinking about.


I wonder if this women has thought about that point?


I haven't a problem in the least if this women wants to keep her dog. As long as she is prepared to pay good hard cash and house it in a protected envoiroment like any Potentional hazard to people should be.


You see Lions, Tigers, even Wolves, who have been bred in captivity, show no threat to people but we don't take the chance and they are given their own eviroment to live in.


No different in this dangerous dog law. If you want one, pay for the set up you need to keep it.


I have 4 working dogs and i've counted up to money , over the years, i've spent on building the area they live in and it comes to around 4K.


That's what i'm prepared to do for my enjoyment of a dog.


Imo, this woman is just looking for what's best for her and not the dog. It's a pity that it's only the dog that will suffer because the selfish bitch only put her hand in her pocket to either buy it or just feed it.

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After reading all the posts and watching this topic , i find it strange that no-one has covered why these dog types are banned and not that there just banned and that's it.


It is down to the " Bite Pattern ". This means that when one of these dogs bite, the lower and upper teeth, interlock as such. Meaning that instead of leaving multiple puncture wounds like most dogs, these will take a chunk out off the flesh which is or has been, classed as similar to wounds only seen on a battleground. The main reason why is the dog is trained or it's breeding, not to let go.


Terriers as such, have this instinct to kill before letting go, even little yorkie. But as the Bite Pattern is so much different, the damage is less and you have to account for the size. Plus most Terriers were bred as a tool, not a weapon.


All dogs work on a " Pack " system and whilst you have the " Alpha " male and female, it's usually the Alpha Bitch who runs the pack. Notice how nomatter how much work you do with the dogs they still run to mummy as she walks through the door?


This can change if you only have 1 dog as he/her thinks you the you his bro or shag.


So we get back to Champ, his place, as any dogs place, needs to be instilled into him, day in, day out. However, he could see that any other member of the family is just another member of the pack and attack them to try and boost his rank in the pack.


As this could and most probably would be, a child, the result is not worth thinking about.


I wonder if this women has thought about that point?


I haven't a problem in the least if this women wants to keep her dog. As long as she is prepared to pay good hard cash and house it in a protected envoiroment like any Potentional hazard to people should be.


You see Lions, Tigers, even Wolves, who have been bred in captivity, show no threat to people but we don't take the chance and they are given their own eviroment to live in.


No different in this dangerous dog law. If you want one, pay for the set up you need to keep it.


I have 4 working dogs and i've counted up to money , over the years, i've spent on building the area they live in and it comes to around 4K.


That's what i'm prepared to do for my enjoyment of a dog.


Imo, this woman is just looking for what's best for her and not the dog. It's a pity that it's only the dog that will suffer because the selfish bitch only put her hand in her pocket to either buy it or just feed it.



i would guess these dogs were banned to try and avoid the dog fighting scene and maimings to people which is possibly why the ban was bought in in the UK?? it seems to have been timed around the same time as the UK dangerous dogs act so perhaps there was a fear at the time that all the now illegal dogs in the UK would find there way to here where they would still be legal?? this could have had the result of a sudden influx of what for arguments sake we will call dangerous pit bull terriers, which ofcourse sensible people above pond life wouldn't want.

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this could have had the result of a sudden influx of what for arguments sake we will call dangerous pit bull terriers, which ofcourse sensible people above pond life wouldn't want.

WTF I think you should add 'which of course sensible people on the Isle of Man also wouldn't want'. The more I read what the owner and her supporters write the more I think they are quite bizarre which reinforces the issue of not allowing ownership of dangerous dog breeds here. Still can't understand why anyone in their right mind would want to own a dangerous breed.

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this could have had the result of a sudden influx of what for arguments sake we will call dangerous pit bull terriers, which ofcourse sensible people above pond life wouldn't want.

WTF I think you should add 'which of course sensible people on the Isle of Man also wouldn't want'. The more I read what the owner and her supporters write the more I think they are quite bizarre which reinforces the issue of not allowing ownership of dangerous dog breeds here. Still can't understand why anyone in their right mind would want to own a dangerous breed.


i think anyone who owns a dog ought to be in a possition to control it if it goes ape. even a poodle. you sometimes see folks with 2 dogs on leads and when they want to go the owner can't hold them back. is this enough control?? if a 6'6, 20 stone bloke has a rotty trying to pull him along, he has a good chance of holding it and not loosing control. if the same dog is being walked by some size 6, 5 foot tall stick insect, they will probably be towed along for the ride.no real control?? my point is that the owners physical stature, control over the animal ought to be a factor too. which in a back handed way makes the actual dog less of an issue. you refer to a dangerous breed, and that can be any dog, but the police use alsations which to many folks would be assumed dangerous, so they won't be banned. i think most people think of rottys and pit bull types or anything with a fat head, with muscular build and big gob when they refer to dangerous and because the staffy looks viciuos and can have an instant hate of cats and other dogs they too get tarred with the same brush. funnilly enough there is a collie that goes past my house on a regular basis with its owner and on a lead, and it barks and goes for anything or anyone that moves, is it dangerous??? is said before, any dog can be dangerous, but pitbulls have a higher than average chance of being a statistic in the maiming department.

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FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2008 11:59: I am the owner of Champ COB.


.... How can you judge when you don't even know him or have ever been in his company. It is racism against dogs.


Jesus, how deluded can people be? Were now talking about dog racism!!! My cat is black I've often wondered why people treat him differently and I now suspect that people don't like him 'because 'e is black'


Talk about trying to raise a serious point and then failing miserably.


What has happened to this world its disgusting and im appalled at the Manx Govt as Manx resident I will be leaving the Island for good if they put my dog to sleep.


Good the next time my kids are in the park lovely fluffy playful Champ will not be there to potentially rip their limbs off.

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What has happened to this world its disgusting and im appalled at the Manx Govt as Manx resident I will be leaving the Island for good if they put my dog to sleep.




Roll on Tuesday then.


Wednesday we should start a support thread for volunteers to help her pack.

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Just walked down Strand Street and the Shop called "Balloons to go" has a window full of "Save Champ" balloons, Utterley unbelievable :(

I thought "Balloons to Go" was the sort of place that sold things for kids. Really appropriate and responsible for them to support the retention of dangerous and illegal dogs on the island. Imagine Chump being at a childrens party when one of those balloons goes 'POP'...


I have been puzzled all along as to why:

  • the owner wants a pitbull terrier rather than a less ferocious breed?
  • she does not seem to have done anything to get the dog rehomed?
  • she has waited until the second lot of two weeks extensions is running out to make a fuss?

I think I should add two more to the list at this stage:

  • Why have none of the people off the Island who are expressing support for her and such love for the dog volunteered to rehome it?
  • Is she hoping to get paid by the media for her story?

The 'save Champ campaign' has become one of anti-dog racism and murder accusations when if she had acted right away the dog could have lived. Definitely a case of blaming everyone else for one's own inaction.

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Just walked down Strand Street and the Shop called "Balloons to go" has a window full of "Save Champ" balloons, Utterley unbelievable :(


Last time I go there - a kids balloon shop supporting the ownership of lethal dogs. Whatever next? Douglas Library supporting the Taliban?



baloons to pop is i think 'scottish terrier'?? also the chap that is something to do with staffys.

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