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[BBC News] Banned pitbull seized on island


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Jeeeze... 267 posts of complete and utter shite.

Nice to see that you've included your own earlier post in that statistic.

Someone paying attention to my posts - unreal! Could you start a fan club or something? Ta muchly...

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It is exactly the hysterical reactions we see on this forum, and which we had in the late 80's / early 90's which resulted in the poorly drafted legislation which is the Dangerous Dogs Act. If you actually want to protect the public, breed specific legislation is not the way to achieve results.


At the end of the day they are only dogs! Hence the phrase 'Killed like a dog!'

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IOM online report: A last minute petition of doleance and a statement from DAFF. How long will this farce go on.


A DAFF statement said:


'A specialist assessment of the dog has been carried out, with the conclusion that it could only be trusted 75-80 per cent with humans and not at all with other dogs.

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Have you read the owners latest comments on the "your say" section? http://www.iomtoday.co.im/your-shout/Rehom...rier.4480782.jp


Calling everyone fools. She's the fool if she is going to ingore what's happening and the comments from the specialist that assessed Champ.


She states "He is a very big part of our family and I will do whatever it takes so as he doesn't have to be destroyed."


Well can I suggest one of two things:

1) Get the dog rehomed in Eire OR

2) Sod off there yourself and take the dog with you.....

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Lodge a complaint that the dog is dangerous to a court as per The Dogs Act 1990. The court can then order the animal to be destroyed - whether or not it was illegally imported or a banned breed. It might be legal to import Alsatians, Rottweilers or even maybe a Pitbull-Tosa cross, but the dog could still be seized and destroyed upon a complaint that the animal is a dangerous dog.


I would hope you are right- it would be slightly interesting, as surely some evidence has to be presented that the dog is dangerous; which is the problem we are having with Champ at the moment.


The Dogs Act 1990 does not require there to be evidence the dog is dangerous. The Act leaves it entirely up to the court what to do following reciept of a complaint that a dog is dangerous. The Act doesn't stipulate the court must be reasonably satisfied the dog is dangerous or even that the complaint must be shown to be justified.


The Act perhaps gives too much discretion, but that's how it is. While technically it might be in their power, I wouldn't be too worried about the court ordering that a dog be seized and destroyed if it was a harmless little poodle, and the complaint had been made maliciously.


Champ is supposedly a Pitbull Terrier - which is a dangerous type of dog banned from import; a 'behavioural specialist' has supposedly said he is not good around other dogs. There is no 'one bite' and you're out provision. If Champ were dealt with under the Dogs Act 1990, there would be no quibble over the type of breed or whether the evidence showed he was or wasn't dangerous - it would simply be up to the court.

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ive known that dog since it was born ... my mates little Chihuahua is more vicious than Champ.

Question SWTB: what was he like with the postman? Just a harmless bark? A little growl?


You have a mate with a Chihuahua - really! But a bite from a Chihuahua is likely to do a lot less damage than a bite from Champ IF he did bite - which is the point really: can't be trusted with 20% of people says the DAFF report. If I was the postman I would be worried delivering the mail.

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if that dog is an American Pitbull, i swear i have got two heads. ive known that dog since it was born and i will swear its a mastiff crossed with a staffordshire terrier. APB's are a totally different shape to the dog in question. before the government put him down or whatever, they should trace his papers and his breeding history and find out.


my mates little Chihuahua is more vicious than Champ.

Do you have any difficulty finding tops with 2 necks or do you have to get them specialy made ?

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if that dog is an American Pitbull, i swear i have got two heads. ive known that dog since it was born and i will swear its a mastiff crossed with a staffordshire terrier. APB's are a totally different shape to the dog in question. before the government put him down or whatever, they should trace his papers and his breeding history and find out.


my mates little Chihuahua is more vicious than Champ.


Yes, because Mastiffs are cute and cuddly, just ask Teoni.



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Thankfully the pondscum owner has promised to leave the island if the mutt is put down.


Talk about killing two dogs with one stone...



dont refer to a woman as a dog... pathetic!


I'll take that as an implied acknowledgement that she's pondscum.



I dont think its fair to call someone 'pondscum' when you dont even know them... fair enough critise the action of the individual but refering to Sarah as 'pondscum' and 'dog'... sad and pathetic... obviously you have nothing better to do in your sad, pathetic little lives and it makes you feel witty and clever...


Grow Up..

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I dont think its fair to call someone 'pondscum' when you dont even know them... fair enough critise the action of the individual but refering to Sarah as 'pondscum' and 'dog'... sad and pathetic... obviously you have nothing better to do in your sad, pathetic little lives and it makes you feel witty and clever...


I don't think it's fair to call someone sad and pathetic when you don't even know them.


Still, witty and clever seem more than apt. You may continue with those observations.

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I dont think its fair to call someone 'pondscum' when you dont even know them... fair enough critise the action of the individual but refering to Sarah as 'pondscum' and 'dog'... sad and pathetic... obviously you have nothing better to do in your sad, pathetic little lives and it makes you feel witty and clever...


I don't think it's fair to call someone sad and pathetic when you don't even know them.


Still, witty and clever seem more than apt. You may continue with those observations.


so your telling me calling a women a dog and pond scum is not sad and pathetic..??? im not quite sure what planet you inhabit but im glad its not the same one as me ... if your think those retorts are witty and clever...

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