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[BBC News] Banned pitbull seized on island


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any dog can bite and hurt someone, if thats the case then all dogs should be put down i dont agree with this at all!


champ ha done nothing wrong!


I agree, any dog could do that yes. However, given the number of dogs around generally, incidences of this happening must be pretty low, otherwise it would be all over the news and no-one would be allowed to keep any dogs! The point is, these types of dogs (and certain others too) have been bred for their aggressive/violent tendancies, they are fighting dogs, that's a pitbulls' whole "thing". It's not the dogs fault, it's the fault of humans who've made them what they are. Champ may well have done nothing wrong (towards humans) but he has shown aggression towards other dogs, it's not too much of a leap of the imagination to see that aggression spilling over towards children, who are (lets face it) most at risk from these types of dogs. What if they let Champ stay and a year from now he chewed the face off a toddler who pulled his tail or something? How would you feel then?


FFS do you not know anything about dog behaviour?

Aggression towards other dogs is in no way linked to aggression towards humans.

Fighting dogs especially were bred to be exceptionally human friendly as in the old days the owners would be in the pit with their dogs. Any fighting dog which showed human aggression would immediately be put down.


Human aggression is not a trait of fighting dogs. I am not saying they will never bite a human but the risk is no greater than any other type of dog.

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This is not about my grammar, this is about Champ. The fact that you are clearly more bothered about good spelling just goes to highlight the lack of real concern you have for Champ's welfare and that you are just here for a rant, which I find to be very sad indeed. Please keep all your future posts relevant to the discussion.

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any dog can bite and hurt someone, if thats the case then all dogs should be put down i dont agree with this at all!


champ ha done nothing wrong!


I agree, any dog could do that yes. However, given the number of dogs around generally, incidences of this happening must be pretty low, otherwise it would be all over the news and no-one would be allowed to keep any dogs! The point is, these types of dogs (and certain others too) have been bred for their aggressive/violent tendancies, they are fighting dogs, that's a pitbulls' whole "thing". It's not the dogs fault, it's the fault of humans who've made them what they are. Champ may well have done nothing wrong (towards humans) but he has shown aggression towards other dogs, it's not too much of a leap of the imagination to see that aggression spilling over towards children, who are (lets face it) most at risk from these types of dogs. What if they let Champ stay and a year from now he chewed the face off a toddler who pulled his tail or something? How would you feel then?


FFS do you not know anything about dog behaviour?

Aggression towards other dogs is in no way linked to aggression towards humans.

Fighting dogs especially were bred to be exceptionally human friendly as in the old days the owners would be in the pit with their dogs. Any fighting dog which showed human aggression would immediately be put down.


Human aggression is not a trait of fighting dogs. I am not saying they will never bite a human but the risk is no greater than any other type of dog.


Ohh ok i didn't realise!! I'll get in touch with all the people who's children have been mauled/disfigured/killed by these "human friendly" fighting dogs and let them know that they are not known for their aggression against humans. Silly me, my mistake. It's weird really as i thought that case in the news recently (Jan 2007), you know the one where that beautiful little blonde haired 5 year old girl Ellie was mauled to death by the family pet, a pitbull funnily enough, i thought that dog was known around where they lived already for it's aggression towards other dogs and the owner has been warned about it? No? The press got that wrong have they? They must have as aggression towards dogs and humans are not linked! Idiot.

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any dog can bite and hurt someone, if thats the case then all dogs should be put down i dont agree with this at all!


champ ha done nothing wrong!


I agree, any dog could do that yes. However, given the number of dogs around generally, incidences of this happening must be pretty low, otherwise it would be all over the news and no-one would be allowed to keep any dogs! The point is, these types of dogs (and certain others too) have been bred for their aggressive/violent tendancies, they are fighting dogs, that's a pitbulls' whole "thing". It's not the dogs fault, it's the fault of humans who've made them what they are. Champ may well have done nothing wrong (towards humans) but he has shown aggression towards other dogs, it's not too much of a leap of the imagination to see that aggression spilling over towards children, who are (lets face it) most at risk from these types of dogs. What if they let Champ stay and a year from now he chewed the face off a toddler who pulled his tail or something? How would you feel then?


FFS do you not know anything about dog behaviour?

Aggression towards other dogs is in no way linked to aggression towards humans.

Fighting dogs especially were bred to be exceptionally human friendly as in the old days the owners would be in the pit with their dogs. Any fighting dog which showed human aggression would immediately be put down.


Human aggression is not a trait of fighting dogs. I am not saying they will never bite a human but the risk is no greater than any other type of dog.


Ohh ok i didn't realise!! I'll get in touch with all the people who's children have been mauled/disfigured/killed by these "human friendly" fighting dogs and let them know that they are not known for their aggression against humans. Silly me, my mistake. It's weird really as i thought that case in the news recently (Jan 2007), you know the one where that beautiful little blonde haired 5 year old girl Ellie was mauled to death by the family pet, a pitbull funnily enough, i thought that dog was known around where they lived already for it's aggression towards other dogs and the owner has been warned about it? No? The press got that wrong have they? They must have as aggression towards dogs and humans are not linked! Idiot.

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Human aggression is not a trait of fighting dogs. I am not saying they will never bite a human but the risk is no greater than any other type of dog.


Wasn't going to get involved in this but anyway, here's my oar being stuck in...


I like dogs, i've always wanted an alsatian but it's unlikely for a while due to work, too small a house etc etc.


Anyway, fighting dogs, the thing that's always bothered me about them is the fact that should they decide to attack a person, child, you can't stop them, when I was growing up around the time the ban came in for them there was a case of a pit bull being shot and carrying on with it's attack as if nothing happened, another one having it's head slammed in a car door to try and break off an attack but this didn't deter it, i'm sure this is bred into them on purpose, but is this not one of the reasons they are classed as a dangerous animal? I can't think of alot of even wild animals that on having their head slammed in a car door wouldn't run away, not that i've tried it....


Anyway that's it, if I saw a pit bull in public I would be very wary of it even if it was a "lovely dog"

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any dog can bite and hurt someone, if thats the case then all dogs should be put down i dont agree with this at all!


champ ha done nothing wrong!


I agree, any dog could do that yes. However, given the number of dogs around generally, incidences of this happening must be pretty low, otherwise it would be all over the news and no-one would be allowed to keep any dogs! The point is, these types of dogs (and certain others too) have been bred for their aggressive/violent tendancies, they are fighting dogs, that's a pitbulls' whole "thing". It's not the dogs fault, it's the fault of humans who've made them what they are. Champ may well have done nothing wrong (towards humans) but he has shown aggression towards other dogs, it's not too much of a leap of the imagination to see that aggression spilling over towards children, who are (lets face it) most at risk from these types of dogs. What if they let Champ stay and a year from now he chewed the face off a toddler who pulled his tail or something? How would you feel then?


FFS do you not know anything about dog behaviour?

Aggression towards other dogs is in no way linked to aggression towards humans.

Fighting dogs especially were bred to be exceptionally human friendly as in the old days the owners would be in the pit with their dogs. Any fighting dog which showed human aggression would immediately be put down.


Human aggression is not a trait of fighting dogs. I am not saying they will never bite a human but the risk is no greater than any other type of dog.


Ohh ok i didn't realise!! I'll get in touch with all the people who's children have been mauled/disfigured/killed by these "human friendly" fighting dogs and let them know that they are not known for their aggression against humans. Silly me, my mistake. It's weird really as i thought that case in the news recently (Jan 2007), you know the one where that beautiful little blonde haired 5 year old girl Ellie was mauled to death by the family pet, a pitbull funnily enough, i thought that dog was known around where they lived already for it's aggression towards other dogs and the owner has been warned about it? No? The press got that wrong have they? They must have as aggression towards dogs and humans are not linked! Idiot.


You really don't pay attention do you?


These dogs can be human aggressive, as can any dog, but no more so than any other breed.

The Ellie Lawrence case backs up my previous posts of why people should be licenced to own certain breeds. Ellie's family were quite frankly not the type of people who should have any type of dog and they should have been locked up for a long time.


If dog aggression and human aggression are so strongly linked then how do explain breeds like Staffy's. They are extremely human friendly but mostly hate other dogs.


If your going to call someone an idiot, pick on someone with a lower IQ and at least try to put some fact in your post.

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Human aggression is not a trait of fighting dogs. I am not saying they will never bite a human but the risk is no greater than any other type of dog.


Wasn't going to get involved in this but anyway, here's my oar being stuck in...


I like dogs, i've always wanted an alsatian but it's unlikely for a while due to work, too small a house etc etc.


Anyway, fighting dogs, the thing that's always bothered me about them is the fact that should they decide to attack a person, child, you can't stop them, when I was growing up around the time the ban came in for them there was a case of a pit bull being shot and carrying on with it's attack as if nothing happened, another one having it's head slammed in a car door to try and break off an attack but this didn't deter it, i'm sure this is bred into them on purpose, but is this not one of the reasons they are classed as a dangerous animal? I can't think of alot of even wild animals that on having their head slammed in a car door wouldn't run away, not that i've tried it....


Anyway that's it, if I saw a pit bull in public I would be very wary of it even if it was a "lovely dog"


Well said 3vo.

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You can have a poodle as long as you have a licence, you cannot have a pitbull even with a licence.


Much like


You can have an Air rifle with a licence, but you cannot have an AK47 with a license.


Poodles and Air Rifles can hurt but rarely prove fatal.


Pitbulls and AK47s are designed to KILL. Not smart, or nip. KILL.


You "Save Champ" pillocks are blinkered to the fact that NOBODY cares about the 'chances' of Champ attacking someone, anything more than 0% chance is too much and nobody can make the dog promise not to; what I am concerned about is the CONSEQUENCES of a Pitbull's attack IF he does attack. Regardless of the global redneck pitbull owners groups, these dogs are genetically designed to keep attacking until the target is dead.

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You can have a poodle as long as you have a licence, you cannot have a pitbull even with a licence.


Much like


You can have an Air rifle with a licence, but you cannot have an AK47 with a license.


Poodles and Air Rifles can hurt but rarely prove fatal.


Pitbulls and AK47s are designed to KILL. Not smart, or nip. KILL.


You "Save Champ" pillocks are blinkered to the fact that NOBODY cares about the 'chances' of Champ attacking someone, anything more than 0% chance is too much and nobody can make the dog promise not to; what I am concerned about is the CONSEQUENCES of a Pitbull's attack IF he does attack. Regardless of the global redneck pitbull owners groups, these dogs are genetically designed to keep attacking until the target is dead.


By that logic, we should ban every breed of dog which could kill.

And since you can have a shotgun with a licence does that mean they should be banned.


Why don't we ban everything that can kill and we can live a miserable life up until we die at 95!!!


You are more likely to be struck by lightning in the UK than killed by a Pitbull.

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You can have a poodle as long as you have a licence, you cannot have a pitbull even with a licence.


You can have an Air rifle with a licence, but you cannot have an AK47 with a license.

[Wince] Ouch! [/Wince]


Please try and think of "advice" and "advise" - it'll help.


By the way, have they put down that illegal dog yet? If not, why not - it's just a dog after all...

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You really don't pay attention do you?


These dogs can be human aggressive, as can any dog, but no more so than any other breed.

The Ellie Lawrence case backs up my previous posts of why people should be licenced to own certain breeds. Ellie's family were quite frankly not the type of people who should have any type of dog and they should have been locked up for a long time.


If dog aggression and human aggression are so strongly linked then how do explain breeds like Staffy's. They are extremely human friendly but mostly hate other dogs.


If your going to call someone an idiot, pick on someone with a lower IQ and at least try to put some fact in your post.


No more aggressive towards humans than any other breed? What on earth are you talking about for gods sake? To be honest, based on the utter drivel you have spouted above, I think I'd be hard pressed to find someone with a lower IQ than you to pick on. I don't recall saying aggression towards dogs and aggression towards humans are strongly linked, I merely pointed out that they can be.

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scottishterrier - extending analogies to the extreme and bringing in completely unrelated statistics is normally a sign of someone who has run out of arguments to make.


Godwin's law is but a few posts away, I'm sure.

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You can have a poodle as long as you have a licence, you cannot have a pitbull even with a licence.


Much like


You can have an Air rifle with a licence, but you cannot have an AK47 with a license.


Poodles and Air Rifles can hurt but rarely prove fatal.


Pitbulls and AK47s are designed to KILL. Not smart, or nip. KILL.


You "Save Champ" pillocks are blinkered to the fact that NOBODY cares about the 'chances' of Champ attacking someone, anything more than 0% chance is too much and nobody can make the dog promise not to; what I am concerned about is the CONSEQUENCES of a Pitbull's attack IF he does attack. Regardless of the global redneck pitbull owners groups, these dogs are genetically designed to keep attacking until the target is dead.


By that logic, we should ban every breed of dog which could kill.

And since you can have a shotgun with a licence does that mean they should be banned.


Why don't we ban everything that can kill and we can live a miserable life up until we die at 95!!!


You are more likely to be struck by lightning in the UK than killed by a Pitbull.


No doubt you are more likely to be struck by lightning than be killed by a pitbull, but that's only because most of the bug*ers have been put down already!

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