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[BBC News] Banned pitbull seized on island


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It is unlikely that under my regime they as people would be allowed to keep Champ, however there are people out there who could keep such a dog and keep it safely.

Your regime! How are you going to stop them? How are you going to make everyone a responsible dog owner? And ensure a dog never turns viscious in an unexpected way?


Do you have any policy suggestions?


Or just a fairy land where all dogs are just lovely furry friends and everyone spends 100s of hrs training and training them.


The point has been made again and again that even the most responsible owner cannot guarantee these dogs will be safe. Or are you just going to say - I disagree and every one of the news reports and studies put up here are only from irresponsible careless owners?


Cloud cuckoo land.


Do you have any experience of dogs? I have 30 years, whats your story?

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Anyway, if we don't have Pitbulls, the scum will move on to Rottweillers. When we ban them, they'll move on to doberman/Alsation/Staffy/Bull Terrier, etc., Do you see the pattern. Doesn't matter what you ban or don't ban, the stronger dogs will always be abused in this way. Only way to tackle it is through regulating ownership by individual.


Just curious and apologies if i've missed this... Who is "the scum" exactly?

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Anyway, if we don't have Pitbulls, the scum will move on to Rottweillers. When we ban them, they'll move on to doberman/Alsation/Staffy/Bull Terrier, etc., Do you see the pattern. Doesn't matter what you ban or don't ban, the stronger dogs will always be abused in this way. Only way to tackle it is through regulating ownership by individual.


So what you're saying is that we might as well roll over now and give into the scum? No way. I agree that most dogs can cause serious injury in the wrong hands but it has been shown time and time again on here that Pitbull (type) dogs, follwoed by Rottweilers are by far the worse breeds/types of dogs for killing and maiming people. Go back and read the statisitcs on this topic that you keep ignoring.


I do agree though that stopping the scum owning dogs is also a positive way to reduce problems. Can you guarantee though that a Pitbull type dog, in the right hands, might not one day snap and attack someone?


Can you guarantee you won't knock someone down on the way home tonight (If you can drive and if you ever leave the house)?

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Anyway, if we don't have Pitbulls, the scum will move on to Rottweillers. When we ban them, they'll move on to doberman/Alsation/Staffy/Bull Terrier, etc., Do you see the pattern. Doesn't matter what you ban or don't ban, the stronger dogs will always be abused in this way. Only way to tackle it is through regulating ownership by individual.


Just curious and apologies if i've missed this... Who is "the scum" exactly?


People who buy dogs, don't treat them right, use them for fighting, protecting their drug dealing business, etc., Do I need to go on?

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Liked that one....


Ok Geeks, off home now to enjoy my real life...not running away!!!!


You mean that you do all this at work while someone is paying you to do a job?????




Doesn't spending all this time one here make you a 'geek' too?

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I don't need my postings corrected thank you. I understood the word Pitbull, in the context of this thread, to mean Dog commonly known as Pitbull. If this is how DAFF describe it rather than give it a name, does that not tell you something about the inherent problems in identification.


Also, why highlight "imported", If you paid attention, you will see that I said I didn't believe Champ was born on Island so why highlight something which is already agreed uon?


I corrected your comment to state Pitbull type dog becuase you were splitting hairs earlier on exactly the same issue. You stated that there was not an APBT breed but that it was a type of dog. You had already tried to counter others arguments by splitting hairs.


If the imported issue is agreed upon then you should also agree that DAFF is correct to tell the owner to remove the dog from the island. That or have it put down which is unfair on the dog.

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Based on the whole 'goolge pitbull devil dog' idea I tried this clicky Mcclick it's worth a look......


edited as I can't type


ZZZ most dogs would do this, pitbull or not... most dogs by contrast though don't maul small children to death on a regular basis.


Oh, had to stay on late for this one....


Your right, Yorkshire Terriers are fuckin great at pulling you from fires, fighting off attackers!!!!

Regular Basis????? Get real. One death in the UK since Jan 2007? Can anyone think of any more (Don't cheat and use the Internet).

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Based on the whole 'goolge pitbull devil dog' idea I tried this clicky Mcclick it's worth a look......


edited as I can't type


ZZZ most dogs would do this, pitbull or not... most dogs by contrast though don't maul small children to death on a regular basis.


Oh, had to stay on late for this one....


Your right, Yorkshire Terriers are fuckin great at pulling you from fires, fighting off attackers!!!!

Regular Basis????? Get real. One death in the UK since Jan 2007? Can anyone think of any more (Don't cheat and use the Internet).


Lol scottish terrier... i clearly wasn't implying a yorkshire terrier could do that now was I? You're just being silly now.

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Are you just stupid or what?

People may use knives, dogs or whatever as weapons, we don't ban the other weapons as people have suggested we do to dogs.

We haven't banned guns or knives, you can legally own both with less effort than it takes to feed a dog.


Anyway, if we don't have Pitbulls, the scum will move on to Rottweillers. When we ban them, they'll move on to doberman/Alsation/Staffy/Bull Terrier, etc., Do you see the pattern. Doesn't matter what you ban or don't ban, the stronger dogs will always be abused in this way. Only way to tackle it is through regulating ownership by individual.


Am I stupid? Far from it love. Yes you can legally own both. I was talking about the illegal ownership of said items, just like, oh.... the illegal ownership of an APBT in the IOM.


I would hate to see the effort you require to feed a dog if this is easier.

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That or have it put down which is unfair on the dog.

Is this the real issue here? The pro-Champ lot seem to be talking about fairness and justice for the dog - not having committing offences, 'racism against dogs', human rights act, standards of proof, (perhaps even trial by jury). i.e. an anthropomorphic view of dogs.


Another view is that the dog is property - an animal with animal rights, but not human rights. 23,000 dogs are destroyed because homes can't be found for them. AFAIK it is not illegal for an owner to kill their own dog. Fair to dogs doesn't come into this. Yet 'Champ' is being treated as if this animal were human. Shows what sunglasses can do for your image! :cool:

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ZZZ most dogs would do this, pitbull or not... most dogs by contrast though don't maul small children to death on a regular basis.


Nor do 'most' pit bulls I assume.

Before you become as bigoted as ST it's always worth looking for a contrast to your opinions.


I have stated before in this thread that this dog should be relocated (regardless of breed) although there are those who do not believe that it is an American Pit Bull Terrier, it is a 'Pit bull TYPE' and can pose a huge risk to the public at large.


I do agree with some of the sentiment of ST, but I don't think that the IOM has any place where this dog (or others of it's 'type') can live.


I would hate to see the animal destroyed and much prefer to see it homed in a sanctuary (should such a place exist) if one can be found. Should this prove impossible (which down to the stupidity of it's current so called owner looks likely) I can see no other options open to the authorities. Laws are there for a reason and should be enforced when required regardless of if we agree with them, as individuals, or not.


My hope would have been that the owner would have re-homed the dog before setting out on, what appears to be, a crusade. A responsible owner (such as the type that ST is banging on about) would have made the well being of the animal her priority at her own expense before setting out an ill fated quest for martyrdom.

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