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[BBC News] Banned pitbull seized on island


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Is the 'Champ' story being driven by what might be called the 'Maddy McCan Syndrome'? The McCanns were 100% right to try and do everything under the sun to get their daughter back and used evey bit of PR they could think of to do it.


However since then we seem to be getting more and more into situations where people with problems start Facebook campaigns, get posters in as many places as possible, have balloons made up, put petitions around, seek out the popular media, start fundraising etc etc...and criticise anyone and everyone who disagreees with them as being anti-social. In simple terms the dog's owner does not like the law in the IOM so is trying to force her own view of what it should be onto everyone else by PR assault and spin - despite the her inconsistency over the facts. She seems to think that making as much noise as possible and being as critical as possible of the authorities is the responsible way to behave. Maybe it will turn out that way?


But what's to be done about that? I'm assuming you'd protect freedom of speech, and the right to do all this - but even so you are expressing your disapproval of how this is being used in this case. The thing is it's not 'forcing her own view of what it should be' - it's simply expressing that view. No one need be taken in by it. Isn't the response exactly this - to express disapproval of how she is doing this and that this is not responsible, justified or even a remotely worthwhile cause. Basically she should 'grow up' and stop being an airhead and making ungrounded accusations. But if she wants to do this in Facebook, why not?


One of the things is it raises debate in an area where people do feel strongly - and possibly clears up misunderstandings and raises awareness of the law, why this is so, what can be done, and how people feel, including various insight inputs and so on. In that sense its no bad thing - actually a very good healthy thing. Just be nice if she could see a bit of reason.


BTW Did anyone see how many people went on the march she was organising this evening?

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Problem with screening on arrival is a dog may come off the boat, feeling a bit sick and stressed from a rough crossing and may not be in the best frame of mind for screening.


If on the other hand, you had 7 days to bring them in, that may work.


it could with adult dogs, but if you bring in an 8 week old pup, in the words of rolph harris 'can you tell what it is yet' ?? and i think john shimmins none breed specific words were based on the current dogs act as he is the DOLGE minister and not the DAFF minister. he would have said what he did in good faith probably having NO knowledge whatsoever of the wildlife act, like most people you wouldn't think to look there for dogs, remember this was pre fuckup and enlightenment. you mentioned earlier about changes in the law being drafted/sought?? can you clarify if if this is for the dogs act, or for the wildlife act? i realise it will be about dogs, but which act??

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I don't think Champ is a Pit Bull, from the looks of his face he's too short & wide in the muzzle, Pit's are more staffy looking, longer and more narrow in the face, that's why people call them "irish staffys" where as Champ appears to have a more of Dogue de Dordeaux or Mastiff cross type face, who ever was originally sold the dog was probably told he was a Pit Bull because they were willing the pay some stupid amount for a Pit Bull not actually knowing what one look likes.


Silly girl should of taken the oportunity to have him re-homed instead of dragging it on and him being stuck in kennels, probably the reason he's unsure of people, having them looking at him all day, eye balling him, my dog would probably act the same in that situation.

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Problem with screening on arrival is a dog may come off the boat, feeling a bit sick and stressed from a rough crossing and may not be in the best frame of mind for screening.


If on the other hand, you had 7 days to bring them in, that may work.


it could with adult dogs, but if you bring in an 8 week old pup, in the words of rolph harris 'can you tell what it is yet' ?? and i think john shimmins none breed specific words were based on the current dogs act as he is the DOLGE minister and not the DAFF minister. he would have said what he did in good faith probably having NO knowledge whatsoever of the wildlife act, like most people you wouldn't think to look there for dogs, remember this was pre fuckup and enlightenment. you mentioned earlier about changes in the law being drafted/sought?? can you clarify if if this is for the dogs act, or for the wildlife act? i realise it will be about dogs, but which act??


Whats the problem



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But what's to be done about that? I'm assuming you'd protect freedom of speech, and the right to do all this - but even so you are expressing your disapproval of how this is being used in this case. The thing is it's not 'forcing her own view of what it should be' - it's simply expressing that view. No one need be taken in by it. Isn't the response exactly this - to express disapproval of how she is doing this and that this is not responsible, justified or even a remotely worthwhile cause. Basically she should 'grow up' and stop being an airhead and making ungrounded accusations. But if she wants to do this in Facebook, why not?


One of the things is it raises debate in an area where people do feel strongly - and possibly clears up misunderstandings and raises awareness of the law, why this is so, what can be done, and how people feel, including various insight inputs and so on. In that sense its no bad thing - actually a very good healthy thing. Just be nice if she could see a bit of reason.


BTW Did anyone see how many people went on the march she was organising this evening?

Skeddan you're probably right in what you say. Certainly I do believe that people have every right to express their point of view. I just feel a bit depressed by the way that things seem reduced to the lowest common denominator, "Sun" style journalism and sensationalism. I could hardly believe it when I read your BTW - a protest march about a pitbull terrier! Organisers say 10,000 attended, Police say 10....


The other day I was watching "New Tricks" on TV - the character James Bolam plays made the comment that in the UK dogs are coverd by a "Royal" society (RSPCA) whilst children are only covered by a "National" society (NSPCC) - as he said that shows our priorities...

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PS: I saw a comment elsewhere that she has now had an offer to rehome it. Does anyone know anything about this?


I don''t think there has been an offer - but if it's in Ireland they'll have to get a move on the boats stop soon!!!


Don't worry. By the time this is all sorted out if it's getting moved and the boats have stopped the bloody thing will probably get transported in a gold plated lear jet all to itself at our expense, whilst she gets a big paycheque from the sun for her gut wrenching story of woe & anguish just for being an incy wincy bit illegal. <_<

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Preparing to get my head bit off here - not literally I hope - but why would anyone want to have a breed of dog like this I dont know? Why would anyone want a dog like a pit bull or any of these other 'killer breeds' is beyond me.


The papers frequently run stories on dogs 'ripping apart' kiddies by dogs that were family pets or 'were placid' 'never showed signs of anger' or whatever. They can't be trusted!!! Ever. It's in the breed for heavens sake!!

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Preparing to get my head bit off here - not literally I hope - but why would anyone want to have a breed of dog like this I dont know? Why would anyone want a dog like a pit bull or any of these other 'killer breeds' is beyond me.


The papers frequently run stories on dogs 'ripping apart' kiddies by dogs that were family pets or 'were placid' 'never showed signs of anger' or whatever. They can't be trusted!!! Ever. It's in the breed for heavens sake!!


The totally agree with you...the only risk of getting your head bit off here would be by Champ!

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Preparing to get my head bit off here - not literally I hope - but why would anyone want to have a breed of dog like this I dont know? Why would anyone want a dog like a pit bull or any of these other 'killer breeds' is beyond me.


The papers frequently run stories on dogs 'ripping apart' kiddies by dogs that were family pets or 'were placid' 'never showed signs of anger' or whatever. They can't be trusted!!! Ever. It's in the breed for heavens sake!!



Why is you being racsist to fluffy mummy boy dogs?





You're not going to get bits bitten off in my opinion for said sentiments. Why should some one be allowed to break the law?

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Preparing to get my head bit off here - not literally I hope - but why would anyone want to have a breed of dog like this I dont know? Why would anyone want a dog like a pit bull or any of these other 'killer breeds' is beyond me.


The papers frequently run stories on dogs 'ripping apart' kiddies by dogs that were family pets or 'were placid' 'never showed signs of anger' or whatever. They can't be trusted!!! Ever. It's in the breed for heavens sake!!

I have 5 dogs, 4 different breeds so yes I can see your point especially as I have an 11 year old daughter, I would never dream of putting her in danger with any of these so called dangerous breeds, why on earth would I ever consider taking that risk, these are dogs after all, much as I love my pets they are breeds chosen for family. No doubt some will give me shit for that but when their kids have their faces ripped off good luck to em!!!! My daughter and me know where we stand with ours and have for about 15 years now!!

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Preparing to get my head bit off here - not literally I hope - but why would anyone want to have a breed of dog like this I dont know? Why would anyone want a dog like a pit bull or any of these other 'killer breeds' is beyond me.


The papers frequently run stories on dogs 'ripping apart' kiddies by dogs that were family pets or 'were placid' 'never showed signs of anger' or whatever. They can't be trusted!!! Ever. It's in the breed for heavens sake!!

I have 5 dogs, 4 different breeds so yes I can see your point especially as I have an 11 year old daughter, I would never dream of putting her in danger with any of these so called dangerous breeds, why on earth would I ever consider taking that risk, these are dogs after all, much as I love my pets they are breeds chosen for family. No doubt some will give me shit for that but when their kids have their faces ripped off good luck to em!!!! My daughter and me know where we stand with ours and have for about 15 years now!!

Bet your house smells lush....

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Preparing to get my head bit off here - not literally I hope - but why would anyone want to have a breed of dog like this I dont know? Why would anyone want a dog like a pit bull or any of these other 'killer breeds' is beyond me.


The papers frequently run stories on dogs 'ripping apart' kiddies by dogs that were family pets or 'were placid' 'never showed signs of anger' or whatever. They can't be trusted!!! Ever. It's in the breed for heavens sake!!

I have 5 dogs, 4 different breeds so yes I can see your point especially as I have an 11 year old daughter, I would never dream of putting her in danger with any of these so called dangerous breeds, why on earth would I ever consider taking that risk, these are dogs after all, much as I love my pets they are breeds chosen for family. No doubt some will give me shit for that but when their kids have their faces ripped off good luck to em!!!! My daughter and me know where we stand with ours and have for about 15 years now!!

Bet your house smells lush....

Actually a couple of them live outside but what a pointless comment!!!!

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