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[BBC News] Banned pitbull seized on island


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My first thought is always I'm not worried, if he does bite, he's going home dead.

This is the wrong way round. It should be a dog owner's first thought that if their dog does attack and bite, then the dog may be had up for being a dangerous dog and may well be seized and end up being put down (and the owner possibly banned from owning another dog, fined, and having to pay damages).


You should look to the law to protect you and your dog, not dog-eat-dog killing power. That kind of wild-west 'me and my shotgun' attitude is part of the problem, not the solution.


Now perhaps what is needed and one should expect is for the police to respond to the recent attack on the poodle and treat this seriously, as they should with any dog attack. That way people and dog owners can feel that they needn't worry unduly as there will be consequences in the event of a dog attack. But the proper authorities are responsible for those consequences, not dogfights in the streets.


That's very noble but unfortunately in the middle of a heated dogfiight when there's blood and fur flying, the police aren't always there to help.


The poodle owner in the recent attack has done everything by the book and where has it got them?


I'll put it another way, you see your son/daughter or close family member being attacked, do you wait for the authorities to deal with the offender or do you intervene?


Incidentally, If I were the owner of the poodle, I would have done everything in my power to stop the dog attacking, even if that ihad to involve killing it. I would then have turned my attention to the scumbag owner and would have "detained" him for the police.


There is such a thing as law of self defence and it is there for a reason.

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Yes there is a law of self defence. Justifiable self defence is only what is needed for self defence. Killing the dog shouldn't be the first thought.


But the point is that any self defence is last resort. The first thing going through your mind shouldn't be about 'taking on' any dog which you fear might pose a potential threat. People should be able to have confidence that dog owners are law abiding and have their dogs properly trained and under control. If not, what is the next stage? Training your dog to be a better fighting dog in case it should it come to it? Getting bigger and fiercer dogs? Having an American Pitbull Terrier?


The poodle owner in the recent attack has done everything by the book and where has it got them?


That sounds like how a vigilante might justify themselves.


Is there is a real problem with dog attacks? Is the issue that people are no longer safe because nothing is done about these?


in the middle of a heated dogfiight when there's blood and fur flying, the police aren't always there to help.

Are you not perhaps partly responsible yourself - by not taking action and making a complaint about these dangerous dogs that attacked yours? (I take it that it wasn't the other way round). Attacks with blood and fur flying sound serious - and should be reported - did the police do nothing about these?

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Incidentally, If I were the owner of the poodle, I would have done everything in my power to stop the dog attacking, even if that ihad to involve killing it. I would then have turned my attention to the scumbag owner and would have "detained" him for the police.


Maybe you could have clocked it with your knuckle-duster before strangling it with your big gold chain. You'd risk getting some blood on your Rockports though!

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I assume you are referring to Satffy's, Rotties, etc.,


My experience is that owners of these types of dogs generally have them on leads. It's the owners of smaller or less powerful dogs who usually have their dogs off lead and out of control.


I don't know how many times I have been out with one of my Staffy's and have some offlead dog bounding up to us all excited with the owner shouting "don't worry he doesn't bite". My first thought is always I'm not worried, if he does bite, he's going home dead.


When will these idiots learn. Your dog may not bite but by jumping about all over a Staffy's owner, there's always a risk that Mr Staffy will taken offence!

I really find you a most contradictory person. One minute you are lamenting irresponsible owners and claiming that if only people would take responsibility problems with dangerous dogs wouldn't occur.


Now you are admitting that you cannot control your dog in a situation which occurs every day in parks all over the country. I am most definitely NOT defending people who let their dogs run free, but it is a reality - a given in the training of any dog - but here are you not only saying that your dog would react aggressively, but you seem proud of this behaviour.


A well trained dog will not respond aggressively to provocation, will not escallate. It would seem that your dog is at risk at turning on a boystrous dog in the park.


Do you really claim that this is controlled, responsible dog ownership.


You have obviously never owned a dog, your statements are very naive.


It's quite clear, I have my dog on a lead, another dog approaches.

I have never said my dog loves every other dog it meets however in most cases, out walking, vet surgery, he turns a blind eye.


However.....if another dog comes bounding up to me, there is a chance my dog will go into protection mode and defend. It all depends on how the dog approaches, if it comes slowly, tail wagging, there won't be a problem. If it sprints over barking, there will be trouble. Short of hanging him in the air by the lead, theres is not much you can do if they decide to fight.


The idiots who shout "don't worry my dog doesn't bite" should also take into consideration that the dog they are approaching might not like other dogs and possbily will bite.


Try picking on the idiots that let there dog run loose!

Scottish Terrier .. although I don't agree with some of your posts, I have to agree on this one. I have a dog that was attacked by a charging dog, and while he used to be quite a placid dog, a charging dog now means attack to him and he will retaliate. If there is an excitable charging dog anywhere near us he is put straight on his lead. As far as I am concerned, my dog is now under control, if the other dog continues to run at us, and get in his face he will snap at them. I have consulted a lot of proffessionals and spent a lot of money to try and rectify this, and try and make him more tolerant to RUDE dogs, only to be told the same thing by all of them, the charging dog is in the wrong, mine is afraid and is defending himself, and that I have done as much as I can .... another dog approaching calmly is never a problem. I try to avoid any dogs that are running around like lunatics, but normally find that they follow us, with the owners shouting "its ok he just wants to play" leaving me to not only deal with my own dog but theirs as well when it all kicks off ...grrrrr makes me mad

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I did agree with you at first, but my nice walk on the prom on Friday.........lets just say I'm pretty much fucked off!!!!!


1) I had to try and find my way past people, well I say people, kids walking staffies, barking at my dog and did one person move or even attempt to try and control the dogs.........nope!!!!


2) One dog took a massive shit right in front of me, when I asked the owner " are you picking that up I got a very polite " fuck off " and also from the Irish gentlemen in the green t-shirt.


Was it even picked up.......NOPE!!!!!!!!


You filled every stereo type when that dog walk happened, CHAV CENTRAL!!!



By that dog taking a shit and the silly girl with the bucket not picking it up, I couldnt help but make a call to the council and it wasnt just me that saw it, a nice gentlemen was there also watching who said he was doing the same.



It wouldnt surprise now, because of you they ban people walking there dogs on the prom!!!!



I think you should be made to eat the dog shit!


Piss up and brewery spring to my mind.

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I did agree with you at first, but my nice walk on the prom on Friday.........lets just say I'm pretty much fucked off!!!!!

As a matter of interest how many thousands of Champ supporters turned out?

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I did agree with you at first, but my nice walk on the prom on Friday.........lets just say I'm pretty much fucked off!!!!!

As a matter of interest how many thousands of Champ supporters turned out?


From what I saw about 100 people, basicaly walking in rows so you couldnt get passed and if you tried, was made very difficult.


The ballons were a nice touch, I hope they popped when the kids took them home and the dogs shit/pissed everywhere with the shock.

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