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[BBC News] Banned pitbull seized on island


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The dog's name must be a slight indication of its nature, ASBO. I didn't think it looked at all like a pitull terrier in the photo - it doesn't have the sweet look of our Champ. Neither does it have a collection box round its neck.


Just shows that these dogs are not to be trusted.

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The woman, 29, was arrested after her pet went on a two-hour rampage in Mitcham, south London.


How old is our wise and powerful Sarah?


What is the attraction of having a big, powerful, potentially lethal dog in your possession?


I am gonna get a "KILL CHAMP" Bumper sticker made tomorrow. Not that I wish any particular harm to the poor animal as it has had no choice in proceedings, but I am sick of anyone supporting this animal's right to stay on the Island.

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The woman, 29, was arrested after her pet went on a two-hour rampage in Mitcham, south London.


How old is our wise the powerful Sarah?


What is the attraction of having a big, powerful, potentially lethal dog in your possession?


I am gonna get a "KILL CHAMP" Bumper sticker made tomorrow


Not that I wish any particular harm to the poor animal as it has had no choice in proceedings, but I am sick of anyone supporting compaining about this animal's right to stay on the Island. Look at the indavividial dog, imo.


I think that sums it up what most, uninformed, can't be arsed to look at breeds, but kill everything they don't like, and can be a topic off bullshit in the pub.


Ok, i spent two hrs today working a Staffie. The reason was becuase to owner didn't want to have her dog classed as a killer. The dog was perfect, without my trianing.

. You bought it, you teach it. It it goes balls up, it's your fault. iIm sick and fucking pissed of at the " the dogs a badden "


Dogs aren't born bad but then they have to meet cockheads who don't put the dog before their own status.


Marge Juoghin, big animal rights, was up in court many time over her dogs. She thought they should run free. Untill they harrassed other people. SAhe blagged it for years. Bad owner imo. That's an animal lover. She was the worst thing the dogs could have as she thought it was right. Not the dog.


Had enough, going to bed, nn all.


ps; love you Glayds and sorry but i can't be arsed anymore.


Imo, Champ, should be taken off it's owner, put in the Mspca, and get a better owner than the flange who, possibly, owns him now.

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The woman, 29, was arrested after her pet went on a two-hour rampage in Mitcham, south London.


How old is our wise the powerful Sarah?


What is the attraction of having a big, powerful, potentially lethal dog in your possession?


I am gonna get a "KILL CHAMP" Bumper sticker made tomorrow


Not that I wish any particular harm to the poor animal as it has had no choice in proceedings, but I am sick of anyone supporting compaining about this animal's right to stay on the Island. Look at the indavividial dog, imo.


I think that sums it up what most, uninformed, can't be arsed to look at breeds, but kill everything they don't like, and can be a topic off bullshit in the pub.


Ok, i spent two hrs today working a Staffie. The reason was becuase to owner didn't want to have her dog classed as a killer. The dog was perfect, without my trianing.

. You bought it, you teach it. It it goes balls up, it's your fault. iIm sick and fucking pissed of at the " the dogs a badden "


Dogs aren't born bad but then they have to meet cockheads who don't put the dog before their own status.


Marge Juoghin, big animal rights, was up in court many time over her dogs. She thought they should run free. Untill they harrassed other people. SAhe blagged it for years. Bad owner imo. That's an animal lover. She was the worst thing the dogs could have as she thought it was right. Not the dog.


Had enough, going to bed, nn all.


ps; love you Glayds and sorry but i can't be arsed anymore.


Imo, Champ, should be taken off it's owner, put in the Mspca, and get a better owner than the flange who, possibly, owns him now.


They are not born bad, I agree. But they are born with the means to attack, and depending on breed the consequences of that attack differ drastically. I saw a picture of Champ sat next to Sarah on a Park bench, and that thing is twice the size of a Staff. I also saw it completely supporting its own body weight by its jaws on a rope swing (before the video dissappeared).


Now, I am sure that you will agree, that you can get 99% of dogs to bite if you poke/prod/annoy them enough. Down the road, even if the person begged to be attacked by doing something like this to champ, and he had enough and turned on the person; who is to say he will stop after he has tought that person a lesson, and not go on a wrecking spree like this dog in London?


I am not a behavioural expert. But I know that any living creature has the instinct of self preservation, but I don't think dogs fully under stand the term 'reasonable force'.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I was "invited" to join the save champ group on facebook.....oh how I laughed!


Anyone recall those carefree days when we had nothing worse to post about than Champ?


So what's the latest? Emigrated? Deceased? Still on Death Row? How's the campaign doing? Has the "independent" expert arrived? Has he pronounced?


Enquiring minds NEED to know.



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Crikey chaps! We've been spotted

IOM Today - Your Shout

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2008 15:01: There's a lengthy discussion on Champ on Manx forums.



For those with a sensitive demeanour, then you may not want to read what's said.




I am not sure whether 'sensitive demeanour' means those who are so sensitive that they cannot stand the idea of an illegal breed of dog being kept on the island or those who simply love little doggies in sunglasses. Seems a good choice of both here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sod all the unimportant news like the US Elections, the latest BBC outrage, credit crunch, congo crisis, etc - Champ is BACK!!!!


American Pitbull Champ is still in Limbo


Relevant quotes...

Sara had made a petition of doleance to stop the dog being put down before an expert from the UK came over to look at Champ, but the petition has now been withdrawn.


I wonder why?


UK animal behaviour expert Dr Roger Mugford had been invited to come over to the Isle of Man to have a look at the dog to determine if he was actually an American Pit Bull breed [...] but this week a spokesman for Dr Mugford said that he had been advised that his services were no longer required by Ms Kneen


I wonder why?


But the main thing that is puzzling me is what has happened to all the money that was raised to bring this chap over in the first place?


Ms Kneen was not available for comment this week.


Well that's a f**king first. And again, I have to wonder why?

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Well, I called it on the petition, being an online anonymous petition, it held no credability or relevance to the local views; and I expect her legal team advised her that it would not hold water in court. Although, not being a member of our illustrious legal system, these are just my views ;)


It would be VERY interesting to hear from Ms Kneen how much money was raised, and what will happen to it now Mr Mugford is no longer required.

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Well, I called it on the petition, being an online anonymous petition, it held no credability or relevance to the local views; and I expect her legal team advised her that it would not hold water in court. Although, not being a member of our illustrious legal system, these are just my views ;)


It would be VERY interesting to hear from Ms Kneen how much money was raised, and what will happen to it now Mr Mugford is no longer required.


She should give it all to the MSPCA asap, or to the owner of the dog that was torn to pieces in douglas by a similar type of dog. :angry:

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